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big dale

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Posts posted by big dale

  1. Use Google. Type Local Massage near me. Also, Yelp is a great tool.

    My point is... if you want to come here and state a piece of data- be prepared to back it up with a source. Otherwise you are just pulling shit out of your ass and that's ridiculous. So... where did you find the figure of 70%? Or are you just making shit up?

  2. It’s always “fake news” when you can’t really answer. 70 percent of all massage business are basically open in CA. If it was so much of a health hazard now, everything would still be closed. Royally piss off my friend.

    Please identify your source for this information. Show us where "70 percent of all massage business are basically open in CA' and also describe what "basically open" means.

  3. This has been asked an answered a few times in this forum already. You're going to get a multitude of responses. Mine is this: is that massage worth exposing yourself, your friends and family, and other members of your community to a deadly virus? There's no massage where someone can stay six feet away from you, and even if you both wear masks (unlikely) there's no certainty that the practitioner is doing a thorough job of cleaning the space. It just seems super reckless and somewhat selfish to ignore all the science and press on in this reality.

  4. Well... I try to think positively until proven otherwise. Likewise, I am sure not every doctor, nurse, dentist and hair stylist has the best personal hygiene, home cleanliness, professionalism, etc. either.


    Basically every post here will have an "on the other hand" response.

    You aren't going to the doctor's home for treatment, so your example is not relevant.

  5. A masseur is not just a random stranger you bump into who may or may not be carrying The Virus. Like a doctor, nurse, dentist and hair stylist who must touch as part of the profession, he does put a lot of effort into personal hygiene and worries a lot about spreading anything he might contract to his clients. Yes, it is "safest" to stay at home and not touch or be touched by anybody. Yet touching does become as "necessary" as getting food at the store. At least the masseur will try very, very hard to make the experience "safer" even if he can't promise it will be the "safest".


    We have all either read about or experienced masseurs who do NOT have the best personal hygiene, home cleanliness, professionalism, etc. Now imagine that their failing isn't just an inconvenience and fodder for a forum thread, but rather a pathway to make you sick with a life-threatening illness which you will also expose your friends and family to. Yes, we'd love to expect providers to keep their studios as clean as a hospital, but the fact is most are not educated in any type of protocols for cleanliness, and you are taking your life and the lives of others in your hand for that happy ending.

  6. I wonder why you are so negative to people all the time.. I would hope you would have better things to do. Hope you learn to be happy in life.

    I am very happy in life. You're the one who seems focused on my behavior instead of your own happiness. Sort of makes ya think.

  7. This was my 3rd or 4th massage with this guy in Upper Manhattan. Buzzed him and the door opened. He opened the door and had clearly just woken up at 3 pm from a hard night out. I offer to leave, he says he just needs to jump in the shower. So I’m waiting for that, and in walks his.....mean as a snake girlfriend. They get in a heated argument over who’s turn to walk the 2 yapping dogs. Again, I offer to leave. He says go in the living room, which I did, followed by the yapping mutts. They settle the argument and she agrees to take the dogs outside and “wait for that to be over”. Nice.

    I cut things off early because I didn’t want to risk seeing the not so lovely Eastern European woman again.

    Same guy. Met at a hotel for a more “escort” experience. After a few drinks, I made the mistake of sort of rubbing his head playfully. Which he gets cranky about and says (kid you not). “Not the hair, I work hard on my hair”! A very real Saturday Night Fever moment with Tony Manero. He had no clue about the reference. I laughed at the guy and sent him on his way. I see his ads all the time. No dice.

    Link to his ad please. =)

  8. I had quite a few massages from Glen. I thought the massages were good and the endings very satisfying. But, you're right about the filthy hotel room, rotting food and stench. Shame, cause I had a thing for his body.

    So you had that filthy rotten food experience and kept going back? Must have been some massage.

  9. Yup. It is what it is. I didn't for several months, but started again when my state started easing covid restrictions. But as someone else put it COVID is likely to be with us for a long time to come if not forever, Just like with communicable diseases, people make decisions based on acceptable risks. As time goes on, risks that people are willing to accept when it comes to COVID will change. Otherwise with all the communicable diseases that existed before covid, there should be no human to human contact at all, this industry wouldn't exist.


    Do I take precautions? Yes. Am I judging people for risks they take? No.

    Except unlike most other communicable diseases you could spend two weeks unknowingly infected and spread death to those close to you. So, there's that.

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