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Posts posted by xyz48B

  1. Mutual respect goes a long way…Sadly, respect seems a rare commodity today.


    I wonder if there’s a direct relationship between an escort’s willingness to engage in pre-meeting conversation and cost? Likewise, I wonder if there’s a direct relationship between a client’s desire to engage in pre-meeting conversation and willingness to spend. For me, if an escort is willing to communicate respectfully and completely before meeting, I’m much more apt to tip more than I normally would. It predisposes me to view them as valuing me...at least as a client and what I “offer.” Providers, in any business, can only get what clients are willing to give.


    The economics and sociology of this hobby is on some level very fascinating to me...

  2. @Jarrod_Uncut

    Definitely going to lay out the timeline approach, with ample response time, going forward.


    Do providers only focus on arrangements with one guy at a time? For example, if I contact a provider for tomorrow for an overnight, discuss some matters, but nothing's finalized yet – what does a provider do when another guy, let's say, contacts and asks if tomorrow evening he's available for dinner and "Netflix and chill" afterwards? Do providers keep "options open?" I ask because I'm genuinely curious. It seems to me that what you're suggesting is that a client should communicate with one provider at a time, and if that doesn't pan, move on. Do I understand that correctly?


    It sounds like you approach this seriously. I think that's also part of it, which has also been indirectly addressed here. Some of the providers simply aren't serious, it would seem. Clients are thought to be flakes who reach out with no intention of meeting, but anyone can put up some pictures online and advertise services without being truly seriously committed. "Sex exchanges" you call them. I guess I'm hoping for this hobby to be a bit more than that. Perhaps I'm naive.


    I don't have to tell you, I'm sure, but more for those who immediately think that all clients are time wasters – just as clients shouldn't think if a provider doesn't immediately respond that they're making other appointments, providers shouldn't out the gate think that every potential client is a flake for asking questions or for how the questions are asked. People are different and have different approaches. Some providers are great about professional communication – fast and efficient. Some are dreadful (hence the thread). Some clients are satisfied to fuck and go, others would like a client to fulfill some fantasy and I don't think it's unreasonable to ask some questions upfront to see if there's some compatibility for that. That doesn't mean it's a waste of time – in fact, it might be the opposite. And furthermore, it saves the client money from a disappointment. Unless, of course, the client is just a human ATM for providers…whole other bag of potatoes, there.

  3. I think what “miffs”* me is the idea that I’m supposed to remain free of miff for time wasted, ask what I am doing wrong to fuck up communication, and accommodate the sense that I am the time waster because I’m a client. The provider’s time – heaven forbid we don’t waste that! But my time – that’s expendable however the cookie crumbles. I know these guys are desirable, but but the “to hell with the client” attitude some providers seem to exude, while I suppose doesn’t require an explanation, is disrespectful. Of course not all, probably not most, escorts don’t do this, but those who do make it discouraging to keep up with it. I have no problem moving on to the next provider, but how much time do I spend waiting to hear back til my time is considered wasted? Is it unaccounted for me to consider multiple providers? Is messaging multiple providers to make the best decision for me so unacceptable? I have a hard time believing that providers aren’t turning down multiple guys (either explicitly or ghosting) so why isn’t the same prerogative afforded the client?


    Is the provider’s time more valuable than the client’s?


    *Good word.

  4. @Shawn Monroe – I did ask, “Also – is it too much to expect a guy to say outright he’s not interested instead of “ghosting” (not sure it’s ghosting in this business, but you know what I mean...)” Answering “I’m sorry. I’m not interested” would save me time. I’ve had an escort tell me “I don’t owe you an explanation,” which I suppose is true, regarding why he cancelled on me and got rude. But some guys don’t even do that much. They just...disappear. Which is a clear message, but you have to wait to find out...


    Likewise, I guess I’m asking for a discussion about the clients. Perhaps it’s my impression, but it seems the way some providers speak (on this forum even) is as if a client should feel honored to even get a “hey” back, let alone more details.


    @azdr0710 – I always try to be articulate so that I can convey I’m serious, say that I’m contacting after having seen a RM ad and if I could know about overnight and weekend rates. That seems to me a good opener...Not long but clearly not just looking to jerk someone around unprofessionally. Perhaps some guys don’t want an articulate, professional interaction. In that case, say outright “not interested.”

  5. Why is the escort’s time assumed to be the only guy’s time of value? I get that a lot of so-called clients aren’t serious so there’s a desire to want to ward against that, but when I messages a provider and he messages back with nothing of real value (Hi, hey, yeah, etc) and I follow up to no response, it’s a waste of my time too…How long do you hold out on a potential provider who’s “busy” before you determine he’s a waste of time? Also – is it too much to expect a guy to say outright he’s not interested instead of “ghosting” (not sure it’s ghosting in this business, but you know what I mean...)


    I’m posting here because I’d also like to get escorts’ take on this too. Perhaps I’m not seeing all sides of this.

  6. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t understand these scientific studies. There are some things that I’d like explained but no matter. It gets old.


    Noting that sustaining social distancing interventions over several months might not be feasible economically and socially, the authors said their models suggest that “a combination of social distancing interventions, testing, isolation, and contact tracing of new cases is needed to suppress transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”

    That’s the rub, though, isn’t it? How much and how invasive do those social distancing measures need to be while doing testing, isolation, and contact tracing? There will be some who simply are unwilling to accept this virus will kill some – despite the fact we do accept that other viruses kill people all the time.


    When did the goal of flattening the curve become suppressing the virus?

  7. @Unicorn – Again…The only thing we know for certain is that we know nothing for certain.


    The interesting thing is the certitude that so many have based off data that “suggests” something. And as far as the cherry-picking, that’s been going on a lot more since things have calmed down. I’m going to be very fascinated what positive caseloads look like in in two weeks in places that had large protests – particularly DC and Philadelphia and Minneapolis. If there isn’t a huge spike – not an uptick, not just an increas, but a spike – then we can assume that the crowds didn’t severely impact the spread. We already have data that *suggests* that the Wisconsin primary didn’t produce drastically increased numbers of cases when folks were convinced they would. All this is to say, we have a hypothesis about how something might play out and then we watch to see if it does. The problem with the lockdowns approach is we don’t have data to compare it to that shows us what would’ve happened if we didn’t lockdown. The data changes daily about the virus – how it behaves etc. All that went into creating models and projections. Those projections from March were based off data that has changed umpteen times since then (cf. virus is transmissible on surfaces and not airborne, for example).



    The only thing we know for certain is that we know nothing for certain....

  8. @Unicorn – Again…The only thing we know for certain is that we know nothing for certain.


    The interesting thing is the certitude that so many have based off data that “suggests” something. And as far as the cherry-picking, that’s been going on a lot more since things have calmed down. I’m going to be very fascinated what positive caseloads look like in in two weeks in places that had large protests – particularly DC and Philadelphia and Minneapolis. If there isn’t a huge spike – not an uptick, not just an increas, but a spike – then we can assume that the crowds didn’t severely impact the spread. We already have data that *suggests* that the Wisconsin primary didn’t produce drastically increased numbers of cases when folks were convinced they would. All this is to say, we have a hypothesis about how something might play out and then we watch to see if it does. The problem with the lockdowns approach is we don’t have data to compare it to that shows us what would’ve happened if we didn’t lockdown. The data changes daily about the virus – how it behaves etc. All that went into creating models and projections. Those projections from March were based off data that has changed umpteen times since then (cf. virus is transmissible on surfaces and not airborne, for example).



    The only thing we know for certain is that we know nothing for certain....

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