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Everything posted by wsc

  1. Seeing this reminds me of the name I came up with for a national chain of funeral parlors: Remains To Be Seen
  2. If you keep your feelings bottled up like this, you'll explode.
  3. I don't like the self-checkout and I don't use it. First, I don't work there. Second, because of the self-checkout, neither does someone else who used to, and I don't like being complicit -even in such a small and indirect way- in someone losing their job in order that a huge chain can make a bigger profit; it's obscene. I dislike it so much that at least twice that I can recall, when all the checker-staffed lanes were swamped and the self-check lanes were much less busy, I left my groceries-laden cart where it was, walked out, then went to different store. Yes, I can be a Karen-esque bitch when the mood strikes me. I'm not really proud of that behavior, but as Frasier once said of himself, "It's part of the magic that is me." Another annoyance of grocery shopping in my city is that the store is required by the city government to charge 5-cents for each plastic bag. I understand and agree with the objective of limiting the use of these bags, but not in this manner. In a newspaper article on the program, the city manager reported that it had brought in more revenue than had been projected and that he was very pleased with that result. When I saw the mayor sometime later (in a social setting) I told her the city manager was an idiot. If the objective of the program is to reduce the use of plastic bags, does the manager not realize that a higher than projected income from the program is a sign that the program is not working as effectively as possible to reach the stated goal of reducing usage of plastic bags? If you truly want to reduce usage, simply ban them instead of making their use a revenue stream for the city. Madam Mayor didn't say it words, but her eyes and pursed lips screamed, "What a Karen!" Damn right, bitch! End of rant.
  4. Asked a similar question in the Lounge but got no response there. However, it now appears to be fixed.
  5. In the Vietnam era, American boys who didn't want to serve went to Canada. If the US declines him, he might try Montral or Toronto; Canadians are more hospitable in that way.
  6. One of the funniest and stinging quips I've ever read. Well done!
  7. Has a change been made in the way pics are displayed in the galleries (Public and Private) or have I somehow managed to change a display setting I didn't even know I had? Displayed pics are now much larger and seem to be in a continuous scroll instead of the previously more discrete displays. Also, I can longer see a place to leave comments.
  8. wsc

    Vintage men

    Off topic to be sure, but ... OMG! Was the decorator color blind, or just threw up then tried to match it?
  9. Because of the name or because of the father?
  10. Damnit! Now I have to clean my keyboard. Again!
  11. Remember to provide some feedback here after you've dried off from your plunge.🙂
  12. I'm sure RM knows this, but they should rethink their position and practice. If they have been made aware of a theft by a provider advertising on their website, then refuse to either remove that provider or permit a victim to warn others through a review, they may become complicit in a later theft. Yes, facilitating prostitution is a crime in itself, but internet advertising makes establishment of jurisdiction problematic. Not so with theft, and perhaps the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony.
  13. wsc

    Dog Lovers!

    I have got to stop reading this thread! I keep getting dehydrated.😪
  14. The answer to your unspoken question, sir, is "Yes, I was staring at you. That's why I was licking my lips."
  15. I doubt he's truly everybody's type -some people just want something different. But he's certainly my type! Checks boxes I didn't even know I had! Woof!
  16. wsc

    Come to Bed

    HIM: "Would you like a drink?" ME: "Yeah. Move the glass."
  17. Don't know what he's riding, but know what I'd like to.
  18. The look on that (handsome) face tells me his answer to the offer of a free blow job would be, "Hell, Yeah, Man! Let's do it!" Would love to test my theory.
  19. I've always thought him to be a very handsome, trim and muscular man, although I've never had the pleasure of company. Nor he, mine.😜
  20. Two really fine man tails! Love the one on Mr. To-the-Right!
  21. wsc

    Vintage men

    Ahh! A young Tim Kramer (brown hair, not blond) from the magazine layout that first introduced him. Fell in love at first glance.
  22. wsc

    411 gingerbator

    Where might one purchase that sort of razor?
  23. How wonderfully convenient! Messrs. Morning, Noon, and Night! Day after day after day ... I will hope.
  24. No experience, but what a handsome man! Intrigued by him and that tool of his.
  25. Looks amazing! Hope he's real. Keep us posted, those who meet him - please! (If he were my Boy-Next-Door, I'd never leave home. Woof!)
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