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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. Well, we've got Honey Boo Boo, kardashians, and the various "real" housewives. Now if only we could get them to fight to the death....
  2. Why did Cinderella get cut from the football team? She kept running from the ball. ---ba-bum-bum---
  3. I'm not a member, and the form popped right up for me as soon as I clicked the "support" link at the bottom of the home page. I'm not sure how better to explain it.
  4. Well, if you go to the bottom of the hunqz home page, there is a "support" link that opens up a form to send an email...
  5. I think the "Scorpio = HIV" equation is more common in -- if not specific to -- Britain than in the US. Remember that site is based in England, so that's what its focus is.
  6. "I'm a well-wisher, in that I don't wish any specific harm." Moe Szyslak
  7. That's the best way I've ever seen it put. The whole "BFE" thing doesn't appeal to me, personally.
  8. What's the difference between Trump and God? God doesn't think he's Trump.
  9. I clicked on the link.....and his reviews are behind a paywall. You have to pay to see his reviews. *chuckle*
  10. If it's public, then they want you to see it. It's not snooping, in that case, imho. To me, "snooping" means you're looking/hunting for something that someone is trying to keep secret.
  11. I have trouble wrapping my head around the concept, to be honest. According to their website, it's based on the fact that some children with dimples liked to eat popsicles. All their "proof" is behind a paywall. How are you "freezing fat cels" without getting frostbite? How is it different than just going outside on a cold day? If "cool sculpting" works, why are there fat people in cold climates, too? If someone has it done and likes the results, more power to them and I'm happy for them. Personally, I'm a bit skeptical based on what little information is publicly available.
  12. Ah....I wasn't clear on that from your prior post. Knowing your rights is important. If a hospital refuses to treat you just because you have a DNR, then they open themselves up to malpractice (either by you or your estate/survivors). On the other hand, if they use "heroic efforts" to keep you alive and you have a DNR, they are potentially open to charges of assault. The flu DOES kill people every year....but if the thought of dying because of something like the flu gives you pause, than a DNR may not be the best choice for you. Making sure someone else can make medical decisions on your behalf in case you are incapacitated becomes doubly important. (See the nice segue back to the original topic of the thread? *chuckle* )
  13. A DNR is "Do Not Resuscitate." It is not "Do Not Treat." If you went into the hospital with the flu, then the doctors have to treat you for the flu. If you were to die from the flu, though (heart stops, for example), then no CPR or other "heroic measures" to bring you back if you have a DNR. Most DNRs do not allow for intubation -- though you can still consent to it if you are conscious. So if you were to develop pneumonia, they couldn't give you a breathing tube without your express consent to override your DNR.
  14. What's the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One's a Goodyear. The other's a GREAT year.
  15. *shakes head at the direction of the discussion* God it was easier being and hiring an escort before people got so focused on the internet being the only way to do it. You saw what you were getting with me (for example) before you arranged to get it. You knew what I looked like because I was right in front of you. /end nostalgia If an escort doesn't want to be seen for some reason, then that's suspicious to me. If I make an appointment, I make it clear that I reserve the right to refuse him and his services if I don't like what I see when we meet...and he won't be paid if he doesn't match his photos/description/etc. I'd consider it a breach of trust, at the very least. Similarly, if an escort were to ask for my description, etc., and find that I don't match, then I wouldn't take it personally if he refused to provide any services. I would know that I tried to deceive him and would expect to be treated accordingly.
  16. I guess I'm in the minority, because I absolutely LOVED my time (several years in the 1990s) as an escort. I loved what I was doing and how I was doing it and how much I was making while doing it.
  17. We get it. You didn't like his hotel. And there's no other place in Atlanta or the surrounding area where you could possibly have met. /end sarcasm
  18. Thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
  19. Many people end up losing money, especially if they don't want to drive during "surge pricing" times (rush hour, etc.). And people get drunk at all times of the day and need a ride....just because you plan on driving during the day doesn't mean you're not going to have to clean vomit out of your car. Or bugs (fleas, bedbugs, etc. that are attached to people's clothing when they get in). And that's assuming you don't get a couple "three star" reviews early on that makes Uber/Lyft drop you entirely because your rating isn't high enough. It's your decision, of course, but be prepared for the fact that it might not be as great as you want it to be.
  20. I could argue at least some of those points.....but I agree that we would be hijacking the thread further than need be. Moving on!
  21. Which is not one of the 7 possible plots outlined in the referenced website. It's neither comedy nor tragedy. No monster to overcome, no rags to riches, no quest, no voyage/return, and no rebirth.
  22. Like I said....a lazy writer. Please also note that "comedy" and "tragedy" are genres, not plots. And I defy anyone to put "A Chorus Line," "Company," "Follies," etc., in any of those.
  23. Whoever said that was a lazy writer. The world is always changing, and there is always something new to write about.
  24. A minor guilty pleasure of mine most evenings is to watch the original Perry Mason, which is broadcast on one of the "higher number" channels on my TV service. I'm finding that Perry's tactics are a bit slimier than I remember them being when I watched the shows when I was younger.
  25. I think your offer was reasonable...They said "I have this much to spend." You said "This is what I can do for that much." BUT there may have been a different way to approach it. It is possible that the potential client was trying to haggle with you. You quoted your rate. They lowballed. They may have expected you to say something like "sorry, but I can't do that for less than $200." They may have been willing to settle somewhere in the $180 neighborhood. That's just speculation, though, and not many escorts like to engage in haggling like that. Remember, YOU'RE the service provider. You get to set your own rates for any particular appointment. If someone can't pay your normal rate and you want to make an exception, that's fine. If someone doesn't have the cash to pay for your services, that's fine, too. Sometimes things don't work out.
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