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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. Airplane restrooms aren't large enough to accommodate a person, much less a wheelchair. They are a cruel joke played on people who didn't pee in the airport bathroom first.
  2. Just the tip, eh.....*chuckle* I remember one of my elementary school teachers (6th grade, maybe???) giving the same advice to one of my classmates who had a pen come apart in his hand and leak all the ink all over him and his clothes. I don't know what it is about it, but even the "pump bottles" instead of the spray cans seemed to help keep the stain from setting in some weeks later when something similar happened to me. My mother was incredulous when I told her the tip as a child. She was equally incredulous when it worked quite well.
  3. Aw shucks....I'd blush if I still had the capacity. Unfortunately, I have no blood. My veins are filled with piss and vinegar.
  4. Methinks the joke/sarcasm sailed about 2 feet over your head.
  5. I can appreciate the frustration with his attempt at a "soft sell..." especially since it could have been taken as an invitation to haggle/dicker. As a consumer (and I'm not just talking about escorts, but in general), I've found that if someone is reluctant to name a price -- even a "base price" -- then it is higher than most people would be willing to pay without some serious thought/consideration.
  6. Why are Superman's costumes always so tight? They are size "S." --ba-bum-bum--
  7. Being stuck on a boat for 8 days with in-laws......what can possibly go wrong... ....ports of call during the day, but everywhere the cruise ship docks is the exact same little "mini-mall" as any other. There's a Señor Frogs, a jewelry store, etc. And you can't explore the city/country where you dock, because your'e only there for a few hours. Then the boat leaves. I had more fun getting my wisdom teeth extracted.
  8. bnm73

    New iPhones

    I have steadfastly refused to activate "touch id" or "face id" out of security concerns. According to US case law, for example, a you can't be forced to give up a password/passcode without a court order (which can still be fought). That's a Bill of Rights violation. The Bill of Rights does not protect your fingertips or face in the same manner. Police (and others) can still force you to open our phone/contacts/texts/etc. by physically holding your phone to your face or putting your finger on your phone. Courts have ruled that is NOT a violation. Do I expect to be arrested? No. If I get caught up in some police craziness of some sort, do I want to protect my privacy? Absolutely.
  9. How is being in the military like a blow-job? The closer you get to discharge, the better you feel. --ba-bum-bum--
  10. Roger Ebert's essay on "Victim" as part of his "great movies" series....https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-victim-1961
  11. But I AM a dickhead. After all, you are what you eat. I guess that makes me an asshole, too....
  12. "I can see paradise by the dashboard lights......"
  13. According to legend, it helped start turning the tide of public opinion that culminated in the the law being changed a few years later. It's an outstanding film, with several fine performances...and it's all but forgotten today. For anyone interested in "gay cinema," Victim was one of the films that started the genre. I don't hesitate to wholeheartedly recommend it, though it is a bit of a "police procedural."
  14. One of my favorite movies -- not just gay movies -- is Victim, a 1961 movie from England...about gay men being blackmailed when being gay was against the law. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055597/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2
  15. I'm reading a great book about anti-gravity. I can't put it down. *hide*
  16. Back in the day I was asked WHY I escorted...and if someone wanted to preach at me for an hour, I'd sit through it if their money was good. I didn't need to be -- or want to be -- "saved" from hustling, though. The money was too good, and I had too much fun doing it.
  17. The bartender says, "We don't serve time travelers here." A time traveler walks into a bar. --ba bum bum--
  18. I'm trying not to judge, the deception is problematic to me. This isn't a case where they agreed to an open marriage or pseudo-open marriage. The wife will find out at some point (it's all but inevitable sooner or later). "I'm lying to my wife to protect her" is a flimsy excuse at best...more likely it's "I don't want to have to split our assets and pay alimony." Then again, I'm a little cynical. This, of course, assumes that the wife/wives don't already know. If it's been going on long-term, then there will have been little hints dropped from time to time (inadvertently). Whether this was picked up on or not...who knows.
  19. Have you heard about the constipated mathematician? He had to work it out with a pencil (a #2 pencil, naturally). *hide*
  20. And literally, I'm sure. *hehehe*
  21. Here I hoped it was an adaptation of the Truman Capote story and/or musical of the same name....about whorehouses in the Carribbean.
  22. A song where you couldn't understand the lyrics? Sure it wasn't Tom Petty or Bob Dylan singing?
  23. What's the difference between snow men and snow women? Snow balls.
  24. Given how much a "workaholic" reputation Berlin had, I would be less surprised if he used a bed in that side/secret door as a place to sleep after writing in his office until the wee hours of the morning. He was also famously devoted to his wife Ellin Mackay, if I remember correctly.
  25. At the risk of sounding cynical (which I am), I question whether trying to buy an emotional connection is healthy. At best, all you're getting is an illusion. That said, if the illusion is enough, far be it from me to tell someone not to do it.
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