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Kevin Slater

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Everything posted by Kevin Slater

  1. "I'm gonna commit harakiri," Tom said gutlessly. Kevin Slater
  2. Would you be doing your load by hand? Kevin Slater
  3. If you're suggesting drug use, Tony has been clean and sober for something like a decade now. I congratulate that. Also, he quit smoking maybe a year ago. Kevin Slater
  4. I love bondage (especially when combined with e-stim!), but if you're looking for a true pro, perhaps Tom Isern or Sir Tony Bishop would be the way to go. Or one of the various Masters. (Is Master Avery out of the biz? I seem to recall.) Kevin Slater
  5. "I can count my sex life on one hand." Kevin Slater
  6. In my college years, it seemed like every hookup was accompanied either by Enigma or Enya. I mean like it should have been a checkbox on your manhunt profile (top or bottom, cut or uncut, Enigma or Enya). Kevin Slater
  7. A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "why the long face?" Kevin Slater
  8. Me: "I'm not great with couples." Client: "He'll just sit and watch." Like that's an improvement. Kevin Slater
  9. A friend of mine has two tickets for the 2017 Super Bowl. They are box seats plus airfare and hotel accommodations. He didn't realize when he bought them that it's the same day as his wedding, so he can't go. If you're interested and want to go instead of him, it's at St. Peter's Church in New York City at 5 PM. Her name is Donna. She'll be the one in the white dress. Kevin Slater
  10. Hole isn't nearly large enough. Kevin Slater
  11. Years ago I wanted to confirm the hype that my rate for insurance through them was indeed the best, so I called one of the biggies for a quote. In the process she asked me through whom I was currently insured. When I said USAA, she said "So why are you calling us? We can't beat them." Made that quick and easy. Kevin Slater
  12. I don't think sex and violence should be marketed together. It's not a message we should be sending to our impressionable youth. http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lnw23cUZb71qbjc7fo1_1280.png Kevin Slater
  13. True anecdote: Years ago I was taking a college tour given by this jock/bro type. At one point he goes on this odd tangent saying “my freshman year I lived in this all-male housing, my sophomore year I lived in that all-male housing, and my senior year I lived in some other all-male housing.” Someone asked “what about your junior year?” He says “my junior year I was abroad.” I burst out laughing… Kevin Slater
  14. Kinda what I always thought: high heels are only for those with wedges. [rimshot] Kevin Slater
  15. Not nearly as rude as they used to be. You'd have loved it back in the day... There is a sauna (across from the showers), but it's not always open. Kevin Slater
  16. Oh, says the woman who can't make an é. If that's not value, I don't know what is! Kevin Slater
  17. If your tablet is an Apple product, simply tap and hold the E and a variety of options will appear. Otherwise, if you want to be extremely anal, you can simply google the character or the word, copy and paste. (That's how I get the ¢ sign.) Kevin Slater
  18. ...said the frigid bitch. Kevin Slater
  19. I'm always bad with headlines. I could read this as he's either removing the threat, or making the threat (like dropping a bomb or 'dropping the f word'). But that's probably just me. Kevin Slater
  20. Headline from today's NYT: Trump drops threat of new investigations into Clinton. Kevin Slater
  21. Well I can't possibly come to you, there's a blizzard going on! Kevin Slater
  22. Holy fuck. I didn't even know she was ill. I always really liked her. I'm deeply saddened. Kevin Slater
  23. “I’m not very good at Swifties,” Tom said. Kevin Slater
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