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Everything posted by bnm73

  1. Here's a thought....stop rehashing shows from the past [Magnum PI, MacGuyver, Bewitched, Full(er) House, Will & Grace, Roseanne, Hawaii Five-0, Charmed, Lost in Space, S.W.A.T., One Day at a Time, ad nauseam] and try to come up with something new.
  2. How is a boyfriend like a laxative? Both will irritate the shit out of you. ---ba-bum-bum---
  3. I can intellectually understand the appeal of Bel Ami boys, but they don't do it for me, personally. They are incredibly monochromatic (tanned to within a couple shades of each other) and waxed to within an inch of their lives. Many of them do have handsome faces and such, but I like a little more variety, personally.
  4. If you hover your curser over the name of the forum, it gives clues as to what is most appropriate to post there. Of course, depending on your browser and settings, hovering may not be working properly.
  5. While the lines can be a little vague sometimes, you can generally go by how someone advertises themselves. If they call themselves a "masseur," then post in the spa. If they call themselves an escort, then the deli. If actual rumpy pumpy is involved, the deli is probably more appropriate.
  6. I can't speak to current times, but I can tell this brief story.... When I was young, an older cousin enlisted...in the Navy if I remember right, but I could be mistaken. Anyways, she and I were at my grandmother's house at the same time at one point, and she let me flip through some of her notebooks and such that she had brought. I distinctly remember reading that there were "Sir" and "Ma'am" some of the responses. "How can I help you, Sir/Ma'am," for example.
  7. Having never heard of him before, I don't see why I would want to give him my money based on his post. Sounds awfully full of himself.
  8. Bring someone with you (in a different section of the plane on an all-day flight) and then strand them in the hotel all day? No class.
  9. For a while, she also had a problem with shooting speed. She was getting shots from "Dr. Feelgood" Max Jacobsen during On a Clear Day You Can See Forever that consisted of vitamins, minerals....and methadrine.
  10. Me? Play straight? Perish the thought....
  11. A classic Twilight Zone...and creepy as hell. I remember Bill Mumy best, though, from Babylon 5.
  12. I think he's referring to a list of "bad clients." i.e., is there a resource escorts can use to find out if a client is worth doing business with. (People who hire prostitutes are -- or used to be called -- "Johns..." It lists bad "Johns...")
  13. Based on the TV commercials, it looks like it's a recreation of the original Broadway production. While it's been a long time since you first saw it, did not notice any significant changes/differences in the two?
  14. I saw a woman yesterday. She was wearing a t-shirt that said "Guess." I looked at her and said "implants." --ba-bum-bum--
  15. Yeah, that's how Nest makes their money. Just like printer companies sell cheap printers and then gouge you on the price of ink cartridges, Nest (and others) sell inexpensive cameras and then charge you for storage of the video. There are systems/software that you can use for local hard drive storage instead of "the cloud." The price options depends on how much configuration and such you want to do yourself. Might this be helpful? https://www.cnet.com/news/diy-home-surveillance-with-a-webcam/ Evocam is what I used years ago, if I remember right...but I only needed 1 cam at the time.
  16. I almost forgot to post one today....I got distracted with other things. If a bad joke can brighten a day, then I've done my good deed for the day. Now to go about being ..... evil.....
  17. What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? "Make me one with everything." ---ba-bum-bum---
  18. To quote a Broadway musical of 15 years ago.... "The internet is for porn. The internet is for porn. Grab your dick and double click for porn porn porn."
  19. Come on, let's talk about PORN....and whether any of our escort friends from the forums is up for an award or not.
  20. Well, I see that this thread about porn has been nicely hijacked. Well done, everyone! /end sarcasm
  21. Inquiring minds want to know....do you also have....The Clapper?
  22. Is it cynical to note that most of their nominees are from the studios that advertise on that site (or for whom there are "clickthrough ads")?
  23. +1 Good legal advice is always a good idea when starting any risky venture (and opening a club/bar often is, even if it's not catering to gay clientele).
  24. Just because you don't have a great "quality" of singing voice doesn't mean you don't know how to deliver a song. I've always found Bob Dylan to be almost incomprehensible when he sings. Steisand has an unbearably nasally voice, I think. Joe Cocker sounds like a car driving over gravel, and so did Louis Armstrong. But they all can put so much into their performance and songs that they are fantastic to listen to (despite -- or maybe because of -- the individual qualities that make their voices annoying to me). There's more to a good performance than technical perfection, and all of those -- and Fred Astaire -- understood that.
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