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Everything posted by wsc

  1. Having Border Patrol agents look like this would defeat their purpose. He just makes me want to "come," not stay away. Also looks like he might have the stamina to be a "second shooter."
  2. Ooh, I could do this boy every day for the rest of my life, and twice a day if he told me to. Just my type! It's not him, but he resembles His High Hunkyness, Dan the Man of Ft. Lauderdale, and my dreams.
  3. wsc

    411 on JohaanXXl

    Don't know, but from the impressive look of it, and if the name weren't already taken by another provider on these boards, I'd say StopItHurts might fit. Ouch!
  4. wsc

    Safe vs. bare

    For almost 40 years I worked in an industry that, if something went seriously wrong, could endanger the health and safety of tens of thousands of people living within 50 miles of one of my company's facilities. Risk analysis was part of every action, every day. That analysis basically asked two questions: what might go wrong, and what might be the consequences. Low likelihood with minor consequence was of little concern. High likelihood with minor consequence was seen more as an embarrassment and inconvenience, and was to be avoided so far as practical. Any degree of likelihood with catastrophic consequence was deemed unacceptable, and measures were put in place to make its occurrence as near to impossible as procedure and technology allowed. PrEP has changed the landscape for sexual activity, as have advances in treatment for cases of contracted HIV. AIDS is no longer a death sentence and the risk of catastrophic consequence has been generally eliminated. The risks of contracting one or more of any number of STDs increases when condoms are not used, but most of these consequences can be treated fairly quickly and easily. Recognition of the condition, receiving treatment, and refraining from further sexual contact until no longer contagious are keys to community health and a required exercise of personal responsibility, as is informing future partners of your infection history and status. Armed with all this, use of a condom, or lack of one with mutual consent, is a personal choice to be made in an informed manner and consistent with the individuals' comfort levels in the face of known or potential risks. If the two cannot agree, they ought not play together. The worst face of this is to lie to your partner. The dumbest is to believe that lie. But it's unlikely your life still depends on it.
  5. wsc

    411 - Liamdaniel

    I haven't met or communicated with the escort and I do see some resemblance between liamdaniel and zaynemaster. But not enough to make me think they're the same person. For one thing, their hair styles and textures seem different, and, secondly, zaynemaster has a dominant side not mentioned in the ad by liamdaniel, which creates an inconsistency. If zaynemaster is dominant on twitter, I'd expect that persona to carry over to rentmen. Also, I don't understand why rentmen only gives liamdaniel a summary score of 2 stars. True, his last 2 of 9 reviews were only 2 or 3 stars, but the first 7 reviews were all 5-star reviews. If you've already established some rapport with liamdaniel, consider asking him about the zaynemaster thing. But don't overcommunicate (frequency or volume) as that can annoy a provider and get you labeled as a window shopper, always looking but never buying. If you can rely on the rentmen reviews, 7 out of 9 ain't bad. But, above all, trust your gut.
  6. I'm also reminded of an earlier health threat from the Swine Flu in the 1970s. President Ford led an aggressive effort to develop a cure, and one was developed. However, Swine Flu seemed to dissipate on its own, and the cure was soon labeled by critics as "a cure for which there was no known disease." Of course, hindsight is typically 20/20.
  7. I remember a rumor from those early days that the Pope had contracted the bird flu. It was thought he'd caught it from a Cardinal.
  8. The right punctuation can clarify, and wrong punctuation can mislead. As in: The panda eats shoots and leaves. -or- The panda eats, shoots, and leaves. [suggested by Eats, Shoots & Leaves The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, by Lynne Truss, Gotham Books, 2003] I can only conclude the university considered the (so labeled) excessive use of question marks to be as equivalently aggressive and impolite as yelling at someone in an email through use of ALL CAPS. To criticize the effects of imprecise and misleading punctuation is one thing, but to demonize a perceived punctuation-based aggression seems, to me, somewhat ludicrous. But then, to me, it sometimes increasingly seems a world going quickly mad.
  9. Hot! But, I'm afraid to ask what he's dressed for!
  10. Yes, I sometimes wonder about Cyborg, and hope he's doing well. By this time of course, he might be 300 lbs, with a fat wife and three loud kids. Hope not, and wish him well. For me, and perhaps for you with Josh, it was something a little like love, but for them, it was more like a job and a way to pay the bills. Still wish them the best.
  11. I frequented F4F 15 years ago or so and was captivated by a young model from Romania, IIRC. He went by Cyborg, and was handsome, muscular, and "gifted," not that I ever got close enough to touch his gift, of course. Spent more than a little money on him, he seemed appreciative, and we had conversations via the F4F site as well as emails. Seemed like a very nice boy with laudable ambitions (doctor, maybe?). He even sent me photos of his vacation to the Black Sea. Can't remember why we lost contact. Perhaps he left for more conventional employment. Haven't been on the site in a decade, but remember that it did attract many very good looking young men of all types. If it's still like it was for me, you can look for free, but doing and seeing more can run into money, especially if you become infatuated with a handsome, hunky Romanian. I don't regret the experience but wouldn't repeat it. These days, there are more options for everything.
  12. I object to your modification of my quoted content to include your reference to the provider's skin color. That reference was yours, not mine, and its inclusion seems dishonest and dishonorable. To answer your question, I didn't comment on the color of his skin because I didn't notice it and wouldn't have cared if I had. So why did you, and what does it say that you introduced the issue of skin color when no such issue was in play before it?
  13. Thank you for the info. I was unaware of any history for the handle, and note only that the movie was released in 2012 and the provider joined this site in 2015. If he had the same or similar handle as he uses now before the movie and kept it after the movie was released, it seems reasonable to conclude he likes the comparison it evokes. I simply noted that I failed to find any hinted-at resemblance and wondered at the choice.
  14. In defense of Skip, the first thing that came to mind when I saw the ad pics for Magicmikexxl was: doesn't make me think of Channing Tatum. At all. And I wondered why a provider would pick as a handle the name of a character so dissimilar in physical appearance; clearly not as buff, nor as smooth. Can't speak to a facial similarity, as none is shone. I'm keenly aware that I'm no prize myself; when I have sex alone, even I want the lights off. But I'm not offering myself and my services for a profit. Picking an escort companion is an exercise in discernment. Involving individual tastes, likes, and sensitivities, it's more nuanced and complex than shopping for avocados or ripe melons, and the price is substantially higher. A degree of pickiness seems completely justifiable and appropriate. If I only want conversation, I have friends to talk with, and if I only want an orgasm, I have my faithful right hand man; known him forever! But with an escort, I'm looking to fulfill a fantasy, and it's mine, not his. That doesn't mean I see him only as a piece of meat. Not at all. I see him as so desirable I'm willing to pay well for his company and comforts. But I'm still the buyer and see no sense in paying for something I don't find desirable. I once told a sales clerk, after he told me didn't have the specific item I had asked for and then offered three inferior alternatives: There are only two things you can't sell me; what you don't have, and what I don't want. I still stand by that. As far as comments on age and appearance of an escort, this is, after all, a discussion forum, and comments are allowed, even by mean girls and the PC police. Officer of the Watch! Rig for incoming!
  15. OMG! One of the handsomest faces and most captivating set of eyes I have ever seen! The dog, not the dude, that is. Who's a good boy? Yes, that's right. You're a good boy!
  16. Sorry no one has responded yet. Although I rarely go into the city now, I played around in the bars of Gay DC for many years. There were two agencies there at one time (names forgotten), but both are long gone. It also used to be possible on relatively rare occasions to land a dancer at one of the city's numerous nude dancer bars, also now all gone. The street scene, if any of it still survives, would probably offer few and disappointing options, and look and be rather dangerous. Not something I would even consider, even if I knew where to look. So you're left with the type of option you indicated you didn't want - "not on rentmen or mint" - or some similar site. So, for you, finding an escort in DC might be a case of BYOB (Bring Your Own Boy), from wherever and however you can find him. Good hunting! Or you could ask Lindsey Graham where he shops.
  17. If you use a name like DickMilesLong, without a single dick pic, you'd better show me you've got something longer than your middle finger. Otherwise stick both of them where the sun don't shine and go to town on yourself, because you're no use to me, comma, Asshole.
  18. Some see life as a series of binary choices, living in a world or either, or: right or wrong, up or down, black or white, this or that. I see life in shades of gray, and other colors, too. Don't think too highly of yourself is a cautionary tale to warn against the dangers of excess, in this case an excess of self-worth that blinds one to the worth of others, or leaves the sufferer untethered to reality. The best advice I've ever seen for living a balanced life and appreciating it and others, is this [a little long - sorry]: Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. - Max Ehrmann
  19. For years, I prayed that God would grant me the gift of humility. When He finally did, I was so proud I immediately lost it!
  20. Well, yes, if you do it while still in the chair!
  21. I hear that Colgate is coming out [no pun intended] with a morning after line of products.
  22. wsc


    Thank you for the sentiments. I, too, have been a member for under a year; joined in May, 2020, after many years of lurking. I always enjoyed what the site had to offer in terms of information and the Gallery, but the ability to comment and communicate with other members has been a tremendous and uplifting benefit in this era of being stuck-at-home with the pandemic. And I, too, hope this community lives on, and on. Losing it would, in no uncertain terms, change my life for the worse. And I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling that way.
  23. Does anyone think all the rain might hurt the rhubarb crop this year? [Just trying to change the subject a little.]
  24. And from the moment she got up from between Bill's knees, Monica Lewinsky's fate was sealed. If you give head to the President in in The Oral Office -and it gets out- someone's going to want to take your picture. And if you start dating -and later marry- The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World, Prince of Wales, and heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and Head of the Commonwealth - someone's going to want to take your picture, too. Lots of someones, as it turns out, and as was always obvious. And it doesn't end just because the marriage does. In fact, it get worse. Why? Because you cheated on, admitted to it, and divorced The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World, Prince of Wales, and heir to the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and Head of the Commonwealth. What did you expect? What could you reasonably expect? Actions have consequences and choices do, too. There are few things more annoying to me than people who become famous -or possibly infamous - and then complain about being treated as if they were someone famous. There's naive, and then there's clueless, and then there's something approaching classless. What happened to Diana was sad and tragic. And the effect on her sons was also sad and tragic, and some of that lingers on to the present day. The same was true of Monica, her mistake, and the effects it had on her life. But Monica eventually took responsibility, got help, and came out whole; scarred but whole. Diana's story, and those affected by it, might benefit from seeing it with a greater dose of realism and less of romanticism.
  25. All these swords, hammers, and balls! What kind of place did I walk into? Is it hot in here or what?
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