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Posts posted by Boink

  1. On a related note, the latest email from Matt de Iturriaga regarding Adonis LA made allusion to some incident that happened at last week's nude party in LA.


    To quote:


    We also need to thank all of you who stayed patient and tolerant of the situational anomaly we had to contend with at the Nude Party on Saturday, but we did manage to continue with the flow of the event rather than having to deal with unwanted repercussions on site, which could have been the alternative if previous experience is any indication. Without getting into too much more detail, thank you again for staying patient and tolerant on that folks, we shouldn’t have a repeat of that situation again. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it, but I know many of you do.


    Enquiring minds want to know!

  2. My experience has been, because the music is virtually continuous, it's extremely difficult for me to distinguish when one song ends and another begins. (And I bet it is for the dancers, too.) But because that awful club music seems to drag on endlessly, one song usually provides a nice decent length of time - perhaps up to 10 minutes. I always do multiple songs (I think) and the good guys always seem grateful and unquestioning. I think only once did I have a dancer add up a total in his head and quote me a price after it was over. That was the first and last time I favored him with my lap.

  3. Rough going for anyone depending on income from the old show's residuals.



    'Roseanne' Reruns Pulled From Paramount Network, TV Land and CMT After Racist Tweet




    That's interesting. There is a free over-the-air network called LAFF-TV that is owned and/or operated by Disney. They play only product with a Disney (and subsidiary) connection, and they play the old ROSEANNE Show (ABC) relentlessly. Minimally two hours a day, but probably a lot more. If they drop that show, I'd be impressed.

  4. I have to give credit to Matt de Iturriaga, who runs the events in LA. Not only is he built, handsome and hot, he is a very engaging MC with a very professional announcer's voice and demeanor. (He really should be up on stage stripping, but that's another matter.) He is the one who sends out the weekly emails with the show announcements, and, on top of everything else, he has a very entertaining writing style. Many of his weekly stories involve the seemingly endless behind-the-scenes chaos involved in each show. He writes blind items about various dancer's behaviors from the previous week and much of it is extremely obnoxious behavior. I really don't know how he puts up with some of those guys. It's pretty much impossible to guess who he's talking about on any given week, but the stories are frequent enough that it would make me be hesitant about engaging some of those guys beyond a lap dance. (Not that I personally have much luck with that.) I always assume the more outlandish and obnoxious stories he tells are generated by the hottest guys.

  5. Whenever I use Kayak, it clutters up my screen by popping up pages for Orbitz, Travelocity, Expedia, Priceline and all the rest all at the same time. Invariably, they all have the exact same prices for the flights I'm interested in. The last time I booked, I had better luck going straight to the airline's own websites.

  6. Another feature that no one asked for that I could do without - when I turn the car off, I'd like the radio to go off, too. That would be an easy indicator as to whether you remembered to turn the ignition off or not. I don't need the radio to keep playing until I open the door and exit the car.

  7. My beef with the fob is that you don't need a key to turn the car off. That makes it too easy for me to leave the fob in the car and thus vulnerable. With a key turn off, it's a swift, automatic action for me to take the keys out of the ignition and put them right into my pocket. With a fob, I invariably leave the fob in the car after I exit the car, then I have to return to the car to retrieve it...wasted time. And I HATE carrying big chunky cumbersome things (like fobs) in my pocket.

  8. Yeah, my car actually honks the horn if I close the driver's door while it's running.


    I don't own a keyless car, but I rent cars frequently and it seems ALL recent cars are now keyless. I HATE them! The car I have right now honks every time I close the driver's door whether it's running or not. And the car is so silent it is impossible to 'hear' whether it is running or not. I just can't get used to the big fat cumbersome fob. It's so easy to leave it in the car when you exit - something I would NEVER do with a key. I dread the day when I have to buy a new car because I know having an old fashioned key ignition won't be an option. I have always kept a spare car key in my wallet; that's gotten me out of a jamb several times. I won't be able to do that with a fob. I'm not the least bit surprised by these carbon monoxide deaths and I wouldn't categorize them as Darwin Award worthy.

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