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Posts posted by bigjoey

  1. Peninsula hotel, Kowloon, Hong Kong was the best I've stayed in. Love the tower suites at aria Las Vegas also


    Love the HK Peninsula. Great workout facilities and pool. Love the men’s room at Felix where you feel you are peeing on the city:). Old enough to remember the hotel before they built the tower!

  2. Been surprised no one has reviewed him or posted about him as he has advertised for some time. First noticed him as he had a picture taken while he was on West Beach in Laguna and in the back ground was the place where I stay!

  3. Thanks, I think he is a very good looking young man.

    How long and what was his rate?


    I do not remember. I think I hired him for two or more hours and it might have included a friend of mine for a three way.


    Much tamer than some of his videos:(

  4. My mother has had CML for more than a decade. It’s a scary diagnosis, and her medication has not been without its side effects. That said with rigid adherence to her medication regimen she has been able to live a relatively normal life, and that shows no sign of abating.


    Good luck with your treatment.


    Similar story. Doctors told my mother: "Bad news; good news." The bad news was she had Leukemia; the good news was she had the type where she could have a fairly long life expecentancy. The result was she lived an almost normal life for just short of 20 more years.


    She had a great doctor at MD Anderson: Dr Michael Keating and they became close friends. She was fortunate to have great support from family and friends. She had a positive attitude; time and time again, she would say: "I do not have time to be sick, I have too much to do." She kept active until the very end.


    Yes, there were times when she had difficult periods. In her case, she always bounced back. She kept looking forward and making future plans. After she died, the doctor told us that the number one thing that kept her alive was her attitude and positive determination to go forward.


    I wish you well. There will be hard times. One of the best things you can do is to keep a positive environment around you and keep a positive attitude. Stay well and keep living life to the best of your ability.

  5. I would imagine people like Geffen have "scouts" in their employ who find these guys. And probably recruit them to the business. Then once they are in and at the parties the other gazillionaire gays get them. But if you're looking for a one-off with them and are not of the means to hire regularly they probably aren't interested you as a client. I mean, lots of people could come up with $5k or $10k but couldn't do it on anything approaching a regular basis.


    Exactly. One of the men who he hired was not an escort at the time. A "scout" spotted him in NYC and and after an offer was extended, he was flown out to California. Later he became an escort. The man was movie star handsome and that is why the "scout" picked him.

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