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Everything posted by wsc

  1. Men like this sometimes make me reconsider my position on facial hair, which I usually don't favor. But this man is h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e, and then some.
  2. Personally, when in the right frame of mind, of course, I have always liked Charles Gounod's Funeral March of a Marionette, recognizable to most as the theme music to Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Steady rhythm, nice tones, and just the right hint of whimsy to accompany the rare occasions of me getting lucky. And, like me, it's done in less than 5 minutes. I think I'm joking, but am not entirely sure. Cue music.
  3. Looks like his name's misspelled. Looking at what's he doing -and doing so very well- shouldn't it be Benjamin Blew.
  4. wsc

    Come to Bed

    Wouldn't have to tell me to come to bed. I'd have never gotten out of it.
  5. Two of my favorite hunks in the same movie, Phil Bradley and Brian Hart. Oddly enough, I don't notice the music when I watch them "act."
  6. Oh, My, God! That image takes me back to the exciting days -and nights- of cruising Santa Monica Boulevard in the '80s, looking for the local talent. Not all were good catches, but the fishing was delightful. I do miss those days, as well as bars like Numbers (on Sunset) and Rounds (New York), places where "young entrepreneurs went to meet older financiers." Thank you for the glimpse along Memory Lane.
  7. Flamboyant? Maybe. Horny? Absolutely!
  8. Beautiful backside! I volunteer to clean off the sand.
  9. To keep with the musical theme introduced by g56whiz, "I'd rather be blue, thinking of you, I'd rather be blue over you, than be happy with somebody else..."
  10. Lazy bitch! He's got two free hands.
  11. That's a little too close to "crime and pun-ishment."
  12. Oh, please, Sweetheart. Let me help you out of all those clothes.
  13. Apparently, he's applying his "special" wax finish.
  14. Precisely. The only reason someone looking like that would be in Indianapolis is that he couldn't make bail or buy a bus ticket to Chicago.
  15. My trusting nature, my simplicity, and my mother's cooking.
  16. Damn shame. karljr -whoever in the pics he really is- is just my type.
  17. That is practically hypnotic to watch! The slow motion effect and those eyes are mesmerizing.
  18. Firstly, the Sitting One is facing the wrong way! So close, yet... Secondly...O.M.G., the "Big One" is absolutely magnificent. I could spend a month, or more, just trying to make him smile, and a lifetime keeping him happy. "Just point, Studly, I'll take it from there."
  19. As has probably already been said elsewhere in these forums, God gave Man both a brain and a penis but only enough blood to run one at a time.
  20. It took me a while to realize there were cracks in the wall, too.
  21. Is this the Mormon Missionary position?
  22. "Lean back and relax, sir. This could take a while."
  23. What a perfect back and butt! A shame to ever cover them up.
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