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411 on IvyLeagueMrBig


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I'm a bit frustrated with myself because I'm also continually attracted to Dean (and his claims of bondage domination skills) because of how attractive I find him.  I'm on the 'pink flag' train here with BtmBearDad.  And I have spent $800 and hour on an escort before - he was great, but it put me in the 'no one is worth $800 camp' pretty firmly.  Don't get me wrong, either - I'm not a trust fund baby, and I was thinking with the head that doesn't have to worry about money.  

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13 hours ago, griffen33 said:

It's a shame that there isn't a mechanism to track all the name changes in RM.  That would be a yellow/red flag if you saw a profile change names as many as this one has.

It’s funny… this is something I’ve been working on for the new review system. 

Once we have the new review platform launched, a new forum topic will be generated by the platform. It will become a “master thread” around the provider. If the name is changed, the provider database record can be reported and updated. 

The system will track the current name and have a secondary field that shows former names. (This formerly known as field will only be updated by moderators to prevent abuse.)

It will also then sync back to that original master topic original post with the updated details  

There may be a few limited cases such as stalking or other safety situations where a moderator may implicitly choose not to update a record… but the idea is that we would have our own way of tracking this within the community. 

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Thank you for your due diligence on that @RadioRob. I think it's completely acceptable for a provider to come here to explain or defend themselves, but creating fake profiles is a HUGE red flag. I don't know how anyone would be ok with the blatant manipulation and lying of that. If he's already trying to create this false narrative online, I wouldn't expect any better in session.

He's a good looking guy, sure, but that's not uncommon in this field. Add in his exorbitant fee and multi-hour booking expectations and his essay long posts and it's all way too dramatic for my tastes. 

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It's been said many times that a provider rates and requirements aren't out of line for those who are willing to meet them. That said, I do wonder if this provider isn't trying too hard. I would expect someone like him to draw a small but affluent circle of clients. If that were the case, he'd presumably not be in particular need of new clients. The business with the fake profiles, though, makes me think that maybe this isn't the case. 

I recall at one point he was looking for a roommate, but I assume that's been addressed.

In any case, I wish him and his clients well.

Edited by guru68
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I have met IvyleagueMrBig and can swear to you he is real and his clients are real.  IvyleagueMrBig is everything he says he is.  I have met him several times - in LA, in San Diego and in New York.  Each time was amazing.  I have provided my phone number to Radiobob and Kevin Slater and am willing to do a video chat to prove who I am.  I am happy to post in his defense as I have found him to be a great person and incredible in bed. HE is in a class by himself.  No other provider comes close. My first session with him went an incredible 10 hours!  I have sent him a deposit for a full weekend coming up in April.  He is the real deal.  The reviews that were deleted are real; IvyleagueMrBig does not need to defend himself.  I, like his other cients, do not post often on these forums.  Because of that, I believe you think it is him.  His clients tend to be of a wealthier group and are very discreet.  How do I make sure my posts about him will not be deleted? I want you to know that the user posts you deleted are not from the provider and StarGZ and VictorX are real clients. I have met them through IvyleagueMrBig.

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I'm going to paste the message that I sent @pdxrick via private message when I was asked about how to make sure a reply is not deleted:


To quote William Shakespeare in Hamlet...

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

There is a time in which it becomes obvious when someone comes to a site and spend their time fiercely defending a single person while each and very other post is just random messages that are not anywhere near thought out.  This site has existed for over 20 years.  The only time this happens is when the provider itself is doing the posting or encouraging specific people to try and defend them.  

It's also interesting that you would absolutely know that StarGZ and VictorX were real clients.  

  • It's VERY uncommon for a provider's clients to all know each other.  Discretion is typically one of the hallmark requirements for this business.  Especially given the large difference in geographic location.  
  • Even if the provider's clients somehow knew each other, it's even more unusual for them to not just know about this site, but to know each other's handle here.  
  • It would also be unusual for the only MEANINGFUL interaction on this site to be defending one specific provider.  

As I said in my original locked post...


I also realize that the provider has had legitimate hires from within this community...  including several folks who are long term members of this site.  I don't discount those are real and positive interactions.  However I don't appreciate having to spend an hour of my day cleaning up hundreds of posts so that someone can try to use the site to artificially promote themselves.  


I'm not deleting @pdxrick's message however.  If he's a real client...  great.  He's had a chance to speak his mind and his message has been "received".  Our members can make their own decisions about authenticity.  Again...  I don't doubt the provider has real clients.  I'm not questioning that in any way.  But there are a number of things that can cause people to ask themselves if a response from someone passes the sniff test.  

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Kevin Slater -  make sure my post doesn't get deleted.  I am a real client and I can show you the receipts of my payments to IvyleagueMrBig for our meetings in the past, and the deposit for our future meeting  Once again I can also do a call or videochat with you and RadioBob to chat about who I am and my expereince with IvyleagueMrBig.  He delivers as promised.  The pictures and descriptions on his website are real and accurate.  After meeting with IvyleagueMrBig, you will become a huge fan of him also.  I have met other forum members who have spoken very highly of IvyleagueMrBig as well.

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I understand that very few us, or likely none of us, are here choosing brains over beauty, and we could debate all day if we consider Columbia Ivy League. However, when I review the grammar and syntax errors in the writing, they seem to scream, 'I lack the command of the English language you expect from an Ivy Leaguer.'

Now, if I don't have faith in the educational touts, why should I believe the other self proclaimed prowesses?

Add to that the fake profiles on here, exorbitant rates, and peculiar pic cropping. The sum total means that not only do pink flags have to change to red, but flashing neon billboards and sirens are appearing in an effort to warn me as well.

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11 minutes ago, pdxrick said:

Kevin Slater -  make sure my post doesn't get deleted.  I am a real client and I can show you the receipts of my payments to IvyleagueMrBig for our meetings in the past, and the deposit for our future meeting  Once again I can also do a call or videochat with you and RadioBob to chat about who I am and my expereince with IvyleagueMrBig.  He delivers as promised.  The pictures and descriptions on his website are real and accurate.  After meeting with IvyleagueMrBig, you will become a huge fan of him also.  I have met other forum members who have spoken very highly of IvyleagueMrBig as well.

I don't doubt he is a category of provider for a select group that many of us don't fall into. But how exactly does one get a receipt for payment from a sex worker for services rendered and the deposit for a promise of future services? Is one able to use them as a tax write off expense like entertaining clients or business travel?! I have heard of agencies discreetly charging credit cards, but I've only ever hired the type that only accept cash, though some have accepted foreign currency from me when their own is devaluated or if they travel abroad. 

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There were other clients defending this provider here on this thread, but their posts got deleted by RadioBob. RadioBob and Kevin Slater know I’m real and I’m not the provider, that’s why my post are still here. Other clients defended the provider here and got deleted. The provider offers a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Columbia was ranked number 1 school in the country last year, and it has some of the best educational programs in the country including in journalism, sociology, economics, and many others. Once again, I had the best time with him multiple times, my first meeting turned into 10 hours, then all my next meetings were 10-12 hours, and provider delivered just as promised.  The deposits and payments were sent via Zelle and Paypal, that’s how I have receipts/proof. Duh.

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Alright... we're done now.  Time for a slice.  It's getting to the point where topics on this provider may end up being auto-closed going forward with a link to this and the prior thread.  We're ultimately doing nothing but going in circles and not having a meaningful discussion.  

Rainbow Pizza GIF

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1 hour ago, pdxrick said:

There were other clients defending this provider here on this thread, but their posts got deleted by RadioBob. RadioBob and Kevin Slater know I’m real and I’m not the provider, that’s why my post are still here.

Kevin Slater knows no such thing.

Kevin Slater

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To circle back on this...  

  • StarGZ has magically made his way back to spam more than 100 people via PM with a plea of innocence.  
  • This heartfelt plea of someone who is not the provider and not in any way related to @pdxrick also just happens to only refer to me as "Radiobob".  
  • This matches other behavior where the provider created nearly a dozen accounts and flooded the site with short 1-2 word replies in an effort to make it appear they were not only defending the provider.  (Anyone remember the Deli having literally 3 pages of replies each with just a couple of words?)

I've never done this before, but I recommend our members not hire or interact with this provider in any way.  

He clearly has issues with telling the truth and potentially other mental health issues as well. (Note: I'm not a doctor and I'm not qualified to diagnose issues.  This is simply my own personal observation from interactions with the provider across over a dozen accounts.)

Going forward, any further topics around this provider will automatically be locked with a reply directing people back to this thread.  This site will not be used to create a false narrative using fake accounts to promote/defend a provider.  

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