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Everything posted by nycman

  1. I am soooo fucking jealous....and I really dislike opera. But seriously....a Russian military escort?....who knows how to dress and act?....for an evening at the Bolshoi?.....makes me HARD as a fucking ROCK!
  2. Says he enjoys being an aggressive bottom as well..... Thankfully, I'm not in Philly anytime soon....I'd be MIGHTY tempted....despite the obvious red flags and warnings.
  3. In theory...it's sexy as fuck. In reality...it doesn't do much for me. Except for the Turkish Oil Wrestling.....that's had an impact on me for decades.
  4. Your "Plan B" should be to ditch your "Plan A". The odds of him showing up are slim to none. Go with someone more reliable and have fun.
  5. Only if he's trying to hustle you. Passive = bottom Plain and simple truth. If he tries to convince you otherwise...he's a hustler...move on. For the record "lay down and you service me" = a "do me queen"....not worth the time or money.
  6. Damn...looks like I'm the only Ethan fan. All the others are amazing...but he's my #1 by a mile.
  7. Holy Moses....built like that..."a lot of fun".....and he lists himself as "passive"??? Dear lord Jesus PLEASE give me a reason to visit South Carolina SOON! (never thought I'd hear myself say THAT.....grin)
  8. Welcome to the forum. You've gotten great advice above. As a first time hire I wouldn't hire anyone that doesn't have good reviews here or at least 2-3 well known forum members recommending them. There's plenty of time for crappy hires and mistakes later...make sure your first one is fun. It's always helpful when you give examples of guys you're interested in....that way even if we don't know anything about those specific men we might be able to recommend someone "close" to that person's look / style. Also it helps if you post a link to the men you're asking about: https://rentmen.com/AUSSIE_GUY https://rentmen.com/Easygoinglatino We're nice but we're a lazy bunch...the more you help us....the more we help you. Unfortunately, I don't know either of those men, but I really Hope somebody knows easygoinglatino....he's damn cute!
  9. Current advertised look.....$150-200 would be pushing it for me. That body with a crew-cut....I might go $250. $300-$400?...for the current look?...yeah....pass.
  10. Too Twinkie to be real lifeguards.... Take it from someone who "knows"....grin
  11. Diet and exercise...are your friends.
  12. "Le Penseur by Auguste Rodin" Thank you for using the proper French title.... It's soooo much sexier than the clunky English translation.
  13. Not a big fan of long hair...but if it's gotta be long....dear lord make it CURLY! PS....not even this smoking hot man....can make Fur Lined Gucci Alligator Mules sexy...... They are just plain stupid. http://www.thefashionisto.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Walter-Savage-Nude-OUT-Photo-Shoot-2015-010.jpg
  14. At his age, he's won 12 Olympic medals.....which places him second only to Phelps. And I bet he looks better in a Speedo than you did at that age.....grin Unfortunately, he's a bit of a moron. I'm just thankful there's no video or police records of all the crazy shit I did in my 20's and 30's!
  15. Such a beautiful body.... Such bad hair!
  16. Funny how something so mundane....can be so fucking sexy!
  17. Hey! Can we get a link to the ad? I need some new stuff for my house.....$3600 plus deposit sounds like a "steal" for good art and antiquities! Grin
  18. Insanely beautiful. He can have the car, the house, and the 401 (k)....no problem.
  19. I'm a voracious window shopper. I love looking at ads over and over again and I spend a lot of time trying to figure out if a particular escort is the right "fit" for me before I make contact. I don't get it, but obviously this pisses some escorts off and they will block you. If you really want to see their ad, just logout and view all you want. I don't bother. I just take it as a sign that we weren't a good match in the first place.
  20. Don't feel too bad azdr.....it took me WAAAAAAAAAY too long to figure it out as well.
  21. Commercial airline travel has become a joke. Friends and I call it the "Greyhound of the Sky". Don't ever fly private though.....you'll like it too much to ever give it up!
  22. Love every single one of them...... But this guy stole my heart...... http://67.media.tumblr.com/b7430b7706ed9bc519b5eb4472bfabfa/tumblr_o5g90s9M1E1sud9l0o1_1280.jpg
  23. nycman

    Best Kisser?

    Ahhhh....the amazing and stunning Enzo! I'm sure I've told this story before so forgive me. I was very young and very new to hiring. I had just broken up with my first "serious" boyfriend. The relationship had been rocky and I had gained over 60 lbs. I didn't feel "sexy" at all and hadn't for many years. Then, I hired Enzo...... From the moment he opened the door he immediately pulled me inside his apartment, picked me up off the ground, pinned me against the wall just inside his front door and started ravenously kissing me. I don't think I have ever been kissed like that before or since. During that first 1 hour hire we never made it more than 2 feet inside his front door. The 2nd hire we made it to the kitchen. 3rd - his living room. It wasn't until the 4th hire that I even saw the inside of his bedroom. Like any typical Hell's Kitchen apartment...all these spots were no more than 2-3 feet apart. I don't think I've ever "fallen in love" with an escort.... but I certainly came the closest with him. He made me believe in myself and my body...flaws and all. Every month I worked out a little bit harder....just to see the look in his eyes when I would show up a little thinner and a little more confident. He was kind, passionate, loving and fun as fuck in bed. The last time I saw him I was built, ripped and looked even better than I did in my youth. At the end of our last appointment he took me in his arms tight and said, "you look fucking amazing..... but you don't NEED me anymore". I was heartbroken but I knew what he was saying and we never saw each other again..... Thank you Enzo....from the bottom of my heart...thank you.
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