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Effect of the weed on sex?

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Spending a couple of nights in Amsterdam, I decided to eat one of the "space cakes." Believe it or not, the first time I've had the weed since high school! Well, I had expected it to make me less horny, or about the same, but to my surprise, it made me incredibly horny! I really blew a monster load. I thought "How come I didn't know about this, or somehow had the opposite idea?". Then I read a bit about this online, and was surprised to read that the effect of THC on libido is very varied!

Marijuana has a wide range of physiological, psychological, and behavioral effects that are attributed to the many separate compounds of which it is composed. Historically considered an aphrodisiac, marijuana actually has a complex relationship with sex. In recent surveys on the self-reported effects of marijuana, a third of people report that sex is an important factor in their decision to use marijuana. These respondents stated that marijuana intensified sexual experiences by enhancing libido, control, and touch sensitivity and lowering inhibitions. However, other respondents reported that marijuana made them lose interest in sex, feel too lethargic for sex, or too self-conscious to enjoy it. And still others reported no difference between sex with and without prior marijuana use. Another survey claimed that the majority of users feel horny after smoking, and that 66 percent of subjects reported having marijuana increase the duration of a sexual experience. However, again, other respondents in the survey blamed marijuana for either losing interest in sex or being unable to have an orgasm at least once during sex under the influence. These studies show that marijuana affects people’s libido very differently, so your boyfriend might fall into any of these categories.


So I'm curious as to how usual or unusual the reaction I had was. I'm sure some of you have tried it. Did it make you more or less horny?

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I live in BC and have a number of pothead friends. Pot and sex are a science of its own. Apparently there are two different types of pot, Indica and Sativa. Indica will give you a stronger, deeper, heavier body stone. Hard to put sentences together, hard to move, bordering on catatonic. Not good for sex. Sativa on the other hand will give you a more mental, giggly, light, fun high and apparently there's nothing quite like this kind of high to have sex.


Of course, different people react differently the same stimulus, so this is a very personal thing.


If you live in a state where pot is legal you should go to a store and ask directly for a good pot for fucking. They will happily talk your head off on the subject.

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I live in BC and have a number of pothead friends. Pot and sex are a science of its own. Apparently there are two different types of pot, Indica and Sativa. Indica will give you a stronger, deeper, heavier body stone. Hard to put sentences together, hard to move, bordering on catatonic. Not good for sex. Sativa on the other hand will give you a more mental, giggly, light, fun high and apparently there's nothing quite like this kind of high to have sex.


Of course, different people react differently the same stimulus, so this is a very personal thing.


If you live in a state where pot is legal you should go to a store and ask directly for a good pot for fucking. They will happily talk your head off on the subject.


Can I come smoke Sativa with you some time?

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i have not used MJ in quite a number of years. When i was younger, it lessened my inhibitions, of which i had many regarding sex and therefore it freed me to be more creative and willing in my sexual aggressiveness and sex play. However, smoke a bit too much toke and i wound up sleepy and unable to move on the bed, the floor, a chair, a bus, well just about anywhere. So in general, i think of MJ as an inhibition lowering drug, like alcohol, which can kill you desire if used to excess, like alcohol. The balance, that is the key.

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The Fusion article linked in the thread FreshFluff started on part-time gay escorts has a link to the following:


How legal weed could change the future of sex


Apparently, the author didn't get the memo about the sexual effects of marijuana being variable. In any event, like PK and Unicorn, it's been awhile since I partook -- to be exact, since the fall semester of my first year of law school -- and the number of times I indulged can be counted on the fingers of one hand.


For me, marijuana was a huge aphrodisiac, much more so than booze. (Alcohol, which I can no longer tolerate much of anyway for other reasons, often makes me sleepy.) There was a close to one-to-one ratio between partaking of marijuana and having sex; the first time I smoked a joint was also the first time I had sex. On another occasion, I had the longest, most memorable orgasm ever while high. Marijuana not only made me horny, it relaxed me and altered my perception of time. Beyond that, though, I'm not sure whether it lowered my inhibitions or merely made it easier for me to act on desires that were already present.


I've been told marijuana strains have gotten stronger since then. There may have been other changes as well. So I don't know if I'd experience the same thing if I tried it now. FWIW, marijuana is the only legally banned mind-altering substance I've ever used. I considered all of the others (cocaine, whippets, quaaludes, uppers, LSD, etc.) too risky.

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I live in BC and have a number of pothead friends. Pot and sex are a science of its own. Apparently there are two different types of pot, Indica and Sativa. Indica will give you a stronger, deeper, heavier body stone. Hard to put sentences together, hard to move, bordering on catatonic. Not good for sex. Sativa on the other hand will give you a more mental, giggly, light, fun high and apparently there's nothing quite like this kind of high to have sex.


Of course, different people react differently the same stimulus, so this is a very personal thing.


If you live in a state where pot is legal you should go to a store and ask directly for a good pot for fucking. They will happily talk your head off on the subject.


That's exactly what I did. - asked a medical marijuana distributor to give me the best product for sex.

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax. I wonder what they'd say at the pot shop if I asked specifically for a sphincter-relaxing strain. ;)


I guess it's kinda, sorta legal here in California. I think you need a "recommendation" from a doctor or something. I assume I could get an edible something and wouldn't have to smoke it (ew).

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I did pot in college a few times - many, many years ago. Over the last 15 years I've tried it and it did nothing for me. About three years ago a guy offered me some, I assumed it would have the same non-effect, but, it was totally different. It did increase my horniness level, but, it took two days to recover. I have heard marijuana has gotten stronger in the last few years. It's enough for me to be much more wary about trying it.

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax. I wonder what they'd say at the pot shop if I asked specifically for a sphincter-relaxing strain. ;)


I guess it's kinda, sorta legal here in California. I think you need a "recommendation" from a doctor or something. I assume I could get an edible something and wouldn't have to smoke it (ew).


In California we have "legal" pot - you get your doctor to write a letter of necessity, take it to another doctor who gives you a letter saying you need it medically and you get an ID card. You then go to one of the myriad of "dispensaries" (making sure you bring your letter approving you to the first visit of any particular dispensary (the ID card is superfluous). Then you can be a kid in a candy store - smokable, edible, vaporizable, just about any form you want, from mild to VERY strong. It also comes in tinctures (liquids) and you just use a tiny dropperful directly in the mouth. Last, you can even have it delivered to wherever you want in under 2 hours from order to delivery! Most will give some freebies to first time patrons: usually a cookie or candy and a few joints.


About the sphincter issue, I think I might want to say that you are all stressed out and want the most "relaxing" strain they have!

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax.


I would strongly recommend against that. Your resistance is not in your body, it's in your head. Pot might relax your body, but believe me, it will heighten your thoughts, ideas, perceptions. When these are all pleasurable and fun, the heightening of them results in more fun, but if you are afraid of some dude trying to go into your ass, if you have unresolved emotional issues about it, if you have any anger or bad memories attached to your ass when it comes to penetration, I assure you, it's going to get much worse with pot.


What I would recommend to get over this bump and getting over your reluctance to getting fucked is really simple. You have to reprogram yourself. At some point, because of a bad experience or just because of an internalized shame or prejudice, your brain started believing that only pain is associated with your ass when it comes to penetration. All you have to do to get over that, is change that association.


When you are alone and relaxed, set 15 minutes aside to just play with your ass. Start outside, with some lube, and massage gently in circles, in all directions. Breather and relax. If you feel any resistance, breathe and focus consciously on how pleasurable some things can feel on your ass. Try to do this as often as every other day, even before going to bed. When you feel ready, after a few days of playing outside, start by inserting one finger. Make sure the fingernail is perfectly smooth and soft, your hands and ass clean, and again, don't fuck yourself, just try to find the places, the ridges, the specific movements that give you pleasure. Do this for a few more days. When you are ready, move to a very slim dildo. Use a condom on it and lots of lube, and again, it's all about you finding what is pleasurable and fun. A few days of this will get you ready for a bigger dildo and then you can start jerking off, and seeing it as a sex act. A few sessions of this, and I assure you you will notice your reluctance to getting fucked will be greatly diminished. All you will need is for a few sessions with a good, patient top who understand what you are going through, and soon enough you will realize how much in control you are of your ass, of what goes in, what goes out, how your lover treats you and how much pleasure you can get out of it.


Then, by all means get stoned if you want, and I assure you there will be absolutely no paranoia, no forcing, no fear. You know your body, your brain knows your body is built for pleasure, you are in control.


I'm rooting for you and your ass!

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax. I wonder what they'd say at the pot shop if I asked specifically for a sphincter-relaxing strain. ;)


I guess it's kinda, sorta legal here in California. I think you need a "recommendation" from a doctor or something. I assume I could get an edible something and wouldn't have to smoke it (ew).



Some strains are good for muscle relaxation.

I would strongly recommend against that. Your resistance is not in your body, it's in your head. Pot might relax your body, but believe me, it will heighten your thoughts, ideas, perceptions. When these are all pleasurable and fun, the heightening of them results in more fun, but if you are afraid of some dude trying to go into your ass, if you have unresolved emotional issues about it, if you have any anger or bad memories attached to your ass when it comes to penetration, I assure you, it's going to get much worse with pot.


What I would recommend to get over this bump and getting over your reluctance to getting fucked is really simple. You have to reprogram yourself. At some point, because of a bad experience or just because of an internalized shame or prejudice, your brain started believing that only pain is associated with your ass when it comes to penetration. All you have to do to get over that, is change that association.


When you are alone and relaxed, set 15 minutes aside to just play with your ass. Start outside, with some lube, and massage gently in circles, in all directions. Breather and relax. If you feel any resistance, breathe and focus consciously on how pleasurable some things can feel on your ass. Try to do this as often as every other day, even before going to bed. When you feel ready, after a few days of playing outside, start by inserting one finger. Make sure the fingernail is perfectly smooth and soft, your hands and ass clean, and again, don't fuck yourself, just try to find the places, the ridges, the specific movements that give you pleasure. Do this for a few more days. When you are ready, move to a very slim dildo. Use a condom on it and lots of lube, and again, it's all about you finding what is pleasurable and fun. A few days of this will get you ready for a bigger dildo and then you can start jerking off, and seeing it as a sex act. A few sessions of this, and I assure you you will notice your reluctance to getting fucked will be greatly diminished. All you will need is for a few sessions with a good, patient top who understand what you are going through, and soon enough you will realize how much in control you are of your ass, of what goes in, what goes out, how your lover treats you and how much pleasure you can get out of it.


Then, by all means get stoned if you want, and I assure you there will be absolutely no paranoia, no forcing, no fear. You know your body, your brain knows your body is built for pleasure, you are in control.


I'm rooting for you and your ass!



One can also learn to manage the anxiety and obsessive thoughts that cause paranoia when stoned. An episode of pot-related anxiety typically occurs in sort of a spiral. If you catch it at the beginning of the spiral you can short-circuit it. One tool that really helps is to remember that all of that anxiety is just thoughts and that your own thoughts won't kill you.

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax. I wonder what they'd say at the pot shop if I asked specifically for a sphincter-relaxing strain. ;)


First time I successfully (i.e., enjoyably) bottomed, I prepared by eating some hashish beforehand. Helped enormously.


As did the butyl nitrite and the nitrous oxide. :rolleyes:

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Do you think weed might help me get over my reluctance to get fucked? :eek: I guess it helps you relax. I wonder what they'd say at the pot shop if I asked specifically for a sphincter-relaxing strain. ;)


What I would recommend to overcome a "reluctance" to getting fucked is to jack off while taking in a very small dildo. I think they come even smaller than this:



As you start to associate pleasure with prostate stimulation, you'll be able to (and probably want to) graduate to more life-sized dildos, then want to try it in real life....

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There's prepared and there's overprepared. :p


Sen. Sam Ervin told the story of a man informed by telegram that his mother-in-law had passed on, and asked whether he wanted her cremated or buried. He wired back, "Take no chances--cremate and bury!"

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