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Posts posted by Boink

  1. Yes. Apparently, Lucy was nothing like her television persona. Lucy and Richard did not get along when Burton and Taylor were guest on her show. Lucy disliked Katharine Hepburn. Lucy was not a super star until television at age 40.


    I never heard about Lucy not liking Katharine Hepburn. One of the bios said that Lucie Arnaz named her daughter after Hepburn out of admiration for her career. It was said that Richard Burton hated working with Lucy so much that he made a point of trashing her in his autobiography and the people in Lucy's orbit tried to prevent her from seeing or hearing about that book. It's funny when you think how, for all the many big name guest stars Lucy had in all of her series over the years, her character always fawned in tongue-tied adoration of any and all movie stars. The real life Lucy bowed to no one. In a way I admire that.

  2. I find him very hot looking and when I learned of him I sought out most of his porn video scenes. Pretty much every performance was tepid at best. (A lot of that I blame on the way most studio porn is filmed and edited these day.)

  3. Was watching ABC News the other night when James Longman did a report from the Middle East. Discovered James is openly gay and is called "the Beirut Beefcake" by some. Thought he should be added to our "sexiest news anchors/reporters" list.




    I caught this the other night, too, and I was floored - this guy is gorgeous. ABC News seems to go out of their way to hire the hunkiest newscasters; it's probably their number one job requirement. Still, my number one will always be the studly Matt Gutman...



  4. He's advertised on Rent.men in LA for quite some time under several different names. There have been threads on him in this forum but I can't do a search because I can't remember any of the former names! I recall mixed reviews.

  5. An excellent article, thoughtful in a way that Roseanne Barr (now a card-carrying Fake Newser) is not, thought-through in a way that the rebooted Roseanne Conner character is not.


    I like how they theorized how if anyone would be a trump voter it would be Jackie. In the original show, it always bugged me how they dumbed Jackie down over the years. That's even more glaring (and pathetic) twenty years later. In this re-boot, their take is that the dumb one is the non-trump voter. (The writers couldn't even throw Hillary a fictional vote - dumb old lovable Jackie got so flustered at the booth she voted for Jill Stein.) They offered no POV from Dan (or anyone else), either.

  6. They don't allow you to claim a P.O.Box, neither does the DMV, however most P.O.Box locations offer you the option of having a physical address...ie. the address of the store is the address that you will use for your physical address, and instead of a P.O.Box 'number' you will have a suite or unit or apt number which is actually your P.O. Box. You can then use that as your physical address by presenting the state with a document which shows you receive mail there.


    Thanks for the responses. I did set up a box at a facility with a 'physical' address'. Sometimes when I notify this or that company (such as American Express) with my change of address, I'll get a response that they have identified my new address as a postal service facility and that I must provide them with my physical address as well. This pisses me off because I want ZERO mail coming to my actual physical address ever again. (The post office and/or my apartment building screwed up my service one too many times.) I'm mostly worried that if I shut off delivery to my physical address altogether, I'll miss important mail from the DMV because that address is still on my driver's license. But if I DON't shut that service off altogether, my box will continue to be filled with flyers and junk mail until it's stuffed full.

  7. To those who receive all their mail at a P.O.Box or similar service, can you tell me if you have any issues with using that as your only address? I.e., can you claim that as your home address on a driver's license or voter's registration, etc?

  8. When I got rid of my DVDs, I spray painted the disks black to cover the labels, and scratched or cut the disk so they couldn't be played. I recycled them where I normally dispose of used disks and CDs. Then I took the artwork out of the cases, shredded them, and dumped the cases at a plastic recycler.

  9. At one point a few years ago it was announced that there would be a Garland biopic starring Anne Hathaway (who can sing). I thought that was an interesting choice, but apparently that project went away. However, I doubt that the powers-that-be in Hollywood, with all the expense involved, would entrust this production to RZ if they didn't think she could pull it off.

  10. I think most of the ratings success of the premiere are due to the curiosity/nostalgia factor, so I don't know what trump's so proud of. I won't be watching because the last five seasons of the original show (out of nine seasons) had devolved into a ridiculous obnoxious and unfunny parody of it's former self. I doubt that a beboot could overcome that situation after the initial curiosity factor wears off. (Although I am curious about Wanda Syke's participation as a writer on the show.) And I'd also be curious whether they can explain the transformation of the Roseanne 'Connor' in this clip to the present day Roseanne 'Connor' trump supporter...



  11. I'm pretty sure up until recently he advertised as 'Italian touch'. (I hate it when they don't give a name. I always imagine calling on the phone and asking 'Hello, may I speak with Italian Touch' or 'Big muscle' or something like that. :))


    Anyway his pics are hot, and he has one of those 'OnlyFans' sites...



  12. Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles is pretty much an institution in LA, especially the one in Hollywood, on Gower. Overall, it comes across pretty much as a 'soul food' restaurant. I'd be surprised if they don't have biscuits & gravy on the menu, although I never looked. I like them because they are virtually the last place I can find where they serve good old fashioned flat and dense waffles, instead of the thick, raised, air-puffed 'Belgian' waffles that have taken over everywhere else. (I never understood who signed off on that modern phenom.)

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