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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I would say I've had mixed result with porn-star escorts. Most are great and actually a lot of fun and often into a lot of different stuff. For a few of them, I think it might be a bit of "ego." Like they are such big stars and can't be bothered to provide a good experience for the client. Often it's really the scheduling/contacting where this shows as it can be quite hard to actually get a hold of them and meet up with them. Though to me it can also be a bit in the performance too. None have been terrible but definitely have had a few that were kinda just going through the motions and maybe not as into as much as I thought they would be. I met one guy that did a lot of a bottoming in porn but didn't want to bottom with me mostly I think he didn't want to douche. But mostly it's been pretty good. Like 75% it was great and 25% it was a bit more mediocre (though only in one case would I call it bad).
  2. Just a quick reminder that Denver is not close to any ski resorts. Even the closest ones are at least an hour or more drive from the city. I like Winter Park quite a lot and it's pretty much the only one accessible via train from Denver. It's a big mountain and there's lots of different types of runs there. The town definitely has some condos. Summit and Eagle counties are where most of the "close" ski resorts to Denver are located but they all involve driving on I-70 which gets quite busy during ski season. Technically it's only 90mins-2 hours but with traffic it truly can be 3-4 hours or even more. Christmas season is the busiest time of the year. It'll be jam packed. There definitely are some AirBnBs up in Summit and Eagle counties though they will probably be pretty pricy. Local governments in the area have been really cracking down on a state law that prevents people from permanently renting out "unoccupied" condos. In Colorado, you're supposed to only be able to do short-term rentals if you actually live in the property itself at least part-time. There's a big housing crunch up in the mountain towns so they have been trying to encourage more long-term rentals. That said you can still find plenty of Condos. You might try a local web site like: https://www.coloradormr.com/ As for escorts, I found out the hard way that some of them apparently have drama with each other and do not like to work together. But here are some that I know are at least outdoorsy and might be interested in a ski trip type thing: https://app.rent.men/SportyGuyUSA https://app.rent.men/MountainManLink (expired ad but I think he's still active) https://app.rent.men/JustjakeNY https://app.rent.men/NaturalDano These two are also a couple, so that might work too: https://app.rent.men/ErikShelly https://rent.men/BenHarding Good luck on your outing and I'm happy to help if you have any more questions.
  3. Feel better soon. Hopefully it's a very mild case for you.
  4. Sometimes guys with too many pictures end of having a couple that for whatever reason look a little different than the rest. Like maybe it's an older picture or something like that. That could sometimes be a little bit of a yellow flag, even though in many cases it's just weird lighting or something.
  5. That's very sad. That's where I stayed during my one Palm Springs visit and I quite liked it. Yeah it wasn't luxurious but I thought my room was nice enough. The pool and hot tub were always clean. And best of all the other guys there were very nice. It was a bit older, bearish gentlemen who were very nice and always wanting to have fun. I compare that to some other gay establishments I've been to where if you're over-30 and sans-six pack, you basically were not welcome. I'm glad I got to stay there once at least.
  6. If you click "more filters" you can still get those ethnic categories. I just did it for "Latin" and "Black" and it worked for me.
  7. I believe he used to live in Seattle. When I met him in 2018, he had only been in Denver a few months.
  8. You're right about Ask Me. That's not on there. I think you can click both Vers and Top simultaneously so I think that would give you basically what you're looking for.
  9. I've met with him as well. I think he's had that name for a while. My review from way back in 2018 is still on there. I liked him fine. Very nice guy and definitely enjoys sex and is fun. He is a little on the smaller size down there and had a bit of a harder time with me keeping it hard. So even though I had a great time, I haven't really sought him out again. But that was years ago and things could be very different now.
  10. The new RM app is pretty bad. It glitches out all the time. I often cannot access my chats, which is really a major problem since that's how they encourage you to communicate on there. The search functionality is mostly there though. It does require a lot more scrolling and clicking the "More Filters" tab. I don't like that search forces you into a little pop-up window, but it is what it is. It does look like you can specifically search for versatile/top/bottom and safe sex/bb though you have to scroll down a bit to find the latter.
  11. That will probably dry out your rectum of mucus and then the sex itself of course may cause some pain. It's not uncommon to develop hemorrhoids after a session like that. But you know maybe it's worth it if the sex is hot. 😝
  12. I agree with this 100%. I have started to do group weight training classes at a rec center. Originally I had a male trainer and he was mostly just about trying to get me to do heavier weights and longer reps. I have a shoulder injury and this just kind of exasperated that. So I ended up switching to a female trainer and she was more about the technique of getting me to lift weights in the right way to both gain muscle and reduce injury. I actually feel I'm getting better results with her. Not that it necessarily matters which gender trainer you choose, but I do think one that actually teaches technique instead of just trying to push me to do more is a better choice for me at least.
  13. This! The reality is that when you douche you're not just losing the shit but also the mucus that lines your intestine and is supposed to be there to make pooping more comfortable. I have unfortunately douched multiple times in a few days and really was left with painful bowel movements for several days while my body reset back to normal.
  14. A couple things can help keep it clean a bit longer: A) High-fiber diet or even take fiber pills when you're planning to bottom. This makes your poop thicker and more of it ended up going out of your system when you poop. B) Avoiding eating after and right before douching. Unfortunately any significant meals you have will push things down more into your rectum to make room for your food. Small, high-fiber snacks are probably fine. I often do granola bars and dried fruit for overnights for a little snack. C) Take a loperamide (immodium) after douching. These anti-diarrhea medications work by calming the nerves in the digestive track. Don't overdo this though as that can cause constipation. Just one or two pills should be sufficient. I definitely have remained clean all night for overnights before even into the morning. But everyone is different of course.
  15. Interesting, I often try hiring on Saturdays (weekday evenings I have to work) and find it also pretty hard to find guys available. Just this last week, I had something set-up and then he cancelled on me last minute right before I was going to shower. I ended up scrambling and contacting like several other guys and finally found one available last minute. Maybe a lot of guys have their own stuff going on Saturday nights and are not available, but yeah it's interesting that it's hard on both sides I guess.
  16. I hear what you're saying with the lounge. I do think that many interesting conversations that would be here previously are now elsewhere. Something that has happened in my opinion is that the Ask the Provider forum has become a bit of a catch-all "questions about hiring" that are not necessarily directed to providers. Which is fine, but maybe some of that could be more in here. I think the Deli should be pretty specific to information about actual providers and more general questions about hiring get drowned out pretty quickly there. I think a question about like RM issues or like what makes a good overnight or general questions like that might be better in the Lounge, but maybe I'm in the minority on that.
  17. Thanks Rob and the rest of the team. You guys got rid of the spam really quick after I reported it. So grateful that you all are taking care of this site. 🥳
  18. If fat loss is the goal, probably diet is going to be more important than exercise actually. High-fiber, high-protein and low-carb are all generally good for lowering abdominal fat. It might be worth looking for a meal-plan app or even a delivery meal-plan for this purpose.
  19. I have a couple of "off-the clock" guys actually. For whatever reason, I have similar interests with a lot of these guys and end up taking them to concerts, plays, etc. I always pay for the activity but there is of course no "hourly" rate for the time we are spending together at those activities. I always kind of think of it as I'm willing to spend money for a friend's ticket to a concert (or whatever) because I want to share that experience of something we both enjoy. But of course any time we're in the bedroom, we're back on the clock and I pay the agreed-upon rates. In many cases (though actually not always) this is before or after the activity. I feel like it's worth it for them to enjoy something they would like to do anyway for free and then often still get some money after. My only advice is to make sure it is something they really enjoy. I once took a friend who enjoyed theater to kind of a cerebral play and could tell he was bored. He loves theater but more razzle-dazzle musicals than Tom Stoppard.
  20. Yeah, they don't look like the same person to me. Possibly it could be his friend he worked out with in that one SM on the bottom right. But I don't think the main SM Nico and the Nico on RM are the same guy. Thanks for sharing the pics as well.
  21. Hmm...to me they look like they have pretty different skin tones. The SM guy looks Latin and the RM guy looks more white. If you look on twitter, the first pic the guy has an outie belly button. But the RM guy definitely has an innie belly button.
  22. A new guy popped up in Denver. He has a pretty extensive social media posted on his ad. The only problem is they don't really look like the same guy at all. I suppose it could be partially the haircut but I think there are a lot more differences. What do you think? https://app.rent.men/Nikowynn vs https://linktr.ee/nikowynn
  23. The app has some bugs from time to time. I don't think it's a credential thing. It just sometimes has these functionality errors. They really need @RadioRob running the site.
  24. I got my vaccine today. Very easy though in Denver it's only available at the department of public health at a clinic or drive-through clinic. Fortunately, my doctor actually informed me of the availability since I asked about it during my last Prep appointment. It sounds like Colorado is informing and getting vaccines to as many people who are on Prep as possible, which is definitely a good call. Really no side-effects at all. Not even really sore. So glad to have it!
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