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big dale

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Posts posted by big dale

  1. I get it. We all need touch. We all get that itch. He says he keeps his table super clean. We are both going to wear a mask. The economy needs to keep moving, etc., etc., etc.


    And that's all fine and well, except things are getting worse. Period. This isn't speculation, or mind control, or the government trying to take away your rights. This is life or DEATH. There's a new more contagious version of COVID-19 in the UK and now the US. In the Los Angeles area 1 in 5 people tested is showing to be infected. This is an huge increase from before the holidays.


    Ambulances are no longer transporting people in cardiac arrest if they cannot revive you on site you get left behind. There's no capacity for people hurt in car accidents or with other health emergencies. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/05/us/los-angeles-county-california-human-disaster-covid/index.html


    So, yes... come here and share stories and tips, make your wish list for when things are more stable, ask about your favorite eye candy, but think twice 365,620 times before you book a massage. (That's the US death toll as of this posting.)


    And here's the thing; I know some of you are going to lambast me, and try your straw man arguments, report this post and try to have it taken down, but I really don't care. Somebody has to say this. We need to stop this thing. It starts with each of us acting responsibly.


    Need info on how to keep yourself safe? https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html



  2. I do believe it's my new semi-muscular body that is what led to having an intimate opportunity : he told me that he is proud of me. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the guys with the hot bodies have the better times with the hires.


    This thinking is kind of fucked on so many levels. Everybody deserves a hot time regardless of what body they have. And the fact you have assigned some value to a certain body type doesn't mean everyone else has.

  3. $175 for a 60-minute therapeutic massage?! A few thoughts:

    1. I recognize that this might be a controversial opinion: he ain't that cute.
    2. Charging that rate should be a federal crime.
    3. Just go to Burke Williams instead.
    4. *Note to self: Contact Burke Williams to set up a referral scheme so I can promote them on this forum.

    Right!? Burke-Williams owes me for how many times I have repped them in this forum. LOL

  4. In the commercial sector, there would also be some legal challenges with reviewing customers. I know some businesses have even threatened lawsuits based on bad reviews they felt were inaccurate. It's just not a good model from a marketing perspective.

    I help to set-up sites and networks where businesses do keep scorecards for customers. For example, I recently set up a web-based platform for organized retail crime information and intelligence-sharing between retail investigators and law enforcement. There are companies that compile information on people who make frequent returns to retailers. Companies that "grade" your worth as a customer based on the demographic info that's available for sale from companies you have given permission to use it (like facebook, when you agree to the TOS.) So don't think for a second you aren't already being reviewed as a customer when you scan your CVS or Safeway card. It's only a matter of time until there's a more organized and interconnected system for providers of bodywork and other services.

  5. Dale, I enjoy a lot of your posts, but you're off base on this one and I don't really understand the point. You're telling those of us who have read the book and like it that you don't understand why we like the book since you don't like the book's cover. Obviously, to each his own. Nobody is for everybody. I could list 100 reasons why Mark is easily among the absolute best in L.A. and how I could 100% fall in love with Mark if we were meeting in a different context, but that's me doing me. You do you.


    P.S. - I find the cover as spectacular as everything else about the experience. :)

    I wrote what I meant and meant what I wrote. Note, I did not say any of you were wrong, I said I was unable to figure out the draw. And considering that 99.99999% of guys on here pick practitioners based on some combination of looks and attitude (since you can't know skill level until you receive a service) I would say I'm neither off base, nor taking anything away from you or your choice to frequent him. Perhaps next time someone asks a question, address the answer and not whatever weird trigger you've had go off.

  6. Interesting that you spent a couple months judging people about exposing themselves to the possibility of contracting Covid and now you're on a tear looking for escorts...while Los Angeles is at the height of Covid numbers. What changed for you?

    1. Escorts? No, boo. Check the forum.

    2. Asking if there's updated info is not "on a tear", I have not hired anyone, nor do I have immediate plans (or even long term plans to).

    3. As a novice, should you really be here making such an ass of yourself?

  7. Sorry, been meaning to comment on this for awhile, but just joined. Super nice guy, and his body pics are totally accurate with a beautiful face. But, the massage was one of the most awkward I’ve ever had. It was almost like he had no idea how muscles on the body connect and interact. I would definitely not repeat which is really a shame.

    But did you leave "happy"?

  8. I saw him for a massage right before the pandemic hit. I agree that he’s not as fit as in his photos but I found him to be kind and personable...and sexy. The massage was good and the extras were enjoyable. All good, not spectacular. But sometimes good is what you need.

    Most of us would take a nudge above mediocre at this point. LOL

  9. My only feedback on the new photos is that you aren't really making an inviting look with your facial expressions. They telegraph nervousness, inexperience, or boredom. Not sure which. It doesn't sound like that reflects your reality, so don't be afraid to get and post more. There's a shocking amount of guys who would love to photograph a naked dude and wouldn't charge you, or might be willing to work in trade.

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