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Posts posted by Walt

  1. Maybe maximizing daily rent men appointments wasn't the primary motivation in deciding where to live?  I've heard it sometimes happens that people move somewhere because it is closer to family or friends, it is more convenient to their full-time job, or they find a good deal on purchase or rental cost.  😉

  2. 3 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    Unlike many others who I will not tag or name, I rarely comment on providers’ appearance or desirability. And what I said was he’s not for me. I hope you find the time to call out all the posts saying providers are fat, ugly, old, etc. 🙄

    You don't need to tag or name them! Just say they're not doing it, and we will all get the message. 🙄

  3. 31 minutes ago, Archangel said:

    Economically speaking, that makes for an unbalanced market. How can we all play fairly if we aren’t all playing by the same rules? Broadly and specifically speaking?

    It seems safe to me to say that if someone, Provider or Client, opens with “hey” and nothing more, it’s likely not a professional exchange coming thereafter. But having an unspoken “rule” about blocking potential Clients over asking for a rate is unfair to the Client. Perhaps money isn’t an issue per se, but the Client wants to know simply to know? Seems like a terrible business strategy and a good way to not get some potentially fine Clients who would be just fine to afford a Provider with high financial expectations. Just my opinion.

    But it is very easy to play by the same rules!  VERY easy. When a provider replies, great -- When a provider doesn't reply or blocks you, move on.  Done, Now everyone is playing by the exact same rules.

    Another, but I think less potentially successful direction would indeed to focus on what is "unfair." There is so much that is unfair in this hobby. It would probably need to start with regulating this industry rather than outlawing it and codifying rules and behaviors and demanding financial transparency.  To make it less "unfair" there could be financial subsidies for clients who couldn't afford the highest fees, transportation provided for clients who saw what they want in another geographic market,  Diversity/Equity/Inclusion rules,  advertising standards, standardized application forms for sessions, etc. -- all aimed to remove unfair practices.




  4. 4 minutes ago, Archangel said:

    How though? Unless they have some sort of unwritten rule like I said earlier “if you have to ask you can’t afford me” mentality and you ask about a rate. Which, their right, but is definitely offputting to many. 

    Thinking of it is as an unwritten rule that you may not even understand or agree with is indeed a good way to think about it.

  5. 8 hours ago, builder boy said:

    I think asking an overnight rate or weekend rate is perfectly legitimate.  

    I absolutely agree tat it is legitimate -- but I also think blocking people when one knows additional back-and-forth/discussion/negotiation/Q&A is only going to be a time and psychic energy sink is perfectly legitimate.

    Providers have all sorts of baselines/business models/preconceived ideas.  Although it is a bit abrupt, It is not their responsibility to explain all of that to a potential client when they can tell from the very first question that it is simply not a match.

  6. 12 hours ago, edinbrooklyn said:

    They call the Theatre District Little Rio

    Who are "They"? Trans gender folk? The new neighbors? The first settlers of Midtown? The first people who were there before the settlers and gave it its first name? The powers that make real estate loans? The people who bought property during the 1990s recovery? The developers who are gentrifying the neighborhood and making sure everything below 125th Street in Manhattan is identified as "Luxury"?

    I still call it the Theater District, but I'm probably irredeemably stuck in some idealized privileged past.


  7. 8 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Most male escorts are retired by 38

    Most MEDIOCRE escorts. The best keep improving with age.

    If a provider's greatest attribute is muscle tone, they've retired long before 38.

    If a provider is older than 38, they are generally more skilled at keeping a client "happy" for a longer percentage of the date, ready to do the heavy lifting to make the encounter fun, less likely to run out after only 38 minutes have passed, have better stories to tell, are less likely to be late or last minute cancellation, and are really your safest bet it you want to avoid a scam.,

  8. On 2/16/2024 at 12:11 PM, dutchal said:

    Ad says since Sept. 2022 but no prior mention here.  Name change?

    I think he may have been

    but I am not positive. Can anyone else confirm?

  9. 10 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:
    12 hours ago, Hen said:

    After looking at profile description, I once again declare: PUNCTUATION matters!!! 😭 



    I agree, punctuation does matter. It's the invisible words in some comments that I'm ambivalent about. 😉 

  10. 2 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

    I suppose this thread is an example of why I sometimes hesitate to use offbeat humor or make good-natured cynical comments here in the forum.......somebody just won't get it and I'll feel like a stupid jerk.......

    "Take a chance. Get hurt even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE! Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room." -- Maude (Ruth Gordon), Harold and Maude  😉 

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