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Everything posted by wsc

  1. OMG! Parker Young! Just tell me what to do to what!
  2. That's disappointing to hear. When I saw the pics for him, I thought, "Wow! Louisville's stepping up its game!" Sounds now like another story TGTBT.
  3. My apologies to the OP and other members, but the impish side of me couldn't resist my earlier post. On topic, I don't mind the occasional detour from a main topic, as the thread trajectory usually rights itself in time. And if it doesn't, a post along the lines of "What's this got to do with the title of this thread?" might nudge it back on course. And if it doesn't, there's always the ignore it solution. So, I'm mainly noncommitted on the subject.
  4. I like raisins in a box, but don't like raisins baked into bread. Is that odd?
  5. The Queen has lost her life's love and her mate of over 70 years. It must hurt horribly, and I have dreaded this day and the hurt it would bring her. But I would submit she is not and will not be devastated by the loss. From what I have read of her, and what I know of the trials and losses she has had to bear, she is, at least, two things: resilient and pragmatic. No one married to a man of 99 hasn't come to terms with with his inevitable, and probably increasingly imminent, death. She knew it would come, and more so sooner than later, I suspect. A month long stay in hospitals might have been a sign. And I think the only thing she was more devoted to than Philip was Duty. She will honor that duty to her last breath. Her pragmatic side will give to Charles and William, greater shares in the "being seen" side of the job, as concessions to age and the challenges to her mobility. In fact, that's already happened. But she will go on fulfilling the oath she made on her 21st birthday, "I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service." Plus - and said only with great reverence and respect - she's a tough old broad, one with a steely determination covered in matching hat and coat. She'll be fine because she can see no alternative.
  6. He spent weeks in two London hospitals and had an undisclosed type of heart surgery while there, then was released and went back to Windsor Castle. He went to the hospital in mid-February, the Harry-Meghan-Oprah interview was in early March, and Philip was released in mid-March. I suspect he didn't know much about the interview because he probably wasn't told much about it, in consideration for his health and age. It's been reported that Philip wasn't happy about Megxit and was baffled by and somewhat disappointed with his grandson, Prince Harry. Prince Philip's funeral will be an occasion for Harry and Meghan to be in the same space with William, Catherine, Charles, Camilla, and the Queen, but I doubt Philip's passing will make much difference to either side in this family quarrel; one side feels persecuted and the other feels betrayed.
  7. Two summers ago, back when people could meet, I participated in a training course in Tarot cards, as part of a Fun in the Summer effort with some other retired friends. Although none of us really believed in Tarot, it was interesting to learn some of the history and symbolism represented in the cards. But the two things I took away from the experience were: (1) hearing the Tarot reader suggest meanings for the cards might coax you into seeing matters in a light you hadn't previously considered and this new perspective might give you a new insight into your issue or situation. It's merely the power of suggestion using a tool that might mean anything you want it to mean. (2) When we get a reading in Tarot, pronouncements from a psychic, or advice from an astrologer, etc., we tend to remember the three things that came true and not the other 100 that never happened. It's the same way people look upon "answered prayers," forgetting all those many other times the answer was "No." We are the most easily deceived when we want to believe.
  8. I was once going to consult the Psychic Friends Network but waited too long and then they went bankrupt. Geez, I'd have thought they'd have seen that coming.
  9. wsc

    411 Jordan Macon

    Sounds more like he's had some "simple Russian meth."
  10. wsc

    Vintage men

    Adds a new perspective to "rock hard."
  11. Mike and I have talked about his returning to porn work, but he says he'd rather just stay here with me and cuddle after a night of intense intimacy. Oh, is that the alarm already? Well, time to wake up, Mike. Mike? Mike, are you there? Mike?
  12. I sprained my wrist a year or so ago. Couldn't have sex for a month.
  13. wsc


    So that's where the term "long distance" came from.
  14. I apologize if I'm being too forward, but could you please just make me your bitch?
  15. THEM: Sir, your choices are Heaven or sucking this boys tits for eternity. ME: What's the difference?
  16. I took comfort each time I came here of late to not see a thread title beginning with RIP. That comfort is, and can be, no longer . A man's life is like ripples in the water, expanding out ever more widely to touch all who can feel them. The measure of a man's life is how many lives his ripples touched and changed for the better, and his legacy is that last ripple which brings both the sadness of a loss and the smile of having been graced by his life. Daddy's ripples are an enduring testament to the measure of the man and the entries here are proof of their effects. He will live on in the hearts and minds of those he served and who loved him. And that number will include me. And I thank Cooper for all he has done to help Daddy, and to support, comfort, and inform this community in these difficult days. It's been said that no navigator ever distinguished himself in a calm sea, and you, sir, have shown to be a navigator of great distinction. My thanks to you for what you've done for all of us.
  17. wsc

    Come to Bed

    Wouldn't leave a square inch dry! Or any other kind of inch, either.
  18. Since my mid-60s, some people I've met in a professional setting have made oblique references to my age, such as a doctor that once asked, after laying eyes on me for the first time, "And how are you, today, young man?" I look like a young man in the same way that the Fat Lady at the circus looks like 300 pounds of thin, and I find such remarks condescending and irritating. But I also recognize that people often act out of surprise or discomfort, or, on occasion, simple social ineptitude. God knows, some of my attempts at humor have missed their mark, either because of my own ineptness or lack of sensitivity, or because of the other's oversensitivity. I may take some slight offense, but only slight, and try to never show any sign of irritation. I also pray others will be more forgiving of me when it's next my turn to be socially awkward. The young man at the elevator would have annoyed me more than the angry miscreant seeking a fix and simply showing stupid is as stupid does. In either case, I would try as quickly as possible to shake it off and go about my otherwise quite enjoyable life. It's not worth my time to dwell on it.
  19. A joke coined sometime in the last four years asked, "What borders on insanity?" The answer was given as, "Canada and Mexico."
  20. wsc

    411 jockstarr

    You're right, of course, but like Mark Twain, I try not to let facts get in the way of a good story.
  21. Is this one of those optical things where if you stare long enough you'll see a horse?
  22. wsc

    411 jockstarr

    I've rented cars with fewer conditions.
  23. Wow! If I was a top, I'd pick the one whose ass is clenching out a whole syllable from the middle of Coyote.
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