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    bendable2019 reacted to sexymonk in To Eff or Not to Eff   
    You don't do any physical contacts. Discuss and see if he is on medications. Advice, pay and leave! Also it is better to treat anyone as if they are poz and you take necessary precautions. Remember Sti are curable but not hiv! Better be on prep.
  2. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to Mocha in How (and how often) do you need to “retire/take a break” from the biz?   
    I ask because I’ve been toying with it for a few days, and decided today to turn my availability off on Rentmen/masseur for the next 3 days. I know that’s not real long, but I need to start somewhere.
    I’m at my wits end, probably facing a bit of burn out. My issue is not with sex or clients, because I’m regularly horny and ready for sex on the daily...plus my sex drive seems to have gone up lately (part of why it’s hard to tune out). My issue is the TEXTS, as I discussed in another thread.
    These past few weeks have been building up frustration. I’m tired of people texting me round the clock, yet out of every 3 to 6 messages (depending what city I’m in), only 1 turns into actual meeting. I understand if that’s “how it goes”, but it has to be considered that on average, it takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour before one really knows whether a client is actually going to go thru. Even some of the ones who seem as if they are ready to meet “today”, still end up taking that long by the time of exchanges, breaks and pauses, sorting logistics, etc.
    I tell guys, I don’t get paid to bullshit on the phone, text them, and they go around play this duck duck goose game with me. I got into a heated altercation with someone today over text. He disturbed my evening meditation last night, sending me texts 1 by 1 in rapid succession (which makes my ringtone go off each time), his picture, making me think he was all for a session, only to abruptly end the exchange after he asked if I “party” (which usually indicates various street drugs, the same kind that one Black Hollywood kid died, fooling with some druggie client). I said beyond poppers and wine, I DON’T parTy.
    I was already not in a good mood to begin with. I told him how I deal with dimwits like him, and if you aren’t contacting for a session, leave me the F alone! He got all rude and nasty, left voicemail trying to intimidate me saying he’s going to “take me down” and “send me to jail”. And this is someone who contacted me from Rentmen. Cute.
    I made a suggestion to rentmen, that if they can’t encourage clients to contribute money for our private pics, perhaps they can encourage them to contribute for each time they click on our phone number and “contact” us. Have them pay $1 or $2 to see each escort’s phone # before they contact. Maybe that’ll set the tone for people to take us seriously from the get go. They’re doing a lot to mitigate these things to begin with, but it’s not enough to only let registered members contact us. Many clients don’t have profiles on Rentmen, so there can be more done.
    Until then, I’m limiting my accessibility, and have turned my work phone to “do not disturb”. I have personal responsibilities that I need to finish, and I can’t get anything done in my life when my phone is constantly getting bombarded by text teases wasting my time.
    I just wonder, does anyone take “breaks” (referring to turning off work number and/or putting ad on unavailable) once a week, once a month, once a year?
  3. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to MidwestCoastal in Escort tops.   
    Communication.... Be specific on your expectations/wants/desires. If they still say "strict top, no bottoming', then may not be a match!
  4. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to + MasssageGuy in Escort tops.   
    Take turns?
  5. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to Mocha in Trip to India   
    Off topic but I don't often have a lot of Indian clients, but had one recently and then another a few years back who was a regular regular. I'm quite surprised at their "endowments", and many I've met didn't mind being bottoms.
    I'm convinced India has the largest bananas in Asia. I just don't think they get proper "press" here in America, despite their large presence...though usually Indians are usually the hotel owners/doctors/convenience store owners versus other taboos.
  6. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to Anergy913 in How often do you give the masseur a HE   
    My masseur has mostly retired from taking new clients, so now he only takes one session a day. It's worked out very well for me, b/c he's very gifted with his hands. And mouth. And other appendages
  7. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to marylander1940 in Uncut   
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    bendable2019 reacted to + Just966 in Nipple Play   
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    bendable2019 reacted to LivingnLA in How often does an escort get tested?   
    Generally speaking, for low-risk sexually active adults, the recommendation is comprehensive STD/STI testing annually. That includes anal and throat swabs (if they are receptive for penetrative oral or anal sex), urine and blood draws, and visual inspections. This is what any responsible exclusively heterosexual or lesbian sexually active person should be doing every single year unless they are in a rock solid monogamous relationship.
    Everyone else who is sexually active should be more frequent because anyone having sex with men who have sex with men are automatically at least medium to high risk. I have been reliably and happily married to my wife for decades. I have a long term guy on the side who says he's exclusive except for his female partner. I get tested every 6 months for everything. I have my vaccinations: HepA/B, HPV and meningitis.
    Escorts that we are talking about are an even higher risk group. Not only are they men who have sex with men, but many of them engage in high risk behaviors like partying, condomless sex, and a high number of different people. For them, every 6 months would be an absolute minimum. Every 3 months is much better. Even monthly may be useful, but they also need to be very aware of the false positive and false negative rates of the tests they are taking. They also need to be very aware of their bodies to detect even subtle changes because something like 60% of men don't show major symptoms when they have many major STD/STIs.
    For HIV prevention, PrEP and condoms are your friend. Know that there are already PrEP resistant strains in the wild but they are rare.
    Get informed about the risks. Make your own decisions about what you're comfortable with and have fun.
  10. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in How often does an escort get tested?   
    There is no such thing as common practice in an unregulated industry.
    Smart escorts are educated about their health status. You can never be too informed.
  11. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from peter831 in Escort Excuses   
    When your escort keeps giving excuses, is that a sign that he doesn’t want to meet you? lol.. experts pls
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    bendable2019 reacted to MidwestCoastal in 411 - Dark_Lord   
    I'll take a STAR LORD!
    <<Insert Chris Pratt GotG shirtless pic>>
  13. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to Methodic98 in 411 - Dark_Lord   
    I'm highly skeptical this ad is real. The pics are of a model named Keylon Hall from Dallas. How he could both be in Dallas and simultaneously escorting in Atlanta would be an amazing story . His profile is also now expired.
  14. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to robberbaron4u in Escort Excuses   
    "My boyfriend is robbing a bank and I"m driving the getaway car. I'll be a little late . . .but don't worry, I'll be there."
  15. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to Tonyko in Escort Excuses   
    This may seem sneaky but if ever I suspect that I just use diff contact info and deets to see if he responds eagerly to someone else . (if "yes" then it's clear he doesn't want to meet ME lol)
  16. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to big-n-tall in Rim Factor   
    For those I’ve encountered, no.
    Some escorts do have an a la carte pricing system. Meaning they’ll do more the more they are compensated for it, but I think it’s rare overall.
    What I hear most often is that it’s extra to kiss or to orgasm. I never heard of someone asking for more to rim. Because I haven’t encountered every escort I suppose it’s possible though. I just haven’t personally encountered that.
  17. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to down_to_business in Stats and Race Factor   
    Escorts should own their prejudices (aka preferences ) but won't because of potential negative backlash. While it would save everyone a whole lot of time and trouble if there were check boxes in ads (i.e. do you accept clients over 50 : Y or N, overweight clients: Y or N, bald clients: etc etc) that is unlikely to happen any time soon. It might be helpful in the text of an ad for an escort to drop hints like I am only looking for younger in shape clients.
    Part of me understands this and can agree that no one wants a bad experience on either side. I personally avoid any escort that notes for example, discounts for young and fit taking this to mean that while he may accept me as a client, I am definitely not what he is looking for. I also take into consideration how our conversation goes and how he asks me. If one of his first questions to me is (from a recent exchange -- "Whats your stats, age and ethnicity?" or "send me a picture") We are done, I don't go any further. But if in the process of feeling me out as a client, he asks a few personal questions designed to gain some of this information-- then I don't necessarily have the same negative reaction.
  18. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to + Pensant in Stats and Race Factor   
    That used to bother me, but no longer. One wants a mutually satisfying session.
  19. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to MscleLovr in Blow job lips   
    Now that he’s trying to get ahead as a male model, he may have to put those lips to good use to succeed.
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    bendable2019 reacted to rvwnsd in Why do escorts have more than 1 profile?   
    That's assuming the same person placed both ads. Diffboy claims to be 8" uncut, 5'11", 195, and 23 years old. Carlos claims to be 9" cut, 5'8", 165, and 28 years old. Sounds like one of the following:

    Two scammers using the same pics
    The guy depicted in the pics and a scammer using the same pics
    Someone placed two ads in two different places using two different sets of stats and the same pics

    Maybe you should ask. It would be interesting to hear the answer.
  21. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to rvwnsd in NukeyHead   
    On the other hand, if his capacity for giving head has a half-life of 256 years....
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    bendable2019 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Why do escorts have more than 1 profile?   
    Copy that @Fyton ... thanks. I guess putting all their eggs in one basket can have repercussions on the market lol
  23. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to ItsNotRight in 411 on Ethan Thomas visiting Dallas   
    The good: Nice guy. Nice body. ATL based.
    The bad: Little slow on the response. Not proactive with the details. Seems inexperienced.
    The ugly: Massage is ridiculously bad - either doesn’t care, hasn’t been trained, or never had a real massage himself (eg pours cold lotion straight on your body; no legs/feet; weak grip). This is all about the up-sell, and that was also pretty bad.
  24. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to ItsNotRight in 411 on Ethan Thomas visiting Dallas   
    The good: Nice guy. Nice body. ATL based.
    The bad: Little slow on the response. Not proactive with the details. Seems inexperienced.
    The ugly: Massage is ridiculously bad - either doesn’t care, hasn’t been trained, or never had a real massage himself (eg pours cold lotion straight on your body; no legs/feet; weak grip). This is all about the up-sell, and that was also pretty bad.
  25. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to liubit in Is it okay to ask an escort for their instagram?   
    The worst answer you can get is NO. Go for it!
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