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My favorite part of a guy's body. I usually like them when they are of a decent size and are solid. I need something to play with and lick you know.


Anybody else have a fetish for them?


Welcome RSully94.

You will find that a few of us (!) are wayyyyyyyy into nipples - I think you can do a search and you will be well-rewarded. Or check some of Whipped Guy's posts. You will be more than rewarded!

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I'm into nipples. I like licking, sucking, biting, pinching, twisting, rubbing, and otherwise playing with them, and I like for others to do those things to me (as many escorts could tell you). There's probably nothing that gets me hard faster than having someone play with my nipples.



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Welcome RSully94... You came to the right place... LOL!! However, since you just joined perhaps you did not catch the following recent threads:








ENJOY! :);)

Edited by whipped guy
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Guest Wetnwildbear

Harder Please


I'm into nipples. I like licking, sucking, biting, pinching, twisting, rubbing, and otherwise playing with them, and I like for others to do those things to me (as many escorts could tell you). There's probably nothing that gets me hard faster than having someone play with my nipples.


Ditto -- Harder Please -- Because the Harder you Work them the Harder I Get

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I'm into nipples. I like licking, sucking, biting, pinching, twisting, rubbing, and otherwise playing with them, and I like for others to do those things to me (as many escorts could tell you). There's probably nothing that gets me hard faster than having someone play with my nipples.


By now I must be +10 -- by far my favorite activity with a guy! (My most amazing experiences was with British porn actor Steve Masters (12 hours working on nips bigger than pencil erasers and that never got tired of being manipulated.

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I'm into nipples. I like licking, sucking, biting, pinching, twisting, rubbing, and otherwise playing with them, and I like for others to do those things to me (as many escorts could tell you). There's probably nothing that gets me hard faster than having someone play with my nipples . this is really awesome stuff. I will also like it . I thin k that we are both of same taste. So, you can also try something of my taste here.

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Was just thinking of posting to this thread.  Been having discussions around nipple play and the topic came up about the size of a guys nips.  I think large puffy nipples are hot and fun to play with but my one friend hates them and calls them girl nips which I don't get at all.  I actually hate small nipples which can be a turn off for me.  Then there are guys who aren't into it because they don't feel anything or they're ultra sensitive and afraid guys will be too rough.  I've actually had a couple of younger str8 guys who were dead set on me not touching their nipples at all.

For me it's my #1 thing I love to do and have done to me.  I love looking at a mans chest and his nipples, big turn on.  Nipple play was my first sexual experience with guys.  What has been everyone else's experience?

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