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Posts posted by caramelsub

  1. 45 minutes ago, kingsley88 said:

    Not sure if I believe that reddit post. Here in the US I thought everyone just had 1 dose or 1/5 dose? Is it possible in other areas of the world to get 2 doses? I heard some places only recommended 2nd dose to those who are HIV+/immunicompromised.


    It’s a two dose vaccine, four weeks apart.

  2. 27 minutes ago, Rod Hagen said:

    Sorry if folks here have already covered this, how do we feel about  people getting a second dose, but not telling the medical provider it's a second dose?  Where is this on the continuum of unethical behavior?  Is it SERIOUSLY unethical, because, "goddam it, there is a shortage after all", or mildly unethical, because "you're having a lot of sex I mean, why not get a second dose"?

    And, if one were to do this, would it matter that the first shot, a month ago, was the SubQ dose, and the second shot would be Intraderm dose?

    When i got my first dose they gave me a copy of my immunization record and it showed the first dose on it. It also showed my complete history of vaccinations from birth, including my covid shots. It’s a public health record. The clinic where i got mine at said i have to bring a copy of my immunization record or proof that i had my first dosage at least four weeks prior to getting the second dose. So i believe they have records of people who have gotten the first dose and are awaiting the second dose.

  3. I’ve never had a male therapist. I just find it awkward talking about my sex life, with another man, especially if they are straight. I prefer to talk to a woman. 


    9 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    C and D responses would appear to me to be pure speculation as the vaccine has only only be available for less then two months and there has not been sufficient time to test their efficacy through mass testing. That will take at least up to a year like the Covid vaccines.

    The nurse who gave me the shot yesterday said, the vaccine has been around for a long time now. And that it’s not new like the covid vaccine.

  5. 1 hour ago, GroilAce said:

    Actually, the bigger the foot, the bigger the penis. Anyway, we have a lot of opportunities to make a penis longer.

    Actually this isn’t true. My feet are huge, but I’m average in terms of penis size.

  6. To clarify my previous comment. My first time with him was ok. Second time, kind of boring, but I live in an area with a limited market and he was visiting, so I was kind of horny and desperate.  I wouldn’t repeat, but he might be good for someone else. I didn’t find him unattractive, but not drop dead gorgeous either. He was friendly and conversational.

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