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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Looks like they aren't on there anymore so you were successful Maus. But actually rates definitely are showing up in the US without a VPN. It's kinda unfortunate for providers that they just did that without telling you all. Because yeah I would think in some cases they could be older rates or you have different rates for traveling outside of the US then in the US.
  2. I don't think most US providers have it entered. Rates were pretty common when I travelled through Europe last spring. Maybe a lot of the US providers that have rates were ones that travel occasionally outside of the US. I know the one I screenshotted has done porn and does seem to travel from time to time.
  3. Rent.Men 7.0 has been really glitchy lately, so my guess this is more of an error than a feature. I think that escorts can post their rates for markets outside of the US but typically Rent.men doesn't post them in the US. for some reason it is now though. There are other errors too. Pictures not loading correctly, reviews showing wrong dates. Just lots of crap basically.
  4. I've definitely met several members and chat with several more off the forum. Definitely would be open to meeting more. If anyone is ever in Denver, feel free to reach out.
  5. Walk on By has long been my favorite. The orchestral melodies and that beautiful circular piano rhythm. The way it matched with Warwick's beautifully clean vocals. Perfection.
  6. Yeah, I've seen it in only a handful of Denver ads. Mostly visitors but a few locals. @Jarrod_Uncut has it on his. Curious if that's a new option or something that's been there a while.
  7. I can see rates for several escorts on RM. I don't know if this will be temporary, but they are definitely there. Here's a screenshot of one escort in Denver. They're accurate with my experiences with him. It's not on everyone's ad, but definitely on several. Very exciting if this is permanent!
  8. I've met with two guys multiple times and it has always been fine. But definitely stick with your gut. I would be wary of anyone who tries to "upsell" you with another guy. Or if you get any kind of druggy vibes. I also prefer to travel to their hotel room. With all of their cameras and daily check ins, hotels are inherently safer than some rural house or something like that. I'll keep only the cash for the visit on me in case they try to steal your credit card. Also a good idea to keep your phone with a pretty strong password. But a lot of these are general rules for first visits. I don't really think that meeting with two guys is inherently more dangerous than visiting with one.
  9. Not that this is unusual at this point, but Rent.Men keeps logging me out constantly. I'm not sure why. The only thing I can think of is that I didn't renew my membership so I'm back to a basic membership. Is this happening to anyone else or is my computer being weird?
  10. I agree that it could be exploitation but it doesn't have to be exploitation. By definition, "the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work." To me, it's really about whether or not your treating someone unfairly. If you can create a situation where there is mutual and more or less equal benefit on both sides, than that isn't exploitation in my opinion. As long as you are respecting consent and boundaries. But yes it would be exploitive if you are being overly aggressive, or lying to them to get what you want, or trying to get a lot from someone because they are vulnerable. T=
  11. I'm definitely a grower. Especially for thickness. I definitely fail the toilet roll test when I am hard. I would say it's maybe 2 1/2" soft but it's close to 7" hard and pretty thick
  12. My experience with this hobby is that lateness is almost expected on both sides. As a client, I definitely have had to wait many minutes, even hours for a late provider. And regretfully there have been times, I've been slightly late as well. Once in NYC, I got on the wrong train and ended up being nearly an hour late even though I left an hour early. The main thing is communication on both sides. Yes, you're in the wrong here because you wasted his time and cost him money by cancelling for only being 15 minutes late. From what I know about escorts, it can be very hit and miss. Your three-hour session could have been his main source of income for the whole week. So he is right to be pissed at your cancellation.
  13. It's a challenging situation for both sides because for men sex, love and friendship can get really mixed up. But I have really enjoyed some great friendships with escorts. I know when they are done though and no hard feelings.
  14. I actually met with Kevin and found him to be a pretty great escort. But I did get a sense that he was getting a bit tired of all the flakes and questions. I agree that he was being a bit rude, but I also get that he could have been answering so many questions all day he was just kind of over it. We all could use a little grace here.
  15. I like that his name is kind of a pun on Comme de Garcons.
  16. I think introverts could do very well at connecting with people one on one. I'm introverted myself as well and I'll hide in the corner of a large party but will have a great one-on-one conversation with 1-2 people all night. Introverts often are good at listening and making deeper connections. And I agree that many of my favorite escorts are ones a little more introverted.
  17. I think if you wanted to be a little safer with this you can use credit cards with low credit limits or refillable debit cards when you're out with escorts. Only put in the money that you can truly afford/want to spend but then allow them to use it as they see fit. That way you're only losing $5000 or whatever even if they do have access to your card or are kind of scummy and end up ripping you off. I definitely would not give them access to your main debit card or your bank accounts. I think that's trouble even if it's someone you think you can trust.
  18. Mike Gaite, Gianni Legno, Sir Dion X, Sherman Maus, Kevin Slater, Jean Ali, Lucas Frenchy and Matt Anthony are the few that come to mind. They are all warm and welcoming and make you feel comfortable and special.
  19. IMO, it's down a little bit. At least it seems like that in Denver. Definitely have seen more pages of escorts in the past. Maybe it's just a winter lull.
  20. In Denver it's definitely in the $250-$300 range now. There's a couple that try to go higher than that but I haven't hired them at that level. A few also ask for less. I always appreciate a guy that gives a bit of a discount for a longer session. I had a regular that did a great two-hour session for $450 and I hired him quite often.
  21. I agree. It all depend on when you plan to bottom. If I am planning to bottom in the evening, I will still have breakfast. A good high-fiber breakfast like oatmeal, cereal and some fruit not only keeps me full but definitely helps slow down digestion. If I am planning to bottom during the day, I usually won't eat until after I bottom. But in some ways that's fine. If I am travelling I actually like to make daytime appointments with providers. They're often more available and it's nice seeing a guy during the day....no worries about walking at night through an unfamiliar area or whatever.
  22. The other problem is if you have scene partners who do not care as much about privacy as you. This happened to one of my escort friends. On his Justforfans, he was always careful to never show his face but a scene partner recorded his own footage and did show his face, put on his onlyfans and on top of that promoted it on Twitter with a short clip that showed his face plus linked it to his Twitter. That by itself informed several close friends and co-workers. I think he got it taken down before family found out but it's crazy how quickly that stuff can spread.
  23. I also think technically the word "finances" is pretty broad. Like what if you simply hired two escorts as once. Wouldn't that technically count?
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