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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. But in general, an average student at Harvard is still impressive.

    But I’m not paying him for his college education when he chooses to escort.


    Received an unsolicited text from him this morning telling me he was available in Boston 12-1pm. I wrote back telling him he doesn’t get it that I’m not interested. He said it was an automatic text that went out to many guys, not personal. No shit. Not personal has been the MO with this guy the whole time. I told him a more personal touch might be good for his business to which he said he’s making $2000/day, “thank you.” Sounds like a real charmer…

  2. One of the first escorts that I got together with had gone to Harvard. At every opportunity he left that information out. He seems to think that it meant something to me. Was he intelligent and able to have a conversation? Yes. Did he strike me as any more intelligent than anyone else with a college degree? No. He wasn’t some Einstein. Just your average college educated guy.

  3. Sorry, but a DPT isn’t an PhD. It’s a lot of work, but it’s a professional degree. Honestly, it has more in common w an NP or PA degree. Just saying (says the pedantic professor).....

    Either way, if that was a determinant, or the determinant, for my hiring him, I wouldn’t be concerned about the other factors. Ivy League or no, I’m not looking to discuss Plato or the Endocrine system when I’m hiring an escort.


    I must admit I was turned off by the extremely impersonal first response back from him too. At least make it look like it’s not *just* a business.

  4. Maybe it's just me, but if you reach out to me this way, you might get feedback that is more honest and less polite than you want. I might tell you exactly why I didn't respond to the ad, and it might not be flattering.

    I’ll also be up front and say I’m not currently booking and therefore didn’t reach out yet. So many escorts think because you’re on RM you’re looking for now(!) but that’s simply not my personality type or perferred approach. I’ve had more than one guy get pissy with me for saying I’m not booking now. If you reach out to me, expect I’ll answer honestly. Like I expect you to answer honestly if I reach out to you. Escorts shouldn’t get upset for a response they don’t like anymore than we clients should.

  5. He's banking on the likelihood that there aren't a lot of escorts with his looks, build, other physical attributes, etc, who are ivy league educated with a PhD.

    His Ivy League status has no bearing on ly hiring him. I’m sure for some it might. But not me...


    Okay, so you're a rocket scientist

    That don't impress me much

    So you got the brain but have you got the touch…


    From the lack of reviews or folks here who have experience with him (in tandem with his super professional Tumblr rates page) leaves us wondering about the touch – which at the end of the day is what is what I’m paying for, not the Ivy League PhD…Someone has an inflated sense of his value. Ivy League will do that to some folks.

  6. As per his very professional Tumblr site detailing his rates, you can talk to him for 30 minutes for $200. So if you want 60 minutes, that would be only $400 instead of the $420 that you projected. At least he’s consistent in giving a “discount” for bulk purchases ?

  7. There's really nothing to argue about. If a client chooses to contact a particular provider, they have to be willing to yield to the protocols and order they have established. They wouldn't go walk up in a business and tell them what to do? It's like auto mechanic shops: many charge a diagnostic fee, many don't. You can't moan at BMW to not charge a diagnostic fee, just because the other shop down the street doesn't.

    That’s totally true. And I support you 100% on requiring a deposit. But I also can say that if a would-be client chooses not to engage with you over a deposit requirement, that’s also not terrible. It’s the market, after all. You may be BMW who requires a fee but I can take my Toyota to the Ford dealership if I so choose if they don’t require a fee. You as a provider can’t complain if clients take their business elsewhere if they don’t like your model and have access to one they prefer better.

  8. Guys talk about looking here (of course) for scuttlebutt on guys, but also reviews. I’m assuming that of course means daddy’s but also RM. Thing is, all I get is how long and if the pictures are accurate or not. How do others get these RM reviews that are more extensive? I apologize for what I suspect is a stupid question...

  9. I think the deposit route might actually be part of the solution. Everyone can know there’s some level of commitment beyond literal jackoffs who are bona fide time wasters for the escort. Likewise, the client has some sense that the escort is committed. My own experience has been that providers can be just as flakey, only in a different way, as you describe some clients. Just because you put an ad up with “available now” doesn’t mean you’re serious.

  10. @Jarrod_Uncut – that seems fair. It really boils down to expectations. Which, paradoxically, leaves both client and provider frustrated if communication isn’t open and free flowing, at least initially.


    To put things another way, I’m likely to think more than twice if a provider puts something about wasting his time in his ad. Already he seems, to me, to approach possible clients with skepticism; I start out handicapped in the communication arena. I don’t set out to waste time soI don’t need to be told not to do it before we even communicate.

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