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Posts posted by bigjoey

  1. I've known three escorts hired by very rich gays: Calvin Klein and David Geffen. In the case of David Geffen, the escort was flown to LA from NY on a private jet for the encounter.


    In all three cases, the escorts just charged their normal fees. These guys worked the Gaiety or advertised normally. They had exceptional beauty and great personalities. They could all be considered "elite" but no special agency.

  2. Kenny, I've got one that beats the above neo-con.


    Having used a certain provider for the last several years, he told me he was a fan of, and voter for, Trump. In the same conversation he told me he was on MediCal (California Medicaid) for his medical insurance, since he earns his income income in cash, he's at 'poverty level'. And collects food stamps!

    That said, he has a very nice sports car, and lives in a prestigious city in SoCal.


    I know I should run, just for the hypocrisy!


    Not unusual at all. Many people who work for cash only (maids, escorts, givers of massage, home repairmen, gardeners, etc) not only do not pay taxes but collect the many benefits meant for the poor as well. I have known a lot of these people.


    Several top escorts that I have gotten to know well have confided that their big problem is what to do with cash. In some cases, it involves hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  3. Can you get TJ and Big Jeff? And who was that Canadian who used to do a flip on the stage, was in Jonathan?


    The Canadian with the back flips was “Shaun” and he would sometimes come with his brother. I use to hire him for weekends and travel. Met his father, too.


    He moved to Florida where he started a porn site: MILTF or something similar; each week he would fuck another woman; it was a subscription site. His father and brother worked behind the camera and his mother was the bookkeeper:) :) :)


    Found the site. You can watch Shawn fuck women:





    It is MILF HUNTER:




    Definitely him. Not aging well.

  4. fake. There was another thread about this guy (same pics, but totally different ad) that I just saw the other day. Can't remember it off the top of my head, but if I find it, I'll link it here. Anyway, I googled the # that was attached to the profile and it sent me to several Boyscort posts with the same number but totally different pics.


    Thank you.

  5. A few weeks ago, NPR had a segment on the proposed law. One of the women on the show gave the very feminist view that female prostitution almost always was because they were forced into prostitution. She was equating female prostitution with sex trafficking by definition. Her view was interesting and seems to be carrying the issue along with it.


    Male prostitution is really just a side issue that the mainstream public does not think about. However, it will get caught up in the sex trafficking hysteria. (Yes, sex trafficking is a problem but the laws are going far beyond that to include porn and prostitution).

  6. We should be happy for him being successful. Hope he keeps focused on his goals and does not get side tracked.


    Being a successful escort can be lucrative and if he is smart, invest those earnings for the time when he reaches his “sell by” date.


    He is working hard and I applaud that. That his hard work is paying off is something to celebrate. In the meantime, those who can afford him can enjoy their time with him. The rest of us can enjoy his pictures and if he is your cup of tea, enjoy the fantasy.

  7. I have had the good luck to meet some amazing men who escorted. Because I tend to rehire and get to know these men well, I have gotten many gifts ranging from wine, scented candles, picking up dinner, clothing, cookies and candy, flowers, etc. Some of these men have retired and we now visit just like two old friends.

  8. Hope the treatments give you relief and raise the level of your ability to function.


    The father of a friend of mine had MG and joined a formal MG support group. It was a great help to him. It gave him a community of friends and lifted his spirits as they all use to joke with each other about their symptoms; it kept them informed of the newest research and treatments available; they raised funds to support research. There should be such a group near you if you are in a large city. I think there are online groups, too.


    Wishing you the best.

  9. I had Chubb for my house - they were fantastic when I had a fire. Shelled out oodles for me and my two dogs to live for the next 22 months until I could move back in. (Hotel for 7 months, incl. restaurants for breakfast and dinner and a rental house for 15 months.) After moving back in my premium actually went DOWN due to some of the methods/materials used in the rebuild!


    And yes, the rates for Chubb were higher than most companies but the service was well worth it!


    Another vote for Chubb. Slightly more expensive BUT when you do have a claim, their service is amazing. I had an incident that required rebuilding, too. They sent me money in advance to pay contractors, hotel bills, etc. I would then send them receipts. At the end, I had to return some unused funds. No haggling. Great company; sometimes, you DO get what you pay for.

  10. Maybe it's old age, but porn stars seemed a bit more "larger than life" and to last a bit longer on the scene in the 80's and 90's pre-internet. I honestly couldn't come up with a dozen current names in the biz. It would be interesting to know the "where are they now part"! Remember the old annual porn star guide which was about the size of a thick magazine? It gave an annual update with photos and film credits.




    I the “old days” the studio system developed stars and each new video was an event. Think of Norma Desmond:

    “They took the idols and smashed them, the Fairbanks, the Gilberts, The Valentinos! And what have they got now? Some nobodies!”

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