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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. I agree that Jesus doesn't like 'homos'. He loves 'homos'. Just as he loves 'heteros', 'bisexuals', 'assexuals' etc. There is a verse somewhere that says something to the effect that, in Christ there is no male or female, slave or free, Jew or Gentile. I have little doubt this also could rightly be extended to any characteristics that make us different from one another... no black or white, no tall or short, no straight or gay....
  2. Awesome architecture in Chicago, and deep-dish pizza!
  3. Nope. You're just balancing things out for the few of us who are at the other end of the spectrum. Your and my average works out to 601.
  4. I think the question mark is properly placed outside the quotation marks. Otherwise it turns the word 'wreak' into a question, rather than the whole phrase being the question.
  5. I had an uncle with chronically bad breath. Not a smoker or garlic eater and his teeth seemed clean. My aunt told me he had something called tonsiliths or tonsil stones. Apparently food can get trapped in the tonsils and these chunks of foul smelling bacteria form. Not a pleasant experience I'm sure.
  6. Many cruise ship cabins have two single beds which are pushed together to form a king. I suppose some suites would have regular king size beds too.
  7. There's six faces, but you need to really zoom in to see the people on deck...
  8. My avatar is the letter "C", though some might suggest that using the letter "O" would be truer to my body-type.
  9. Everyone has their own comfort level. I could not see myself entering any relationship with someone in a straight or gay marriage. But I also have no right to judge others who don't have an issue with it. Whether the marriage is same-sex or not, I personally would not cross that line. But that's me, and I know I may be in the minority on that subject.
  10. Sweetbreads can be really good. I guess I wouldn't say no to a well-prepared thymus.
  11. To me... married = off limits. But I suppose we all have our choices to make.
  12. Not me... I find offal awful.
  13. Dental hygiene is important on a variety of levels, especially for older individuals. In addition to the cosmetic/aesthetic issues that poor hygiene can cause, there can be physical health implications for those who do not take care of their dental/oral health - particularly infections that can affect the jaw bones and even get into the bloodstream. You may want to reach out again and reiterate that your concern is for his well-being and that you do not want to lose his friendship, but that you are willing to risk losing the friendship if it means keeping him safe. Just a thought.
  14. I'm sorry to hear about the mass in your chest - I hope it ends up being something treatable and not serious. For the Northern Lights, one of the best places to see them is Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. I think there are direct flights from Vancouver and Edmonton... but winter is the best time to go and it is very cold.
  15. I'm curious how one equates someone questioning the wisdom of seeing a travelling provider during a pandemic with that person being a bully or a hypocrite? These are difficult times, and while everyone is free to choose to see whomever they wish, the risks posed by a travelling provider are likely higher than with others. I don't see how Big Dale pointing that out is in any way unkind... ?‍♂️
  16. A quick internet search reveals a physical therapist in Babylon, circa 2950 BCE...
  17. And in the really old, old days, it was all through clay tablets. But you had to know how to read cuneiform writing.
  18. No, no. What I posted was a joke... lol. Kids cant walk until they are 9-12 months old regardless or circumcision, and the doctor was paid by 'tip' (foreskin), which was ripped off.... oh well, that was clearly a flop.
  19. I was circumcised as an infant and it was so painful that I didn't walk for almost a year. Likely because my parents were so cheap that they found a doctor who only wanted to be given a tip. Total rip-off.
  20. If he's a fat guy who thinks he's muscled I must be a muscled guy who thinks he's fat...lol
  21. He carries his weight very well for someone who says they're 1850 pounds. That must be some sort of record ?
  22. No photos here. Not until there is proof that getting your picture taken dosn't steal part of your soul. Same reason why I refuse to sneeze.
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