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When Is An Appointment Considered "Booked"


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2 hours ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Meanwhile, we get paid $0 for the content that we put out. 

There is a free demo video on my website but it’s behind a password. Clients have to contact me for the password. I’ve considered charging a small fee for the password but it’s too much hassle. Plenty of clients ask for the password and then never book but I view it as a kind of filter: if they liked the video that much they’ll book, and if they didn’t like it they won’t waste my time asking lots of questions and prevaricating. 

My more explicit porn stuff is mostly behind a paywall on justforfans. There are some videos out there on the free tube sites but not that much. So I do make passive income from material I’ve filmed. I agree with you @Jarrod_Uncutthat trying to win over uncommitted clients is a waste of time. 

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If I'm travelling and want to meet someone during the trip, I only reach out when I know I will have a block of open time.  I'll also try to confirm the day before that everything is set if I contacted in advance.  I've only had one issue over the past few years, I contacted the guy a couple weeks before and I didn't confirm until the day of and he had something come up that took him out of town.  I felt he should have let me know, but I also could have reconfirmed a day or so before to be sure things were still on, so I figure it was a mutual screwup.   I managed to meet him on a different trip a while later and had a good time.

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On 11/22/2022 at 8:43 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:


Never said he did. What I AM saying was: IF the CLIENT is/was not sure of his plans of traveling then, he should not have been reaching out to providers to book an appointment. 

If you’re not booking an appointment, then why are you contacting? This is not like other businesses where you get to “call around” for the best deal. You’re dealing with something very intimate and specific. Once you make that text or call, you have booked the session by default. It’s like booking an Uber: you don’t go on the app and ping drivers for availability until you’ve paid the fee and are ready to go somewhere. Not “if” whatever billion other things you have going on, work out. 

There’s a verse out there:



So don’t say yes I want to book, but then no I’m not booking an appointment. And this is not necessarily harping on the OP, but in general because I used to hear clients say ”but I didn’t book an appointment” all the time: 

Here’s the thing: most times it never gets that far. A provider can spend a whole minimum wage pay day worth of back and forth texting and not have any appointment time set up yet. 

That’s why I stopped doing all the small talk unless I know the client is ready to book a session.

I’m sorry,  but I don’t follow.

Particularly in the U.S. where the default is “Call for rates,” it’s unreasonable to say that “if you’re not booking an appointment, why are you contacting?”  There are lots of fair reasons to make contact that aren’t a guaranteed booking, including rate (where not stated), position, safety, particular limits, “are your travel plan set in stone,” availability, etc.

If a potential client contacts you and says that they would like to book an appointment at time X and you’ve already scheduled another client at that time, I assume that you wouldn’t say that you’re double-booked.  Or that if you proposed time Y to the disappointed client who was unavailable at that time, you wouldn’t say that he’d booked you for time Y.


That’s why I stopped doing all the small talk unless I know the client is ready to book a session.

In any event, this is a tacit acknowledgment that contacting ≠ booking.

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Agreed. As a client, I want to get the deal agreed to as soon as possible,  then just wait for the session. 

If I knew rates, payment method,  general location,  etc. ahead of time, it would save both parties a lot of wasted time.

But in the U.S., that's not likely to happen soon.

Also, the process works both ways. I've contacted way too many escorts who drag negotiations out and cancel for BS reasons (3 in one day recently). My time is valuable too, and with my skills, I could be using it to make more money.

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On 11/23/2022 at 2:34 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Well I know one thing: I’ve decided that because of this, I’m going back to limiting how much free “material” I’m putting out there. If someone hasn’t booked an appointment, then they really shouldn’t be seeing all of what I offer anyway. 

I don’t want for things to revert to what men4rent once did (disallowed any nude pics in ads), however: I’m seeing less merit in “barring it all” on my ads. RentMasseur already has it set up that way, and I seem to get more clients from it sometimes than RentMen. 

I even wrote an email to them sharing my opinion. I’ve said long time ago we should get some form of “credit” whenever clients look at our private pics. Their paying for a membership doesn’t necessarily put money in our pockets. And having nude pics out waiting around for people to book appointments, is too much of a stipulation. 

Sometimes, I feel we are moreso advertising to each other versus actual clients. Escorts are getting frustrated at potential clients because they are seeing the goods, without actually having to book an appointment, and that’s just not fair. That’s why I’m getting out of the rat race.  People are booking appointments, and then cancelling on us for shit reasons that don’t have anything to do with us. Meanwhile, we get paid $0 for the content that we put out. 

That’s why I just don’t have time for the bullshit. The idea of getting less clients with deposits does get uncomfortable especially during slow times. But trying to win over dudes who aren’t committed to booking, is time consuming.

Of for sure, that's why I don't usually send pics unless I'm actually being hired?

Edited by italianboyph
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I've had a recent experience where a escort I wanted to see was visiting a city near me that would require a bit of a drive to get to. 

I reached out to him a few days before he was going to be there to try to set a time during the weekend, and it would be doable if he could host and meet in the afternoon.  He kept saying it should be doable, but never could get him to confirm the time.  Even the day before, he just said to "check in with him tomorrow". 

Since I could never get a committment on the time (and if he could affirmatively host), I just stayed home.  I'm not sure why he kept deferring, but it was more than a little frustrating.  

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