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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. https://www.pymnts.com/earnings/2018/uber-q4-earnings-losses/ Uber has been losing a lot of money for some time. 4.5 billion in losses for 2017. 2.8 billion in losses for 2016. At some point, investors are going to say "we need to start seeing a profit." Between Uber and some other high-profile companies, I'm wondering if another "Silicon Valley bubble-burst" may be on the horizon (like at the end of the Clinton years).
  2. You've been Rick-Rolled. hehehehehehe.
  3. Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Pixar collection, except one. He's never gonna give you Up. ---ba-dum-dum---
  4. http://www.vulture.com/2018/08/9-incredible-aretha-franklin-stories.html 9 true stories about the great one. My favorite: When Luciano Pavarotti was too ill to sing at the 1998 Grammys, Aretha stepped in. In a stunning show of raw talent and professionalism, Aretha Franklin performed the aria “Nessun Dorma” during the Grammys’ “In Memoriam” segment. When pressed for a replacement, that year’s producer, Ken Ehrlich, went to Aretha. “And she said she wanted to hear the dress rehearsal,” he told the U.K.’s Far Out magazine “In those days we had a boombox with a cassette. And I brought it to her and played it for her. When she heard it, she said, ‘Yeah, I can do this.’” Needless to say, she did not disappoint.
  5. They will posthumously baptize her a conservative, just like the Mormans will baptize her as a Morman.
  6. If only this porn star I referred to WAS "older." The porn star that gave the interview is now 25, and the interview is about a year old. The producer/director in question requires EVERYONE to get the injections, regardless of need, and administers them himself. Kind of sick, and raises lots of questions about where the drugs are coming from, etc.
  7. One could replace "the point" with "the joke."
  8. If sex isn't fun, you're doing something wrong.
  9. Maybe it satisfies an exhibitionist inclination to perform in front of a camera and crew? The thought of untold numbers of other guys getting off watching them have sex is titillating?
  10. I didn't even get a kiss, and they asked for $300 afterwards....and I missed my flight! (*chuckle*)
  11. Once, and they gave me the "cavity search with a sandpaper glove performed by a gorilla" level of scrutiny.
  12. And TSA won't allow my emotional support tequila through.
  13. While there are similarities, I don't think so. Nickbolle7 has a couple of small moles on his upper pecs that don't appear in the pics of simongruszka. That said, who knows how many things were air-brushed and photoshopped in the model's pics? With a deft hand, you can make Divine look like Meryl Streep (who is fabulously beautiful, still....truly a beauty, IMHO).
  14. Not all of them are young....and a couple of studios are notorious for insisting that ... erection aids ... be used by everyone in their movies. (I can provide supporting links to an interview to back up this statement, but I hesitate in this case because it names the studio and the producer that performed the injection....I'm not sure whether that would violate any posting rules.)
  15. Truly a loss for American culture and the music world in general. She was unique in her interpretation of songs and performance of them. The heavenly choir just got a hell of a soloist.
  16. In the cases of dogs that have been trained to recognize early symptoms of panic attacks, etc., due to PTSD....those are not "emotional assistance animals." That's a "service animal" -- covered by the ADA -- that's doing a job, just like a seeing eye dog is a service animal. https://www.ada.gov/servicemembers_adainfo.html (See the first point under "Customer Access," for example.)
  17. I never objected to "diving right in," if I can use a play on words. Sometimes it was "open door, take a quick look, and lock lips." That said, I didn't rely on the internet back then, so I already had a "feel" (forgive this play on words, too) of who I was with and what was expected before we went back to his place, a hotel room, etc. These days when you've never met -- much less seen -- each other first, I imagine that there is a bit more "meet and greet" time included...which means less time for the fun stuff.
  18. First, the bad short joke: You can't explain puns to kleptomaniacs. They always take things literally. And the bonus is a math limerick I learned back in my high school algebra class. A dozen, a gross, a score plus three time the square root of four divided by seven plus five times eleven is nine squared -- not a bit more. If you do the math correctly, you find that the equation is true.
  19. I've got more. Short, stupid, and some involving math. *insert evil villain laugh here*
  20. I fail to see how this would be politics in any way shape or form. The topic ... and the responses ... is about escorting in a particular scenario -- one involving mental (instead of physical) difficulties. Am I missing something that makes it political, or is this just a wider definition of politics than one usually uses?
  21. I like this Curry. Steph Curry....
  22. And not because one was a flop and the other is going to be one?
  23. I happen to have an audio recording of that, as well.
  24. The company lost almost $1 billion (that "b" followed by an "illion) dollars last quarter. https://www.theverge.com/2018/8/15/17693834/uber-revenue-loss-earnings-q2-2018
  25. The one-night wonder? The first to open and close on the same night in 17 years? The one with lyrics such as "we've got girls by the balls?" I not only remember it, I have an audio recording of its opening/closing night performance.
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