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Everything posted by wsc

  1. The beauty of the sofa depends on where you put it; think salon in a Gentlemen's Club in Belgravia section of London. The beauty of the ass depends on what you put into it; use your imagination for best result. Personally. I'd pick ?
  2. OMG, two in a row! This boy is the Pavlov's Bell to my Inner Dog. Woof, woof, slurp, slurp.
  3. When I saw this, I got up, then knelt down in front of the screen. A purely instinctive reaction.
  4. Whoever he is, or is not, he is good looking. But with that hair in Pic 3, I hope no strong wind whips up on that balcony, otherwise he'll need wings.
  5. wsc

    Cold Feet

    Eww! Hope they weren't having people to dinner that night.
  6. I, too, love dogs, but won't have one. I didn't use "own" because I don't like even the sense of owning a pet; instead he would be my ward. And my friend. But I recognize I'm too selfish to have a dog. To have to get up early and take the dog out, or take him out at night even in the cold rain. To have to take him on walks, him on a leash and me with my cane. To have to stay home or return early to tend to his needs and schedule. To find a dog-friendly hotel if I want to take a trip, or to have the extra trouble and expense of boarding the dog, which would only remove him from his familiar surroundings, place him with strangers, and give him stress. I'm too selfish, lazy, and undisciplined to be responsible for another living being. Especially one who would only love me and be a constant companion. And one who would be mystified and befuddled and lost after they've taken away my body and he's left alone because he outlived me. No, no dog for me. Instead I sometimes visit friends' homes and pet and play with their dogs, or stop by the dog park and watch them play. But mostly I watch YouTube videos of rescues and rehabs until I have to stop because I'm getting dehydrated from crying. It's sometimes hard not having a dog. But it's the best thing for the dog. And I love dogs too much to have one.
  7. wsc

    Vintage men

    If they allow purchase of a franchise, I'm in. Sounds like my kind of business.
  8. Me: "I'd like to add a stop before the final destination. What's your address?" Him: "That's fine, but there will be an upcharge for the service." Me: "That's fine. There usually is. BTW, what sort of mileage doing you usually get with your stick?"
  9. Not really into all the facial hair, but I think I could get so lost in those eyes that I might not notice the hair. Stunning young man!
  10. Stocking up for the weekend?
  11. This rooftop pool has a beautiful view of the moon.
  12. A very well designed space; all those flat surfaces I could bend over.
  13. Well, if you give me the meat, I'll give you some bread.
  14. Oh, Sweetheart, what corner do you work on? As Rick said to Louis in Casablanca, "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
  15. wsc

    411 Las Vegas

    Back in the early 2000s, he worked at several bars in DC, and I always tried to order my drinks from him. He was gorgeous, with great hair, handsome face, hot body, and I wanted to flirt with him. He escorted for a while but I was never able to sample his wares. His pics seem to be of those years, and I've no idea if time has been good to him or not. Since he's in Vegas, some gambler among us should roll the dice and report back.
  16. The fact a restraining order was issued against you will immediately prejudice any judge against you, since it means another judge saw fit to issue it, and judges tend to honor one another's judgements. If "legal action" means a criminal complaint, you must have standing, meaning you were either the victim of a criminal act, or you witnessed one, and you have something that amounts to probable cause against the offender. Without that, no law enforcement agency or court can do anything for you but take and file a statement, if that. If "legal action" means a civil suit, you would probably need to show malice of the other party, as well as damages, usually meaning financial. I'm not entirely sure on this next point, but find out if "outing" someone who actually is Gay even qualifies as actionable. It may fall under a general principle used in slander cases, that "truth is a complete defense." Although being outed against your will may cause hurt and complications in your personal life and relationships, the law might hold that a truth that hurts is, after all, still a truth, and people can't be punished for speaking the truth. I urge a period of somber reflection, discussions with your therapist, and consultation with a competent attorney before taking any action that might serve only to make bad things even worse. I think that what your ex did was horrendous and reprehensible, and if an accurate reflection of his core character, will ultimately lead to his undoing. Be grateful you are rid of him and try your best to summon the strength to move beyond the present unpleasantness. My best wishes in those efforts.
  17. The difference between pics 2 and 3 (and some others, too) looks like a type of time-lapse photography.
  18. My favorite in LA was Numbers. I liked the booths and the fact they had a full menu, which could occasion asking a younger patron, "Have you eaten yet? Please join me for dinner." They usually went for the chance of a free meal, and it provided the opportunity to get to know the young man a bit better before what would hopefully come later. But I also loved a somewhat more rowdy/sleazy place called Hunter's on Santa Monica (7500 block?). Pool table and beer crowd, but some of the hottest boys in town on a good night. I still fondly remember a very handsome and well-built boy who went by TJ that I met there. Took him down to Huntington Beach for a weekend -his pick of location- and did nothing all weekend but him. Saw him several times. Rounds was a Numbers-like scene in NYC, and a very interesting and target-rich environment, from both perspectives. But most of my hiring in NYC was from the Pink Pages of the Advocate. For some reason, I was never much into the New York bar scene, so really can't speak to any besides Rounds.
  19. I've woken up next to Channing Tatum many times! Just before I wake up.
  20. I knew they used to bronze baby booties but didn't know it was done to actual booty.
  21. Picture was taken just before I crawled up between his legs. Then did whatever I was told.
  22. I could have dreams of this hunk, of me with this hunk, and of what this hunk does with that asparagus. It's complicated, a little kinky, and wonderful. And the sauce ain't hollandaise!
  23. wsc

    Vintage men

    Looks a little like a loading dock taking delivery. Is this what's meant by "fresh meat?"
  24. Handsome man, and love the Banana Surprise artwork. Anyone know where that's at?
  25. I find pictures like this, of a dog so comfortable with and trusting of its human that it falls peacefully asleep beside him, to be among the most touching and, perhaps oddly so, comforting images I've ever seen. A portrait of such pure affection paired with innocent trust that it makes my eyes water a bit just to know such wonders still exist.
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