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Everything posted by hypothetically

  1. As a provider, why would you allow this to swing your vote? Because he’s vocal about it? Most escorts do hate escorting. I don’t ever recall having any conversations with any of my fellow working boys about what a fab time they’re having doing so. Just because an escort is good at what he’s doing doesn’t mean he’s having a good time. I think Sean also knows his audience and says a lot of things for a reaction.
  2. You lost me at “morally.” On a forum compiled of discussions surrounding sexual transactions. Also, kill it with fire (you), not people living with HIV.
  3. You made zero valid points and dug yourself into a deeper hole. That’s great you have black friends and feel you are exempt from holding your tongue, but your black friends are likely not the majority of black people. And your black friends think this okay because they are your friends. Per your comment, no one here “knows you personally,” and as unfortunate as it is, we live in a country where it’s not the time nor place to be insensitive. Was your comment blatantly racist? Maybe to some more than others. But did it need to be said? It did not.
  4. I’m no mathematician, but +60K followers and an average of 60 likes on a photo means less than 1% of his “followers” are even engaging with him. It’s no shade but that doesn’t scream entrepreneur or savvy businessman to me. Are the kids (and clients) really that gullible?
  5. You (like a generous number of clients) can read but can not comprehend. I do not “need” my transportation paid for by the client. As a method of filtering who is a fraud and who is not, an Uber is requested if the client is out of the way (i.e. Manhattan to Long Island or Manhattan to Suffolk County...if you are familiar with the city at all). And at the request of the client, i’ll gladly deduct that from my rate (a generous offer) and the flakes refuse...because there was no intention of this arrangement actually occurring. Real clients do not mind. At all. If you want to bring dick to you that is not conveniently located near you, unfortunately you have to pay. Have you ever used Seamless? There’s a delivery minimum, correct?
  6. I don’t escort to have a good time nor I am upset. I simply wanted some feedback from others based on my experience in NYC. And I agree with you per your business comment.
  7. I’m not sure if this is specific to NYC (I doubt it) but interacting with clients is getting increasingly kooky and problematic.. I try my best to always remain civil and polite but I see where the disconnect is between client and escort and why there are so many threads with hostility from both sides. And it’s consistent across the board because I find that a generous number of colleagues have stopped taking new clients altogether or simply rely on regulars with whom they trust. Thankfully, referrals from clients and other escorts have continued to make this monetary for me but what’s in the fucking water? I worry for the newer guys. The number of fake requests are way more frequent than they use to be. It has now gotten to the point where if a client is not walking distance or a quick train or cab ride, an Uber must be provided (which I do not feel is an unreasonable request). Serious clients move forward, the flakes stop responding. I’m starting to hear: “Ok well I only have x amount of money“ more often than I’d like to. I’m sorry Backpage got shut down and you could have a grand ole time for the price of a Subway sandwich, but not on RM. This isn’t Sears, there are no doorbusters and I do not price match. Degrading. Clients have dropped full sentences. “Hello. Manhattan.” Hi. What about manhattan? I don’t have a lot of time to piece together what a client may or may not want and always ask that a client be specific in his request, at which point I am thrown attitude because I am not clairvoyant. Clients beginning a convo with “photos?” when my ad features 20+ photos and a private album. Clients not reading an ad yet get irate when you disregard something they’ve said although you’ve just answered 50 questions whose answers were already readily available on said ad. Clients who try to FaceTime you several times in a row. No hello. No initial contact. Clients who forget that escorts do have a right to decline offering service. Threaten to you leave you a bad review. You go girl. Call the mayor too. Clients who have no respect for anyone’s time but their own. Pushing appointments back. 2-3 hours. I would assume most clients are working professionals and understand “time is money.” Clients offering to pay in drugs. Clients who sabotage escorts’ business (or think they are doing so) on DaddyReviews because an escort either A) refused to meet with them or B) it was simply not a match. I’ve observed certain users drag the same escort through the mud in several different post over several months or more. Granted there are only so many consistently active users, I think everyone heard you the first time. Clients who forget that there are clients from sea-to-shining sea and they are not 1-of-5 available to spend and are not doing us a favor by booking. Yet are entitled. “Your loss!” says the client. Lol, but are you sure? Clients who pose as escorts on this very forum. Clients who fabricate on this very forum. And while I understand escorts can be as equally problematic, I feel bad behavior on the client’s side is hastily brushed under the rug. So my question to clients is this: Do you think the above is acceptable behavior? And if so, please share any success stories you may have by exercising the above behaviors. I just want a clear understanding of the logic behind these behaviors. Escorts: what are your experiences with the above? Do you find interactions between you and potential clients in your city are becoming increasingly unpleasant or its more or less always been this way for you? I’d also love to stay on topic and not make this about the escorts as this entire forum is constructed of that topic.
  8. Because there are kooky clients who actually monitor timestamps and will use it as a receipt per your timely or untimely response.
  9. I’m not a “client,” I can’t relate. And the clients are not the escorts getting shamned, so they can’t relate either. Maybe the clients should update their privacy policies, idk.
  10. As a prospective client, dont pull a stunt and you won’t have to worry about these things. Simple. While I do not always condone this type of behavior, I understand the reasoning and I empathize. That’s fantastic that so many of you here are such phenomenal clients that the thought of flaking is unfathomable to you (eye roll) but it’s more common than you think. Fake addresses, fake room numbers, fake cash, fake arrangements, clients who do not pay in full, the list is lengthy and I’ve heard horror stories. Don’t flake. And if you intend to do so, communicate.
  11. I think clients often forget (or are unaware) that escorts receive a generous number of bogus inquries that sometimes lead to an address where no one is present, a hotel where the room number provided does not exist, or clients who completely ghost upon your arrival at the destination. Just as you, the client, are taking a gamble with booking an escort, an escort is taking a gamble by accepting an offer. It’s our time, and time..is money. I’m not sure what city you live in, but here in New York, quite often, a potential client will send me a photo along with a description of himself, which while courteous is not necessary.. and quite frankly, I do not care. I am, however, very receptive to how one communicates and if a potential client is giving me bad or peculiar vibes, I’m asking some goddamn questions. Maybe it’s you? There are clients on power trips (as seen throughout this thread) meth addicts, upon many others who believe if you throw an escort $300 that’ll make them more enjoyable to be around, and baby..that’s not the case. While that’s unfortunate an escort screened you so aggressively, humble yourself and remember just as you, the client, who does not want to provide a measly photo of yourself because of your insecurities, you are dealing with young men likely dealing with worse. Sometimes new to this profession..afraid, unsure and trying to figure out how best to navigate a plethora of temperamental clients. Empathize. We do it for you, all the time. I’m doing it right now. You’ll be okay. The talent pool is gargantuan, book someone else.
  12. Colombian* Also, you can find plenty Colombians stateside. Come to NYC or try Miami.
  13. An escort from the city will come if you simply offer him an Uber. I wouldn’t advise you book with the escorts...out there. Put it in an escorts ear prior to your arrival and not the morning of as to not inconvenience the escort last minute/and so early as Jamaica is a bit out of the way.
  14. I was traveling abroad and RM locked my Home location when trying to update it upon my return, displaying an error message that I needed to create a separate profile for this region or use travel locations. I thought that was aggressive considering I’ve changed my home location numerous times and I wasn’t creating a separate profile (that I would have to pay for) when I don’t split my time between two locations. Upon inquiring about this and if they could reset my home location back to the states, RM communicated that I am not to promote “prostitution” in my profile. I had no prices listed in my ad and it was heavily edited. The only cautionary word that I can think of that was removed was “clients.”
  15. I’ve met him as well, sweet guy but I was disappointed upon meeting in person.
  16. Well now that you’ve provided ALL THESE RECEIPTS, how could I not believe you? Lol, @Mocha, log the fuck out friend.
  17. You sound a fucking mess. There is so much generalization in your text that it’s not even worth finishing. This is your experience, no one else’s.
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