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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. It comes with a free Mountie, and you have to pay in loonies.
  2. Yeah, I think Janeway had a cameo in one of the TNG movies, but that was about it.
  3. Just so everyone is aware...."emotional support animals" are not protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and an airline (or anyone else) is perfectly within their rights to say "you can't bring that in here." https://adata.org/publication/service-animals-booklet And you're responsible for any damage done if the animal poops, pees, bites, barks, etc.
  4. It may sound ridiculous on the surface, but it's not. I new a woman when I lived in Maine who trained Shetland ponies to be seeing-eye animals. They're not much bigger than dogs that perform the same service. One key difference, though, is life span. Dogs live 10-15 years, with maybe 8 of being a good service animal. Horses live closer to 30 years.
  5. Well, guys in gay porn often get paid much better than guys in str8 porn. Maybe there's a monetary incentive? Maybe there's a little insecurity involved... "he won't fall for xxx" if "xxx" is a person of the same sex. In the end, who knows why some people do the things they do?
  6. No matter what the budget and effects, how do you make the characters in King Kong sing? Not all stories/properties are good ideas for musicals, and I'm skeptical whether anyone could make King Kong a good one.
  7. I agree, it's a tricky question, and comes down in part to whether the person can legally consent. Some impairments would cause no problem. Bi-polar is a good example. Others, where there is a difficulty distinguishing reality vs. fantasy (some of the varieties of untreated schizophrenia, for example) become less clear. If a person is unable to communicate consent (some things on the autism spectrum, for example), then you're in legal jeopardy of a sexual assault/rape charge. That said, an escort should always feel free to leave or cut an appointment short if there is any concern over safety, consent, etc. You have to protect yourself.
  8. Here's the main reason to watch "Enterprise."
  9. I thought that casting had happened a while ago. Am I misremembering, or wasn't there a brief glimpse of Spock in the Season 2 trailer released some weeks ago?
  10. At this time of day (before 7:30 AM), I'm more interested in the cup than the cupholder.
  11. And God said to John, "come forth, and you shall be granted eternal life." But John came fifth, and won a toaster.
  12. It's capitalized at 12.5 million? I can think of one possible reason, because it does not sound like it's a production that would cost tons of money to get off the ground. With a significant amount in the bank, you can run the show at a loss for a little while in the beginning because you know that you're going to get a critical drubbing. Then you can hope for good word-of-mouth. Or maybe they're being produced by Bialystock and Bloom.
  13. I was in St. Croix, USVI, recently on a vacation. They had banned plastic straws a while ago, and it was just finishing being phased in. Snorkeling/scuba tourism is a big chunk of the economy of the island, and the plastic straws were having a significant negative effect on the reefs. In one place on the boardwalk in Christiansted, there were guys talking about it whom I overheard. One said he was trying to find a supplier to sell stainless-steel metal straws. Something that can be engraved, sold as a tourist keepsake, etc. I rather liked the idea, and I hope he makes a go of it.
  14. That depends in large part on whether the producers and publicists have done enough to build up a significant "advance sale." If not, then not enough people will see the show early, and that word-of-mouth won't start to circulate fast enough to counterbalance bad reviews.
  15. bnm73

    spray tanning

    At the risk of being cynical (which I freely admit that I am), the person in the salon would OF COURSE say you should try it. That way, she earns some money. Now that's out of the way, you could ask whether it's possible to get only some small part of you spray-painted, er, spray-tanned first. Perhaps a patch on your thigh or chest. Then you can see what it will look like in comparison to the rest of you. If you like it, then you can go for the whole thing. Assuming you do go through with it, don't forget that you still can get sunburn. Wear sunblock accordingly.
  16. I poured root beer into a square glass. Now I just have beer. *hides*
  17. There's nothing quite like reading a really bitchy theater review.....
  18. Though from The Muppet Movie....so I've digressed a bit from the topic. I've hijacked my own thread.
  19. I can still do a passable Kermit impression.....though it's easier for me to sing Rainbow Connection than It's Not Easy Being Green.
  20. Well, the measurements there are more precise (going a few decimal places in) than the scale I used. I'll trust someone had done math (without double-checking it myself). Considering it's Margarita o'clock, I probably shouldn't be doing much math right now, anyway.
  21. While I can't speak to Mexico City specifically, it's usually not an issue so long as you're a registered guest. Just make sure you have your room key if you are personally bringing them up. If they are coming to your hotel room, they can always ask the front desk to ring you in your room, and you ask the front desk to send them up. You could even go so far as let the desk know that you're expecting a friend/guest to visit you while you are in your room. Hotels usually don't make any kind of big deal about guests having an extra person in the room for an hour or two....the only time I can think of when they usually care is if they charge extra if you have more than 1 person in the room overnight. And if the hotel gives you grief....well, you know not to stay there again.
  22. As I was growing up in the late 70s, I watched Sesame Street just about every day. Some things I learned: People die and don't come back (RIP, Mr. Hooper). You can be a Grouch (like Oscar) and still be loved as part of the community. Bert and Ernie may have slept in separate beds, but they were both in the bathroom when one or the other was in the bathtub. Just because other people don't see a Snuffleupagus doesn't mean that it's not there. "C" is for cookie.....that's good enough for me. What about the rest of you?
  23. Hrm....Assuming my digital scale isn't mis-calibrated, that's not entirely accurate. According to my digital scale: Dime weighs 2 grams (5 cents per gram) Quarter weighs 6 grams (4.1666 cents per gram) half-dollar coin weighs 11 grams. (4.5454 cents per gram)
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