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Everything posted by wsc

  1. Oh, Look! My package has arrived! And he brought a box.
  2. That's odd. In my experience, they usually charge extra for that.
  3. Where would you like me to start, Sir? Woof!
  4. My favorite restaurant in town is one of those that has a waiter for everything. The Maitre'd gives you a seat, the water waiter gives you water, the butter waiter gives you butter, the bread waiter gives you bread, the head waiter gives you ... well, I just have the best of times when I go there; always leave satisfied!
  5. If he's as friendly as his smile is beautiful, he's a keeper! Gorgeous boy!
  6. I get choked up just looking at the pic!
  7. Some say Florida is where some things/some people go to die. Plants come to my balcony to do the same. I could almost swear I hear tearful goodbyes when I put a plant in my cart at Lowe's.
  8. Not universally true, of course -few things are- but in my experience younger men are generally less eager to engage in being flirted by an older man, and men older than their mid-40s seem to not want to be bothered. However mid-30s to mid-40s -especially straight men- are sometimes more agreeable and playful with it. I'm guessing there are two reasons for this: intention and attention. First, they've no intention of carrying through to a sexual situation so they don't really feel threatened, and secondly, they like the attention because it reassures them that they've still got it, meaning the looks, the body, the swagger, etc., to be found attractive and desirable. And it's also been my experience that they're absolutely adorable when you make them blush. Which naughty old me sometimes can. And, even if you don't "score," you may find a new friend and be able to enjoy their company from time to time. And that's not nothing.
  9. I don't know which to wish for: that he has his left knee lifted up, or that he doesn't.😛
  10. Alternatively, one could ask which aisle has the condoms and lube. Cards on the table time!
  11. I've been told the same thing, but I just can't see it.
  12. This man makes me want to plead to something, as long as it involves a strip search. Is licking leather an arrestable offense? Please, please, please!
  13. Perhaps we should classify them based on their displacement, like tankers, battleships, carriers. Although some smaller ones might still qualify as destroyers. And, of course, almost all would qualify as guided missile cruisers. Can't wait for Fleet Week! Ahoy, boys!
  14. I am so sorry you experienced such a thing. My condolences for your pain and my congratulations for your courage in reporting it.
  15. I'm confused. Do you see this as a bad thing?
  16. Not really my usual type (young handsome, muscular boy next door), but I find this man hypnotically attractive. I also imagine his tag line being, "Suck it, bitch!" - followed by a slap. Ahhh - perchance to dream!
  17. How much is a space in the parking lot?
  18. I, too, stayed in Fort Stockton once, many years ago, traveling from Houston to Los Angeles to change jobs. When I handed my AMEX Gold Card to the desk clerk, he said something like, "Well, aren't we fancy?" So "sophisticated" does not spring immediately to mind when thinking about the place. I wish Aaron the best of luck there, but have to wonder why someone of his proclivities -whatever they may be- would choose to live in a place like that. BTW, after leaving Houston that morning my goal was to see the Texas state line in my rearview mirror. But after 10 hours of driving and seeing El Paso was still three hours away, I pulled off I-10 at Fort Stockton. Damn big state!
  19. And I'm still pissed I got second billing
  20. That's disgusting. Allegedly.
  21. Was this a promotion for Gay Pride Month, and why didn't Target have it?
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