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big dale

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Posts posted by big dale

  1. Oh not really, I just can't stand hypocrites. I haven't really posted about you before, I don't think. But seeing your post in this thread dated from July after having seeing you attack others for asking about getting a massage during Covid and then the thread you started Jan 5th peaked my interest.


    But for anyone who wants to see what I'm talking about, see this thread and look at some of his comments to those who disagree with him.




    Here's a couple of examples:


    "I hope your selfish and ignorant choices don't seriously harm your friends and family. I hope things work out for the best for you, and those you love."


    "You are truly selfish, and I feel deeply worried for the people around you."

    It's piqued, not peaked - at least come correct if you're gonna try it, sis.

  2. Butthurt? Wow, some can give it but can't take it.

    Nope, not butthurt at all. Just interesting that you don't seem to have the emotional intelligence to allow others to disagree with your opinion. I said what I said and stand by it. Your opinion of me doesn't even register. I have zero interest in what you think of me.

  3. If your profile pic is you, he looks better than you. Different strokes ...

    Imagine a world where we could have different opinions, and you didn't need to try to lessen my worth to express you feel differently. At least I have the testicular fortitude to show my face and not hide behind a cartoon scene (one which by the way has been called out for being racist and transphobic, fwiw.)

  4. I had a trainer once who was very hands-on, and handsy; he was about 4 inches taller and he'd guide me around the crowded gym floor, gently putting his hand on my shoulder and direct me where I needed to go. (I didn't have a great attention span so this helped a lot.) He made the training fun, pushed me harder than I ever would myself. He'd give the exercises silly names. One thing I've always found intimidating is ass-holes who know how to use the machines better than I do and they'd be impatient watching me finish up. But having a trainer seems to cut through all that. He was a buffer between me and the pricks. It was all too good to be true, I thought.


    One day, he kinda...well, not kinda, he snapped at me over nothing. He apologized later and I lied to myself that he was under stress and he'd never do it again -- even though every instinct I had told me more was coming. (Do I need to finish this story?)


    Dude must have been bi-polar. The snapping would come out of the blue; apologies were few and far between. You have to go down a really dark hole to convince yourself that someone who's being a dick to you isn't -- just because he calls you 'buddy' every now and then. The work relationship ended. He was brutal about it and I haven't been able to find someone to trust again. I won't even try till after COVID, but boy did it all suck. We'd confide in each other stuff. I thought we were pals. We weren't.

    Sounds like 'roid rage.

  5. I think your selfie on the In and Out of Jeans thread was already deleted, so I had to settle to looking at TigerToby's pic...assuming that was the guy you were referring to in your above post, then yea...impressive, definitely don't need this special. Lol.

    I'm not sure what you mean by the second half of that. Who or what is TigerToby?

  6. I pushed the envelope and took a couple chances, with both parties masked up, my HEPA filter running, “sanitized” hotel room, showers before for provider and me before/after, people I knew, no one new.etc.

    but @big dale ‘s recent posting as well as LA county spiraling out of control last six weeks, was a wake up. I’m on hiatus until vaccinated. Thanks @big dale not what everyone wants to hear, but responsible postings.

    Stay safe, dude! Be well.

  7. To everyone who has sent positive notes, or even better, made comments on here that are full of common sense and support: THANK YOU.


    For everyone who has sent a nastygram, or continues to spread misinformation: We all have individual calculations to do about what we feel is safe, and the choices we make will have repercussions beyond ourselves. I hope your selfish and ignorant choices don't seriously harm your friends and family. I hope things work out for the best for you, and those you love.

  8. I take all precautions to keep me safe and my clients. I had Covid March 16th. I get tested every two weeks and still have active antibodies as I take care of my grandmother. I sterilize all surfaces and wear a mask if my clients request.

    Respectfully, what is your training around disinfection and sterilization protocols? What special equipment are you using to filter the air in the room you work in? What tools do you have at your disposal to clean and sterilize your space, tools, linens, etc?


    Having antibodies to the virus that causes COVID-19 may provide protection from getting infected with the virus again. But even if it does, we do not know how much protection the antibodies may provide or how long this protection may last. There's simply not enough science, and you're cherry-picking what you're choosing to believe.


    Wearing a mask only at the client's request puts both of you in danger. And your grandmother and other innocent people you later come into contact with are also put into danger.


    I understand this is an income stream and that must be hard, but if you have to keep working please be safer.

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