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Posts posted by Boink

  1. I remember reading a bio or two of Lucy. Sadly, it seems no one who worked with her had anything good to say, especially after her divorce from Desi. There are story after story of her abusing virtually every guest star who was on her show from the 1960s onward, no matter how big a star they were. Even Jack Benny commented on what a ball-buster she was to him. (Pun intended). That took me by surprise because he always struck me as such a mild mannered, amiable type; no one seems to have had anything negative to say about him.

  2. He was gorgeous to look at for sure, but it's his music that will always live on. I never had any interest in him until recent years, and I find his music fantastic. Much of it is haunting. He really gave Elvis a run for his money.

  3. I went and this time did not have a good time. The dancers i was interested in were too busy hanging out with their favorite clients and i spent all evening trying to politely decline lap dance offers from other dancers while waiting for my choices to free up. Whats with these patrons who hog all the time with the dancers without apparently even tipping them or taking them to the back... and whats with these dancers who have some algorithm on who to talk to and butter up while ignoring interested clients.

    problems.. problems.. LOL.

    p.s. the Totonto visiting dancers were fun and saved the evening sort of..


    You just described the experience I had every time I (used to) go there. But I don't blame the patrons for hogging their time, the dancers do it themselves. (I'm talking about the normal Sunday and Wednesday night shows; never been to a nude party night.) I've gone to lengths to get the attention of dancers I'm interested in buying a lap dance from, almost always in vain. I usually leave there feeling like a frustrated loser, vowing 'never again'. Now I may go there twice a year or so, always renewing that vow.

  4. I've had this discussion with my Dad about his VHS recorder vs a DVR many times. He records a lot of stuff, I've showed him how much easier a DVR is, and his response is always "I can do all that with my VCR". Now he's moved, and has a new cable provider, and they did NOT set it up so his VCR can record off cable. I get to show him how to use his DVR on my visit there tonight. :eek:


    I have to side with your dad on this one. Back in the day, I could record a show of my choice for the price of a VHS tape. And reuse that tape endlessly, if desired. Later I replaced the old VCR with a DVD recorder that I still use to record my shows. (The price of a DVD-R disk is less than 50 cents.) I am flabbergasted that the cable companies get to charge minimally $9.95 a month for DVD-R 'service'. Providing a function that essentially used to cost no more than the price of a blank tape or disk. One of the many reasons I dropped cable ages ago.

  5. OK, bets on when the Howard Stern allegations will surface ? I think one by one, each and every person in some position of power will now be called out by someone.....in the public eye or private sector... too bad we dont hear about the non-famous cases. Our heads would probably spin. ?


    I was just thinking that Howard Stern, who for many years while he built his empire was dismissed as the ultimate low-life sleazeball sexual deviant by mainstream America, will probably be the one celeb who WON'T be brought done by this. His sleaze factor was always 100% out in the open, and his dirty little secret was that underneath it all he was a moral, straight laced family man.


    I'd bet on Limbaugh or Hannity going down before Stern. Fingers crossed!

  6. That’s a great idea, @deej. I had looked last year for a ‘mint chocolate’ flavored coffee. I was surprised that I couldn’t find any. I was wondering whether I might need to try using York Peppermint Patties. But peppermint extract sounds like just what I need.




    How about these...




  7. I would pass. Did a Skype show with him a couple of years ago. He was rude and erratic, maybe tweaking.


    He used to do live chats on the Randy Blue website, and I'm sorry to say I witnessed the same thing. Although I once saw him walk into a restaurant where I was eating and he was wearing sweatpants. His ass is jaw-dropping awe-inspiring!

  8. Living in SoCal, I have long been fascinated by the almost universal obsession with In N Out Burger. I know I am in the extreme minority - and I actually have kept my silence on this topic with friends, but from my earliest sampling of them I thought there is absolutely nothing about their product to warrant the cult-like status they enjoy. I have never seen one without lines around the block (cars) and traffic jams. I heard of one new store going up and they had to install a traffic light to accommodate it. To me, their burgers are 'OK', but certainly not worth the hassle. And their fries out-and-out SUCK. They remind me of Wise potato sticks that used to be sold in tiny bags when I was a kid.


    Far superior burgers, IMHO, are to be had at Tommy's, and, especially, 5 Guys Burgers (who make the best fries hands down).

  9. Since W & G went off the air, Network sitcoms have been given over almost completely to 'quirky' families with 'offbeat' characters and annoying children (THE MIDDLE, MODERN FAMILY, BLACK-ISH, THE GOLDBERGS, RAISING HOPE, the new YOUNG SHELDON, and many others, I'm sure.) Or else self consciously clever work place comedies with quirky characters (30 ROCK, PARKS & REC, COMMUNITY, the new Tina Fey comedy and others.) Many of these use the tired 'talking to the documentary film-maker' gimmick. Or a narrator. And most of them use the 'whimsical musical cue' to tell you when to laugh instead of a laugh track.


    The return of W & G in this climate strikes me as a breath of fresh air (laugh track and all). I thought the premiere was funny and I will probably watch it regularly. As someone else here said, even a bad episode of W & G is better than most of the other stuff on the networks.

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