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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. Your sarcasm is duly noted and disregarded. Thanks for the sentiment.
  2. I got it....I just ignored it.
  3. What do politicians and diapers have in common? Both should be changed regularly, and both for the same reason. ---ba-dum-dum---
  4. This happened several years ago, but something I read in the news brought it to mind....I thought I'd see what members of this forum may have done. At the time, I worked with a somewhat conservative -- but not close-minded -- person. One day, he asked for my opinion on a moral dilemma. (I immediately laugh, saying that I had no morals, but that is a digression.) He needed a somewhat difficult to find piece of equipment for a personal project. To buy one new was cost-prohibitive. The only one that he could find that was used was being sold by a rabidly homophobic and mildly racist person that he would rather not have anything to do with. He asked my opinion. After a little thought, I said that if he was looking for my permission or approval to get the equipment, then it wasn't needed. If he was trying to alleviate his conscience a little because he was going to buy it, I suggested he get it and then make a donation to a local gay organization...in the name of the homophobe. Opinions? Thoughts? Better suggestions?
  5. No. When I was in the industry, it seemed to hit the right places....that was all the information I really needed. And I've been content with that knowledge for as long as I've been having sex...I've never needed an official number to describe my schlong.
  6. Many escorts will say on their ads if they prefer text first....if they left that out, then it's understandable that you would call the number first instead of texting. That said, it never hurts to text for first contact...if just to check whether it's a good time to call to discuss business. Some had "day jobs," and prefer not to discuss one job while working another. That said, the three you described acted somewhat unprofessionally, imho. A good escort doesn't "ghost" a prospective client without cause. A good escort will call back if he said he would. (This one may have been driving to a client, so a delay in getting back to you could be understandable....but neglecting to call at all???) A good escort won't get offended if a client is trying to match their desires with what the escort does/likes to do. As the saying goes, "bad pennies will turn up," and it's a shame that the ones you tried to contact appear to have been a few. Luckily for you, there appear to be plenty of guys in SD to choose from.
  7. Nah....we just build a wall and make the ocean pay for it. Problem solved.
  8. That kind of depends on "what I want" means. I'll assume you're talking about something that still falls into the category of "massage." But here's a couple things to keep in mind. When law enforcement sends in their vice squad, they usually target storefronts and the like, not individuals who work out of an apartment or who travel to clients. They like to go on the news and say "we arrested dozens of people in a prostitution sting," cause they think that bigger numbers look better. Is there risk in hiring someone to perform a massage of an erotic nature? Sure, in theory. Generally speaking though, the risk is minimal, especially if you check out the service provider for reviews, etc. Not all providers will do things of a .... non-therapeutic nature (for lack of a better phrase coming to mind).
  9. Oh, my. At the risk of sounding vain.....I like to think that I look quite a bit younger than he does. The hair is still dark, though I admit to a little grey starting to peek through, for example. Don't get me wrong....he doesn't look bad for his age by any means. But there is no where near that much snow on the old roof for me just yet.
  10. I've not been to Fire Island in a couple of decades....forgive me if I miss the reference. It's the "daddy" reference...as someone who turns 45 this year, I'm not sure if I should be having a mid-life crisis about that.
  11. I don't see that there's anything inappropriate. He provides multiple services....and you're taking advantage of that. So long as it's clear which services you're expecting at any given appointment, there's nothing wrong with asking him. He may or may not want to have that kind of "dual relationship" on the long-term.....but it might be worthwhile in the short-term, at least.
  12. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended by that.....*chuckle*
  13. The rest of your sentence was irrelevant, to be perfectly honest. It's a rationalization that doesn't disguise the fact of fucking an unwilling person. It's the same kind of rationalization given by people who fuck the unconscious without their consent...."they didn't say no..." The guy shoved his dick into someone who gave no indication that he wanted to do that. Why would anyone assume that it's o.k. to fuck someone who 1) doesn't want to be fucked, 2) isn't asked whether he wants to fuck, and 3) has paid for services that DON'T include fucking?
  14. Meanwhile he goes on raping other people looking only for a massage? People not looking to get fucked and bred need to know not to hire someone who will do it without asking/discussing it and whether you want to or not. I can see the point you're making, and there is some merit to it...but it's not the course of action that I would take. Rapists count on their victims keeping silent.
  15. I must remember that if I ever get back into the industry.....*chuckle*
  16. An admin can confirm this, but polls might be restricted to certain forums. For example, if you "post new thread" to The Lounge, you get only a place to put your message. If you "post new thread" in the Politics section, though, I see options for creating a poll when I scroll to the bottom of the page.
  17. It might be automatically redirecting because of where your ISP is located. Have you considered a VPN (even one of the free ones)? And are the links not directing to the right person (just to the home page, etc.)?
  18. That -- literally -- is what a rapist is.
  19. Well, it's true that some clients are all about "my pleasure," and what they are into is just so different from your own personal kinks and preferences that you don't have as much fun as you could. Then again, some clients are all about pleasuring someone else. One memorable time, I had a client who literally got off without touching himself .... while blowing me. (Talk about an oral fixation.)
  20. Maybe they're in a relationship where they bb, but insist on rubbers with clients to prevent giving their lover the clap or worse?
  21. I can appreciate that some people take that stance, but it was never mine. I liked sex too much, maybe. It's difficult for me to understand that people would approach "paid" vs. "unpaid" with a different attitude other than "fuck yeah!"
  22. If housing is needed, then the school board, etc., should be talking to the city/county government about offering incentives (possibly property tax breaks, for example) to try to get developers to build an apartment complex or two. Don't get me wrong, trying to come up with some sort of housing possibilities for teachers is not a bad thing, at all. But teachers -- like most people -- don't stay as 1-person households indefinitely. At some point, they are going to have children, get married, etc. And only so many people can live in 300 square feet.
  23. Why would one treat sex you get paid cash for in a different way than sex you don't get paid cash for? Good sex means clients will come back. As I used to (and still do, from time to time) say, escorting is a service industry in more ways than one. If you want repeat clients, you should put your best, er, foot forward.
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