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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I've done overnight and definitely do not party. And in fact turned what was supposed to be an overnight into a two-hour session when an escort brought drugs and insisted on partying. It almost always ends up with them trying to figure out how to get more drugs, how to get more money from you, etc. Just not worth it. Weed and poppers are cool but that's about it for me.
  2. Haha..I love the confetti. Good job gentlemen! I really do appreciate this community and all of you so much.
  3. I liked KinkyGingerPig a lot. He's a true vers which is exactly what I prefer. Didn't actually get into anything too kinky but got a sense he was down. Recommend!
  4. I find the sexiest guys to be lean but not overly bulky with just a bit of hair but not super hairy. I like those goldilocks guys I guess. Actor Raul Castillo and Spanish porn star Bel Gris might be the perfect men to me.
  5. This was not an encouraging article. Sounds like in many of the monkeypox cases in Canada, people are not seeing necessarily many lesions and many are just around the anus or genitals. Some are getting the lesions before the fever and other symptoms. Fortunately, it seems like some people are getting a pretty mild case but unfortunately even in the mild cases the lesions themselves are very contagious. Clearly this is why it's spreading so easily. Many men are not thinking they have anything at all.
  6. Haha. She knows that already. I'm on Truvada and we have our three-month "talk" about how I am engaging in safe-sex. She's not judgmental. I actually do mostly use condoms and did at the bathhouse. That might help a bit though of course Monkeypox could spread from contact with areas the condom doesn't cover.
  7. I had a quick virtual consultation with my doctor because of my Europe trip and my visit to bathhouses there. Fortunately it's been now a full 2-weeks since visiting a bathhouse and she thinks its unlikely I'd be without symptoms for that long. She said 90 percent of people experience at least a fever within 7-14 days. She did say to monitor symptoms for one more week and then I should 100 percent be in the clear.
  8. The other reason that bathhouses are kind of tricky is because monkeypox can be spread by contaminated bedding. So possibly if someone with monkeypox was on a bathhouse bed, the virus could be spread by the next person using that bed even if they didn't have direct contact. I wonder how long those fomites would be infectious. Good news is that it does not appear to spread easily through the air. Apparently some people with the rash actually took lengthy flights from Nigeria to Europe and didn't infect a single person on the flight.
  9. The closed spa was in Madrid not Barcelona for what it's worth. But yeah Spain has quite a few cases of Monkeypox right now with only the UK having more. I do think this outbreak should have a limited life-span as the symptoms are quite obvious and asymptomatic spread is unlikely. Unfortunately it can have a very long incubation period so we're probably still in the zone where people could have early symptoms and be contagious. The other thing that is concerning is that it can be spread by contaminated bedding, which makes the bathhouse thing even more risky. I avoided bathhouses in Europe once I heard about this outbreak and probably still would for at least a coupe more weeks.
  10. Fortunately, sneezing/coughing is not an actual symptom of monkeypox and it appears that it does not spread well through the air. But if you were to make out with someone or really be in close proximity to their mouths, you could probably get it that way.
  11. I think you're right. I think most of the cases probably did come from like one-offs and then a few from connections to it. There most have been something in Canada too...probably another bathhouse or something. But yeah, it's not the actual sex but just being in close-contact or in the cases of the bathhouses using the same sheets/mattresses. It really is the lesions themselves where the virus spreads but yeah it was probably hard to see them and it spread more quickly than anyone realized.
  12. The WHO now is saying monkeypox likely spread at a few random events: Gay Pride in the Canary Islands, a fetish festival in Belgium and at a gay sauna in Madrid. They actually closed the sauna in Madrid. It appears to just be bad luck that gay men happened to be in close-contact with contagious lesions at these events. Fortunately, it's very obvious you have monkeypox when you have it and it appears to only be contagious when you have symptoms. I'm a bit nervous because I am in Europe and have been to a few bathhouses. It's been now five-days since my last visit though and it sounds like in most cases you develop a fever and swollen lymph nodes by then. I haven't either and haven't actually been to any of the countries where the events occurred so hoping everything is fine. Fly back to the states on Wednesday. Have to test for COVID tomorrow.
  13. I read this and found it to be useful. This strain of monkeypox doesn't appear to be significantly mutated from earlier varieties, so it's unlikely to be spreading differently. It's also doesn't appear to spread asymptomatically. For the most part someone has to have be symptomatic to spread the virus to others. Since the rash is distinct and often starts on the face, it should be fairly easy to avoid contact with infected people. That's why I truly am wondering if many of the outbreaks could be traced back to like some kind of party or bathhouse or something where it was hard to see and perhaps one infected person spread it to many either directly or indirectly (through contaminated bedsheets). Bottom line, one-on-one spread of Monkeypox is probably very unlikely even with escorts. Ask the usual questions in this: How are you feeling? Any rashes? But yeah since the incubation period is kind of long (up to five days), we definitely should monitor ourselves for symptoms and get checked out ASAP. I went to a bathhouse in France on Thursday and so far feel fine but will monitor myself for sure.
  14. Leave it to a bunch of horny gay men to figure out how to make any disease into an STD. There was a big COVID outbreak last summer at Provincetown as well. We just want to be around a bunch of other men and aren't always the safest when we do so. Fortunately, I do think gay men are good about quickly taking care of any health issues when they become apparent so hopefully this will be nipped in the bud quickly.
  15. I don't think this should be a major worry. But if you see someone with a rash, definitely do not have contact with them. I am actually generally curious if these exposures are happening at a bathhouse or somewhere where it's hard to see. I am currently on a Eurotrip and though I visited some bathhouses early on, I think I'm actually going to avoid them now.
  16. On this day celebrating Star Wars, anyone want to be fucked by Boba Fett? https://rent.men/LeMasquiat This is the way.
  17. I'm biased but I think Denver has a good selection of guys. Four pages on RM plus some very good masseurs. Wide-selection too IMO. Summer in the Rockies is really special too. It's often 20+ degrees cooler up there in the summer and beautiful scenery, wildlife, flowers, etc.
  18. NYTimes theater critic just published a pretty scathing review of Funny Girl. It definitely touches on a lot of what you said Benjamin: The staging "feels lumbering and underfunded, with cheap-looking sets." Feldstein's singing is "overstretched" and "merely loud." And ultimately, "Without a stupendous Fanny to thrill and distract, the musical’s manifold faults become painfully evident."
  19. I'm about to go on a three-week long trip through Europe: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and back to France. I know RM has some guys listed but was curious about any other good web sites for finding local escorts. Or in general strategies for hiring in Europe. Thanks guys!
  20. No experience but yeah I really like his vibe too and definitely would meet with him if we were ever in the same city.
  21. Does it seem like 80% of the people who advertise their OnlyFans on Twitter say they are in the top 1% of OnlyFans?
  22. I'm pretty confident that this is the same guy who many guys have had negative experiences.
  23. The package/dosage restrictions do appear to be a federal thing. From what I heard, the issue is actually that people take high dosages of loperamide to counteract the effects of opioid withdrawal. One of the main symptoms of withdrawal is uncontrollable diarrhea and apparently taking high dosages of Imodium can kind of keep the opiates in your system longer as you try to get your next hit. Very popular with addicts but taking a very high dosage does bring in some risk of heart damage. However, it's completely safe to take loperamide at the suggested dosage levels. I do regularly because I have mild IBS.
  24. That was definitely the moment of the night. I actually don't think anything will happen (legally) to Will Smith. I don't think Smith should have hit anyone, but actually Rock's joke was really inappropriate and in really bad taste. Jada has alopecia which is why she has her hair like that. Had he just cussed Rock out it would've been fine, but yeah the physical violence was definitely a step too far.
  25. I never met Daddy in person. But my online interactions were always very friendly. He also personally wrote me a note after the first time I supported the site. He always went above and beyond to support this community. We should all be grateful for his legacy.
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