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  1. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + jessmapex in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    I actually think Kathy Griffin is hilarious, and a very funny comedian. I love it when she makes fun of pop stars like Britney in particular (whom I adore). She never really says truly mean things about her, and you can always tell she respects Britney and makes jokes out of admiration for her.
  2. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to + Coolwave35 in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    Do you think straight men regularly support female comedians?  I’ve seen several female comics live, Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Joan Rivers, Kathy, Jessica Kirsen, Michelle Wolf, Fortune Feimster, Wanda Sykes and the only straight men there seem to have been dragged there by their girlfriends. I don’t ever recall seeing a gang of straight guys hanging out at a female comic’s show the way I’ve seen at Kevin Hart, Joe Rogan and Matt Rife. 
  3. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + glennnnn in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    I actually think Kathy Griffin is hilarious, and a very funny comedian. I love it when she makes fun of pop stars like Britney in particular (whom I adore). She never really says truly mean things about her, and you can always tell she respects Britney and makes jokes out of admiration for her.
  4. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from musclestuduws in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    I actually think Kathy Griffin is hilarious, and a very funny comedian. I love it when she makes fun of pop stars like Britney in particular (whom I adore). She never really says truly mean things about her, and you can always tell she respects Britney and makes jokes out of admiration for her.
  5. Agree
    caramelsub got a reaction from Shoedog112 in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    I agree. I think her face looks great, considering her age.
  6. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from TonyDown in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    I actually think Kathy Griffin is hilarious, and a very funny comedian. I love it when she makes fun of pop stars like Britney in particular (whom I adore). She never really says truly mean things about her, and you can always tell she respects Britney and makes jokes out of admiration for her.
  7. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + Charlie in Closeted guys   
    I’ve had maybe one or two people directly ask me if I’m gay in a social setting. But they were straight, and intentionally trying to be rude and homophobic.
    I’ve had managers from work and coworkers ask me if I have a girlfriend or if I’m married, on many different occasions. Personal life questions do come up often, and you just have to know how to answer them. It’s something that gives me social anxiety.
  8. Surprised
    caramelsub got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Closeted guys   
    I’ve had maybe one or two people directly ask me if I’m gay in a social setting. But they were straight, and intentionally trying to be rude and homophobic.
    I’ve had managers from work and coworkers ask me if I have a girlfriend or if I’m married, on many different occasions. Personal life questions do come up often, and you just have to know how to answer them. It’s something that gives me social anxiety.
  9. Like
    caramelsub reacted to + newatthis in Closeted guys   
    When I "wondered" above, I had forgotten the most obvious way this happens...someone asking if you're married or have a girlfriend, which is not uncommon in social situations.  I still find that an intrusive question, but less objectionable than "are you gay?".
  10. Thanks
    caramelsub reacted to rvwnsd in Closeted guys   
    As we used to say in the men's coming out group I co-facilitated, the only person you need to come out to is yourself. Everyone else is optional.
    We also used to say that you need to protect and provide for yourself. If being out would jeopardize your safety, living situation, or livelihood, then don't come out until you are in a better situation.
    That said, when being closeted starts gnawing at a person and they feel like they are "living a lie" or "not being genuine," it's time to think about what one is getting from being closeted vs the hesitation to be out. 
    To answer your question, everyone has a different feeling about men who are not out. Additionally, there are as many definitions of "being out" as there are people. I consider myself to be an out gay man. I have no qualms discussing dating men vs women, I have no qualms about joining LGBT groups at work, and I don't hide who I am. However, I don't declare to everyone I meet that I am gay. I did that 25 years ago and there's no reason to keep doing it. If someone doesn't understand what it means when I discuss a boyfriend, or joining an LGBT employee resource group, or any other myriad things gay men do, then that's on them. I'm a terrible artist and can't draw them a picture.
  11. Applause
    caramelsub reacted to Walt in Be careful in Miami   
    Because blackmailers, arsonists, kidnappers, pirates, thieves, graffiti artists, and their ilk always come clean over lunch -- often before the crudites are even cleared. 😉 
  12. Like
    caramelsub reacted to pubic_assistance in Closeted guys   
    My nephews say that all the time in front of me, and I am openly bisexual.
    It's just something the kids say now. They don't mean it in the way it might sound.
    Putting my two cents in...I am not "gay" in the traditional lifestyle sense...but I did identify as "gay" for a few years before my wife and I decided to marry. ( I know...complicated). But none-the-less I've been around the block enough to know what it's like to be in or out of a closet and I would say that @Charlie hit the nail on the head. You don't KNOW what someone's life is composed of enough to ever be critical of how "out" that person should be ( or could be).  I personally am quite critical of the gay-mafia types who insist that every dick-sucker expose himself to the public and announce his "pride". That just isn't realistic in every corner of the globe and in every family. People need to make their own decisions about what's right for THEM.  No one else should tell you how to live your life.
    I think bi-sexuals are perceived a bit differently by the general public, than homosexuals, and the fact that I am married with kids often give me a "cover" if you will....but there are many layers of choices. My wife ( who is also bisexual) make on a daily basis as to how much someone needs to know about our sex life. The general consensus between us is that we don't HIDE in a closet, but it's really not any of most people's business. If someone really asks, we tell. Otherwise I prefer you know me by my sense of style, sense of humor or sense of pride about other lifestyle choices I've made. I don't choose to be judged by where I stick my dick. 
  13. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + Charlie in Closeted guys   
    I’m not entirely convinced that someone being homophobic usually means they are closeted gay. I think some people are just haters. When I went through school in the early 2000s, people definitely knew what the word gay meant. And it was always used as an insult. Teens would say things like, that’s so gay, or you’re so gay. I remember effeminate kids being bullied as well. I don’t know how things are now in the middle and high schools, or if any progress has been made in the use of the word gay as a slur.
  14. Agree
    caramelsub got a reaction from marylander1940 in Closeted guys   
    I’m not entirely convinced that someone being homophobic usually means they are closeted gay. I think some people are just haters. When I went through school in the early 2000s, people definitely knew what the word gay meant. And it was always used as an insult. Teens would say things like, that’s so gay, or you’re so gay. I remember effeminate kids being bullied as well. I don’t know how things are now in the middle and high schools, or if any progress has been made in the use of the word gay as a slur.
  15. Hide Eyes
    caramelsub got a reaction from musclestuduws in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    I agree. I think her face looks great, considering her age.
  16. Like
    caramelsub reacted to + Charlie in Closeted guys   
    Sometimes younger Americans forget how dangerous it often was in the past to be "out" in America, and how dangerous it still is in many parts of the world. Gay men anywhere have many reasons other than legal or physical danger to want to stay "in the closet." Being openly gay may affect their livelihood, their acceptance in a religion that is important to them, their personal relationships with family or other important persons in their lives. One's sexual orientation or sexual behavior is something that one can manage to hide more easily than one's race, physical disabilities, lack of education or financial means, and other issues that affect one's social interactions.
    That being said, staying in the closet can have psychological repercussions, given how important one's sexuality is to a healthy, integrated personality. In my late teens, I had what was loosely called a "nervous breakdown," and my parents sent me to see a counseling psychologist. He gave me the best advice--and surprising advice in those days--which was to always tell the truth to myself about who I was, and to be honest with my loved ones, even if it was hard to do. In other situations, be as honest as you could be pragmatically (this was in the early 1960s, when being homosexually active  was illegal and could get one expelled from school, fired from a job, banned from the military, and even sent to prison). I went home from his office, and told my parents I was "homosexual" (they had no idea what "gay" meant), and to my relief they did not seem openly upset (my mother asked, "How do you know?" which caused me to start laughing and relax). I was already out to a couple of my closest friends, and from then on I was ready to admit my orientation to anyone else who asked. Within a couple more years I had met new friends who were very active in the burgeoning gay rights movement and had joined them in their activities; when a photo appeared in a major newspaper of me taking part in a protest, I gave up any pretense of not being gay.
    I do not condemn anyone who stays in the closet for a good reason, though I still would encourage them to be as honest with themselves and as open with others as is possible for them. I agree that those who are stridently homophobic are usually fighting against fear of being perceived as gay by others.
  17. Haha
    caramelsub reacted to CuriousByNature in Sebastian Mejia ?   
  18. Haha
    caramelsub got a reaction from marylander1940 in Sebastian Mejia ?   
    I hired him once, he was great. I tried to hire him again in different city but didn’t get a response. He is a huge cummer, so be prepared. 😉 I asked him to cum in my mouth, and  he came like a super soaker. Cum got up my nose, and in both of my eyes. So my eyes were pretty red for the evening. 😂 
  19. Hide Eyes
    caramelsub got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    I agree. I think her face looks great, considering her age.
  20. Agree
    caramelsub got a reaction from marylander1940 in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    I agree. I think her face looks great, considering her age.
  21. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    I’m in the minority here - I think she looks good.   An improvement over some of the recent looks.   
  22. Thanks
    caramelsub reacted to Emir in KingArturxxx in Miami   
    I think we have a superimpos-tor case
    Left - Rentmen 
    Right - Instagram 


    The IG photos belong to a guy living in Barcelona

  23. Like
    caramelsub got a reaction from + bashful in Grindr Rant   
    Yep. Hiring is not just for the guys who are too old or unattractive or can’t get laid without paying someone. There are so many reasons why I prefer hiring over grindr. 
  24. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Pope Blesses Same Sex Unions   
    I don't think marriage is the "solution" to child abuse.
    I have knowledge of 2 married fathers in my social group who abused their own daughters, and I served on a jurry for a married father accused of sexual abusing his daughter as well.  None of them were Catholic (trying to keep this relevant to the topic).
    I am gay and single.  The ability to marry or not to marry does not affect my decision/desire to not molest children.  Getting married won't change that.
    I applaud the decision of the church.  It's a step in the right direction.  If it helps its members love their neighbors, then I'm for it.
  25. Agree
    caramelsub reacted to Act25 in Is cum tasty?   
    I love taking a guys load in my mouth, unless I've already cum - then I lose interest pretty fast.  For me it's not about the flavor so much, but the act.   I do love the taste of precum and will gladly swallow all I can get. 
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