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When you find a provider on a dating or hookup site

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And of course there’s the reverse - turn down a provider on one of the apps. The few times this has happened w me - i.e. I knew they were a provider, had never met them, don’t know how the conv would have gone but didn’t let it proceed to the bait and switch … they weren’t happy.

”I never get turned down … have you seen me?” The unspoken response … but in some cases it can hit at their core self definition.

it’s almost like they believe people will pay to sleep with them … oh wait


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I've hired providers on Grindr, Instagram etc that have Rentmen profiles. In all cases on the social-hookup platforms they didn't advertise they're a provider, and usually I'm quoted a rate lower than their RM fee.

In my city it's normal to see providers on dating-hookup apps. I just keep the two avenues separate. If I come across a provider on Grindr and am interested I'm reaching out to hire. 

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3 hours ago, BonVivant said:

I think we all need to stop denigrating ourselves here. If I meet and play with someone then he and I are in each others league. What gets us there is an exchange of what one has and the other wants! 

Vastly different view of transactional nature of escorting service. But if it makes you happy then........

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18 hours ago, DWnyc said:

And of course there’s the reverse - turn down a provider on one of the apps. The few times this has happened w me - i.e. I knew they were a provider, had never met them, don’t know how the conv would have gone but didn’t let it proceed to the bait and switch … they weren’t happy.

”I never get turned down … have you seen me?” The unspoken response … but in some cases it can hit at their core self definition.

it’s almost like they believe people will pay to sleep with them … oh wait

What clients realize mostly is they get turned down all the time.  What should be obvious is that escorts get rejected al the time too.  Every time someone sees the ad and moves on to someone else, that escort has been rejected.  Granted it is not the humiliating have to watch the look of "are you kidding me" on his face type of rejection, but nevertheless it is rejection.  Every escort you do not rehire for cause, is being rejected.  It would be foolish of anyone, even the most classically beautiful of us to think that we are not rejected all the time.  


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The category of hookup ads where providers seek something very different from their RM profiles intrigues me though - and I wonder if those are sometimes about seeking personal gratification than ads which are just bait and switch and trying to hook in business. 

Just the other day I saw a provider in my area (never met him but have seen his ads and some of his posts on here) - his provider persona is total top, dom etc - yet the ad was for “use me, breed me” etc. No judgement in any way on anything but those are two extremes - and I’ve seen similar or less divergent hookup profiles before. 

One provider did share with me he goes online on hookup sites to do market research - Ie if he’s going to be a provider in a sub role he’ll be a dom in hookups for a while to see what the market seems to want etc - doesn’t always end up meeting them but the conversations help him understand 


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