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Posts posted by caramelsub

  1. Thanks for all the helpful advice you guys. I know I was pretty vague, but just wanted not to disclose everything about myself. Yes my “passion” is in an artistic field, as some of you might have figured out. I work part time doing my craft, and it does pay my gas and help out with little things. But it’s not enough to survive and pay my rent alone. I don’t necessarily hate the other field, and I can make a lot more money, I just burn out quickly doing it. But I may just need to fake it until I make it.

  2. Do you think it’s better to follow your passion as a career, or follow the money? I find myself torn in pursuing a career, because in the field that I’m passionate about, generally doesn’t pay enough to make a living easily on it’s own. On the other hand the field that offers the higher pay, and status, and the opportunity to make a comfortable living, I find uninteresting and burnout quickly when doing jobs in that particular field. What would you choose? Are you passionate about your job and making a great living?

  3. 10 hours ago, socurious said:

    I was tempted to hire him but it was a big turn off to find out he was totally straight. Funny enough I found out by accident when I ended up on his Instagram account. He had pictures of his girlfriend and him together. Back then it looked to me like he wasn't hiding his job from her. Anyways, note that I'm mostly a top. One time I contacted him and he was charging me only 200 bucks. 

    He doesn’t bottom. He is an alpha dom, which I’m into. He does do half hour sessions, and his rate is lower for them. On his rentmen, his orientation sometimes says bi then sometimes he switches it to straight.

  4. I know that having an appetite for sex is healthy. But I think the question is if porn and hiring escorts is different from having casual sex with a partner. I feel like I need porn as a visual and aural stimulation to be able to masturbate. It may be considered an addiction. Only one therapist I had talked to told me I should just masturbate in bed without watching porn. She said watching porn is an addiction. She also told me I should stop hiring escorts as well. She didn’t say sex was an addiction. She encouraged me to go to gay bars and date, but not pay for sexual encounters. I may be addicted to hiring, because all my extra money goes to having sexual encounters, which could be used for other things. 

  5. On 3/7/2023 at 6:21 PM, Guest PETEPETE said:

    Not particularly with doctors, or at doctor's offices, but kinda loved when my dentist sticks his hand in my mouth, hasn't happened in a while because I haven't had any major work done in a few years, I remembered the last time I had something done, every time he would stick his hand, wearing a rubber glove inside my mouth, it was a weird feeling, no, it never drove me all the way to a hard-on, no even a semi, but it felt, interesting, didn't hurt he is a cute guy. 

    I used to get turned on too when I had a hot dentist who would stick their gloved hands in my mouth. Like you I didn’t get hard but I loved the feeling.

  6. I’ve had lipo on my abdomen. It works. The only thing is afterwards I had loose skin in my lower abdomen. I had to get a mini tummy tuck where they remove skin from below the belly button. Keep in mind things like coolsculpting and even lipo aren’t meant for major weight loss. Just body contouring.

    I tried one session of Emsculpt on my abs. It was not comfortable, and in my opinion it was borderline painful. I can’t say I notice a dramatic difference. I also tried Emsculpt on my butt, and it was very tolerable, no pain, felt like a massage. No major difference either yet.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Gymowner said:

    He does look imho like the "I'll tell you what we are doing in the session... not the other way around" type. Sigh

    He’s not like that at all actually. He asked me beforehand what I wanted to get into. He was very accommodating. For me he was just to submissive for my taste. I think he would do well with a dominant type of guy.

  8. I’ve talked to several therapists over the years. Only one of them told me watching porn and hiring escorts was an addiction. Most of the others said it was a good coping mechanism, and had no problems with it. The dsm doesn’t list sex addiction as an actual disorder. My problem is I feel like I can’t romantically be attracted to a person. I only seek out sexual only relationships, which is why I hire escorts. I think I’m aromantic, but definitely not asexual. I’ve never been in a longterm relationship or been in love. Just hookups. For me it’s satisfying my needs, because if I was in a relationship it would have to be an open one. I can’t imagine having sex with just one person for the rest of my life.

  9. 17 minutes ago, PETEPETE said:

    I have always found his ass weird, like surgically created, like implants, not saying is not natural but looks fake to me. 

    I doubt he has actual butt implants. But it does look like he had a Brazilian butt lift, where they liposuction fat from the abdomen or flanks, and inject it into the buttocks. It’s more common with women, but men do it as well.

  10. I’m sorry this happened to you. This is why I refuse to hire anyone without verified reviews. Especially in nyc where there are so many other options. I had a similar experience 10 years ago using backpage. The escort came in my hotel room and looked nothing like his pics. I confronted him, he got angry and pretended to call a friend saying I wouldn’t give him his donation, and telling my location. I paid him the cash, and thankfully he left, and never heard from him again. Luckily the fake escort’s donation was just 60 dollars. Nowadays I rarely run into fake escorts, because of my vetting process. But if I do I don’t confront them. I just pay and leave. Too many sextortionists and robbers out there.

  11. I’m guessing a condom tearing would be more of a issue with intercourse with a heterosexual couple than a homosexual one. Since it only takes a little bit of sperm to fertilize an egg and get a female pregnant. And birth control is one of the primary reasons for condom use between heterosexual couples. While I don’t know the statistics for how much sperm in the anus it takes to contract or transmit HIV between men who have sex with men.

  12. When i met him i was surprised he hadn’t showered before our meeting. Once i told him i wanted to rim him, he hopped in the shower. So he was fresh and clean for me. Overall i had a pleasant experience and would repeat.

  13. 2 hours ago, alrajee said:

    Quite important. I scroll past Rentmen and Grindr/Tinder profiles that don't show their face. They don't have to be Ryan Gosling levels of handsome (because that's unreasonable); a pleasant face with a nice smile are all you need to get my attention.

    Ironically I don’t find Ryan Gosling’s face to be that attractive at all. Or Ryan Reynolds. Just proves beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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