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Everything posted by hypothetically

  1. Are you paying for the dick or for the artwork on the canvas is my question to any client indifferent about booking because a provider has tattoos. We don’t say anything about how horribly decorated your home is (if you do outcalls with providers). You have to pick and choose your battles.
  2. I’ve stumbled across a few forum topics discussing best destinations for escorts to travel but I find the topic to be very general as one provider’s trash (city) may be another’s treasure, simply because of the demographic and what that demographic is seeking. The most helpful but slightly outdated info I found was an infographic produced by Pornhub a few years back detailing biggest porn search results and where. I’d love for providers to share their niche, aesthetic and where they feel these attributes warrant the most success.
  3. Be specific as possible about what you are looking for and when. I much rather a client lay it all out from the jump vs. being asked a multitude of questions. “Hello, I’m reaching out because after reviewing your ad you’ve sparked my interest. I am looking for (insert scenario), I prefer to play (insert scenario specifics) specifically on (insert date), I am a (insert age, description if you see fit, but not necessary, nor relevant). If available, may I proceed with a couple more questions? Thank you for your time.” Be polite, clear and transparent.
  4. The photo above was clearly taken from the Belami website.
  5. All I’m going to say is “EVERYONE HAS A PRICE.”
  6. Ugh, where is the “poor storytelling” section of the forum when you need it.
  7. [block Contact] I don’t care the reason. Because if “it’s okay,” you’re normalizing bad behavior, when really, as a provider you should be reinforcing “no respect for my time, no dick.”
  8. Why do clients always assume the worst with name changes? Rebranding is harmless. Sometimes you just tire of a horrible screename and want to make another? No?
  9. What transpired with two other companions has no relevance, we are not all running the same business nor playing the same game. Be mindful of this. Second, it’s not uncommon (it actually happens quite frequently here in NYC) that a client commits to more than one hour and because this was communicated and that is the expectation from the escort (possibly why the escort accepted the offer), that is the donation regardless of completion time. I never demand this. It is physically handed to me or left somewhere before the client exits. “I know we agreed on x amount of hours, so I’m still going to pay you for you x amount of hours.” It’s generous on the behalf of the client who is able to do this. So note that this does occur and that’s possibly why he took all of the money. I’m not sure where you live but if it’s in NYC, maybe keep your coin in your wallet until you’re done. Not because of theft but because tipping, rate vs completion varies on a situation by situation basis.
  10. Lucky for you there are more where he came from. And readily available for hire.
  11. I personally do not like being contacted by clients who would like to meet me too far in advance because 90% the time it doesn’t come to fruition. I can’t do anything for you in that moment. And the likeliness of the transaction every happening is slim to none. Most working boys know this and do not assess the coversation as a productive or monetary one (hence why you were likely blocked). I usually reply: I’m glad you said hello and I’m thrilled you enjoyed my photos and are coming x amount of months from now. But reach out closer to your arrival date. (They usually do not).
  12. “And how would that benefit me?” is my default response to being talked out of escorting by clients, because it usually involves a “lavish” life with said client which is slang for imprisonment and death by boredom.
  13. In my humble opinion, a generous number of you sound very naive. A potential hire can be whatever you want him to be for $xxx/hr. You’re not only paying these boys to perform, you’re paying them to ACT. The escorts who are “chameleons” undoubtedly make the most. 90% of these young men who advertise as “bisexual” would never even look at pussy by choice, but pills and potions during a session and they can make it work. Same for a “straight” man or “gay” man. You market yourself a certain way because it’s monetary, not because it’s the truth. Do all the escorts you hire who advertised being a certain age, height and dick size actually have all these attributes, every time? I doubt it. I think how a provider is defining themselves should be less of a focus. Can they perform what you’ve communicated you’re seeking should be number 1.
  14. Per the content in his ad, I don’t think any forum members are going to openly discuss their PNP session with Kevyn in a 411. Unless you were being facetious with this inquiry.
  15. Did you read this in one of those 5-page long nightlife “publications” in Ft Lauderdale? I don’t think any of the above is specific nor has any relevance to NYC. Any provider in any city would be wise to hang onto good clients if he wants to earn a living. Consistent and trusted regulars should always take precedence. Client “obsession” varies but I foresee that being an issue in a city where the escort market isn’t so oversaturared, so it’s hard to find a duplicate of what one client so aggressively fancies. Whereas in NYC, if an escort that ticks all of a client’s visuals cues is not accessible. Voila! A quick search will yield 50 more locally.
  16. This entire thread is like asking WebMd “Do I have cancer?” ..you’ll never find a concrete answer. It’s YOUR money. If you are inclined to tip, do so. Individuals (who are able) tip all the time outside of traditional expectation because they can, and want to. As a provider, I would never insinuate, ask or expect a tip. I’m delighted when I receive them but it is never an expectation. Money is an issue for most clients, some it is not.
  17. While I do not see the allure surrounding AW, (to piggyback off of someone saying he was “mediocre” above), I do commend him for his diverse palate. I can’t name another pornstar who fucks every shape, size and color in his videos. It’s a shame he lacks enthusiasm. And standing at 6’4 I wish he could produce more penis but...God doesn’t give with both hands, I suppose.
  18. Something I would suggest is researching the demographic of providers in a city you’re interested in. While it seems to be the trend for providers to hit DC, NYC, SF, Chicago, etc etc. I have made the most money traveling abroad to cities where men do not look like me. You stick out like a sore thumb and there isn’t another “you” for miles, so the demand is high and clients will pay. Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Vienna, Lisbon..
  19. I typically don’t get caught up on the “why.” I always ask that the client confirm whether it’s a go or not after a delay as time is money and I can pursue other request from those who respect my time and don’t feel indifferent due to whatever factor, whether it be rate, location, etc. I do this because there’s nothing I detest more than a client not responding to then pick up the conversation hours later or even the next day as if they didn’t abandon the conversation. An escort would be naive to get caught up on the “why” in an oversaturated market (NYC) where clients are extremely flakey.
  20. Um. Are you looking for recommendations or a 411?
  21. He didn’t even spell “funeral” right. These boys aren’t even proofreading their scams. Mess.
  22. Among a plethora of additional adjectives but I agree.
  23. Two pages of speculation aren’t really productive, in my humble opinion. To answer the OP’s question, yes an escort can block you, a search when logged in will yield no results. I wouldn’t get so hung up on the why and find another potential hire.
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