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Posts posted by Monarchy79

  1. Just curious, I recently hired an escort in Madrid who advertises Safe only and even in his ad, states no barebacking. When I got there we immediately started with barebacking then switched to a condom for awhile but then went back to barebacking until climax. I didn't care as I'm on PREP (and I'm not looking for comments but being at risk for other STI's.) but was just curious why an escort would advertise and state strictly that there is no BBing but then went ahead and did it with me without hesitation.

    I agree, wow ?; I may be old fashioned but it’s condom only for me...


    You’re not old fashioned. You just have common sense ???

  2. Ok yes I am actively disagreeing with you then. It’s sexist and homophobic but believe as you wish. I just don’t want it to go unchallenged.


    Also, if you don’t mind, I’d like to pick your brain, explaining your accusations of homophobia and sexism, in a separate private PM, as we both have “smart ass”, tendencies, and don’t want this to turn into a pissing match of posts...

  3. Maybe I interpreted your statement incorrectly? If so I apologize profusely.

    I do personally feel as a gay man, that the gay male, lifestyle is plagued with a plethora of “ism”s, and superficialities. However, I don’t think that’s internalized homophobia, as the reasoning behind this isn’t sexual preference, the reasoning behind this is that our lifestyle consists of only men....


    I do not feel the same way about lesbians.


    I believe that men, in general, of all sexual identifies are shallow and superficial.


    No apologies necessary my friend, as I think you are accurately disagreeing with me . lol.


    When you wrote “The antithesis of the shallow bulllshit that plagues this lifestyle“ I took it you were referring to the gay lifestyle or lifestyle of men seeking men. Again if I misinterpreted then I apologize. But if that’s not what you meant maybe others misinterpreted also?

  4. Such internalized homophobia!


    What the hell are you talking about?


    I’m literally praising a member of this site who consistently speaks against ageism, racism, body fascism, judgment of sex workers, and other vile “ills”, that plague “gay world”, and youcall that “internal homophobia”?!?


    I seriously hope we both interpreted each other’s postings incorrectly

  5. I do the same thing with a clean white washcloth, plus another tucked around and between the balls and legs. I've collected close to 100 hotel washcloths over the years. One use, then they go in the hamper.


    I do the towel-in-the-buttcrack-drying routine too!! Go figure!!

  6. Am I the only one still annoyed that there isn’t a link to go with this post? I mean, the point is to discuss our experiences and save others from it if it was bad, OR to let people weigh in and say if they had a different experience. My two cents.


    There isn’t a link provided because the OP doesn’t want his experience to possibly give the masseur a bad reputation, especially some parts of the experience aren’t 100% confirmed, and are based on his beliefs and not concrete facts as we don’t know why the masseur behaves in the manner that he did.

  7. Am I the only one still annoyed that there isn’t a link to go with this post? I mean, the point is to discuss our experiences and save others from it if it was bad, OR to let people weigh in and say if they had a different experience. My two cents.


    There isn’t a link provided because the OP doesn’t want his experience to possibly give the masseur a bad reputation, especially some parts of the experience aren’t 100% confirmed, and are based on his beliefs and not concrete facts as we don’t know why the masseur behaves in the manner that he did.

  8. Question: What is your showering/cleaning ritual to make sure you are "fresh" down there?


    When I am getting a massage, I always make sure that I am freshly showered. If I am not coming directly from home, I will ask if a shower is available. On a hot day, I may take a quick rinse beforehand even if I had showered just before leaving home.


    When I am giving a massage (I tend to give a few a week), I always request that they are freshly showered...or tell them that they can shower at my place. I get turned off when I get a whiff of "swamp ass". It's that sweaty, musty smell that germinates between the buns...even when we are just relaxing. I am sure that some love the smell...but I don't. I am sure that professional masseurs run into this all of the time.


    I just finished giving a massage to a beautiful 20yo guy that's just home from college for the summer. 6'2, nicely built and the most beautiful bubble ass popped up on my table. He only lives 5mins away and said that he was freshly showered. As I am working my way up his thick/solid thighs, I spread his legs a bit so that I can get "in there". Puff...like a mushroom cloud, I get a whiff of swamp ass. LOL. Ugh, Ruined it for me.


    In my younger days, I could have pushed through. My tongue might have been right in there feasting on those globes. He was agreeable to play, but I couldn't work through it.



    I’ll also add that that young guy was probably never taught proper thorough hygiene habits. Many men aren’t, both straight and gay, and it affects their sex lives and they don’t even realize it.

  9. Question: What is your showering/cleaning ritual to make sure you are "fresh" down there?


    When I am getting a massage, I always make sure that I am freshly showered. If I am not coming directly from home, I will ask if a shower is available. On a hot day, I may take a quick rinse beforehand even if I had showered just before leaving home.


    When I am giving a massage (I tend to give a few a week), I always request that they are freshly showered...or tell them that they can shower at my place. I get turned off when I get a whiff of "swamp ass". It's that sweaty, musty smell that germinates between the buns...even when we are just relaxing. I am sure that some love the smell...but I don't. I am sure that professional masseurs run into this all of the time.


    I just finished giving a massage to a beautiful 20yo guy that's just home from college for the summer. 6'2, nicely built and the most beautiful bubble ass popped up on my table. He only lives 5mins away and said that he was freshly showered. As I am working my way up his thick/solid thighs, I spread his legs a bit so that I can get "in there". Puff...like a mushroom cloud, I get a whiff of swamp ass. LOL. Ugh, Ruined it for me.


    In my younger days, I could have pushed through. My tongue might have been right in there feasting on those globes. He was agreeable to play, but I couldn't work through it.



    I’ll also add that that young guy was probably never taught proper thorough hygiene habits. Many men aren’t, both straight and gay, and it affects their sex lives and they don’t even realize it.

  10. Question: What is your showering/cleaning ritual to make sure you are "fresh" down there?


    When I am getting a massage, I always make sure that I am freshly showered. If I am not coming directly from home, I will ask if a shower is available. On a hot day, I may take a quick rinse beforehand even if I had showered just before leaving home.


    When I am giving a massage (I tend to give a few a week), I always request that they are freshly showered...or tell them that they can shower at my place. I get turned off when I get a whiff of "swamp ass". It's that sweaty, musty smell that germinates between the buns...even when we are just relaxing. I am sure that some love the smell...but I don't. I am sure that professional masseurs run into this all of the time.


    I just finished giving a massage to a beautiful 20yo guy that's just home from college for the summer. 6'2, nicely built and the most beautiful bubble ass popped up on my table. He only lives 5mins away and said that he was freshly showered. As I am working my way up his thick/solid thighs, I spread his legs a bit so that I can get "in there". Puff...like a mushroom cloud, I get a whiff of swamp ass. LOL. Ugh, Ruined it for me.


    In my younger days, I could have pushed through. My tongue might have been right in there feasting on those globes. He was agreeable to play, but I couldn't work through it.




    Great Discussion Topic!!!


    My pre-massage shower routine is as follows:

    If I have an appointment after work:

    1.) gym workout

    2.) pre-sauna shower

    3.) steam/sauna

    4.) thorough shower, which consists of

    A. First round with soap (like an Irish spring, safeguard, etc.)

    B. Second round is the body scrub in the shower dispensers and my shower gel

    The whole routine leaves no area untouched... face, behind the ears, arms, legs, chest, shoulders, torso, back, in between the toes, and of course extra attention to the nether-regions... to add on.. these are two musts for me

    1.) a washcloth... soaping up a washcloth really helps remove dead skin cells and build suds, nothing like it.... and 2.) an inch of a soapy finger up the butt... yes, I make sure there’s absolutely no residue of anything back there.


    From this routine of squeaky cleanliness and scrubbing, it has been always a bonus for YMMV with getting massages (even in places that’s strictly professional and “therapeutic”, and even my personal life .... people will lick every nook and cranny of your body, when they realize that you are impeccably groomed and clean....

    and because so many guys are lacking in the hygiene department, masseurs are usually pleasantly relieved, when they massage those buns, spread them cheeks and there’s nothing but freshness... ?

  11. Question: What is your showering/cleaning ritual to make sure you are "fresh" down there?


    When I am getting a massage, I always make sure that I am freshly showered. If I am not coming directly from home, I will ask if a shower is available. On a hot day, I may take a quick rinse beforehand even if I had showered just before leaving home.


    When I am giving a massage (I tend to give a few a week), I always request that they are freshly showered...or tell them that they can shower at my place. I get turned off when I get a whiff of "swamp ass". It's that sweaty, musty smell that germinates between the buns...even when we are just relaxing. I am sure that some love the smell...but I don't. I am sure that professional masseurs run into this all of the time.


    I just finished giving a massage to a beautiful 20yo guy that's just home from college for the summer. 6'2, nicely built and the most beautiful bubble ass popped up on my table. He only lives 5mins away and said that he was freshly showered. As I am working my way up his thick/solid thighs, I spread his legs a bit so that I can get "in there". Puff...like a mushroom cloud, I get a whiff of swamp ass. LOL. Ugh, Ruined it for me.


    In my younger days, I could have pushed through. My tongue might have been right in there feasting on those globes. He was agreeable to play, but I couldn't work through it.




    Great Discussion Topic!!!


    My pre-massage shower routine is as follows:

    If I have an appointment after work:

    1.) gym workout

    2.) pre-sauna shower

    3.) steam/sauna

    4.) thorough shower, which consists of

    A. First round with soap (like an Irish spring, safeguard, etc.)

    B. Second round is the body scrub in the shower dispensers and my shower gel

    The whole routine leaves no area untouched... face, behind the ears, arms, legs, chest, shoulders, torso, back, in between the toes, and of course extra attention to the nether-regions... to add on.. these are two musts for me

    1.) a washcloth... soaping up a washcloth really helps remove dead skin cells and build suds, nothing like it.... and 2.) an inch of a soapy finger up the butt... yes, I make sure there’s absolutely no residue of anything back there.


    From this routine of squeaky cleanliness and scrubbing, it has been always a bonus for YMMV with getting massages (even in places that’s strictly professional and “therapeutic”, and even my personal life .... people will lick every nook and cranny of your body, when they realize that you are impeccably groomed and clean....

    and because so many guys are lacking in the hygiene department, masseurs are usually pleasantly relieved, when they massage those buns, spread them cheeks and there’s nothing but freshness... ?

  12. A poster said this about escorts: “ Not only are they men who have sex with men, but many of them engage in high risk behaviors like partying, condomless sex, and a high number of different people.”


    Ironically I find this statement true about a lot of gay men who have lots of sex, free of charge....

    take a look at any app or dating site and you’ll see for yourself.


    What’s ironic is that sex workers probably take heed to testing and treatment far more than your average joe who’s just whoring around for free.


    More men overall need more testing period.

  13. But why would you get tested if you did not have sex-just to make it a habit??


    I actually commend the guy for regular testing, regardless of his sex activity.


    STI’s and HIV aren’t necessarily “time stamped” and symptoms of either could show far after the sexual activity that transmitted an infection to you occurred.

  14. I contacted a new person for a massage. We set a duration, time, and fee. I had a weird vibe from him so I told him I'm 59 and asked if that was a problem. No reply. I then asked for his address. He asked for my photo "for security reasons" and, said upon receiving it, he would send his address. I took a selfie with a stern look. Think I heard from him with his address? I'm glad that massage never happened...


    Providing a link to the masseurs MF or RM profile wouldn’t be considered a review.....

  15. Another option of a solution for this is to act needy, clingy and “in love”... that will have them running away as soon as the sessions are over.


    Guys are wired in a weird way. Show them interest and they’ll squirm away like feral cats.. show them indifference and they’ll chase you into Infiniti.


    Most escorts are used to being worshipped, and fulfilling needs of companionship to their clients. They are used to feeling needed and validating their Johns. By you not having that type of interest intrigues them and makes them want you more.


    Let them believe you are looking for that BFE, and once they are done, they will accept their payment and leave.

  16. I need a little advice. I'm married and enjoy escorts when I travel. I often pay for extended hours, but never do an overnight.


    Recently I've been hitting it off and flying repeat hires out to meet me. I'm doing this for the sex, the experience etc, but NOT the companionship and friendship as I'm not available for that. I'm 33, and hire guys 25-35. We have great sex, but then there is this awkward friendship that forms that I'm not looking for, often perpetuated by the professional.


    Last night, a 3 hour romp in NYC led to an all nighter where we just stayed up talking, and switched the dynamic. It made payment awkward as he insisted he "punched out" after the 3 hours, and the other 8 were off the clock because he liked the company and enjoyed the conversation.


    Anyone have any advice on discouraging this type of relationship change? I'm hiring professionals so I don't have to have the mess of emotions, or friend with benefit situation.


    I hope I'm explaining this well.


    No advice needed ☺️??. Continue doing your thing, and by no means have any discussions with the escorts, explaining how you feel.


    It seems like the connection they appear to have with you is what makes the experience pleasurable for both of you.... I’m sure you don’t want to ruin that vibe.


    Just make sure they have no way of contacting you when you’re not seeking their services.

  17. Not sure if anyone else in the world is still taking Truvada or not. I may just be one of the old timers that is. At any rate, I went in for the blood draw that you are supposed to do in conjunction with the prescription writing and my doctor let me in on a couple of things that I really did not know. It may have been because I did not ask. For example, it had always been impressed on me that I was ABSOLUTELY supposed to make sure that I took my little blue pill every day and never miss one. However, my doctor told me that really they have found that unless you are a Grindr sort of guy who is lucky enough to be able to have sex spontaneously (if that is your dream) you could take the pill a couple of days before you plan on having sex and that should cover you. (Caveat: I did not ask him if that meant pill plus condom or if the couple of days of pill is sufficient). Also he told me that the trademark for Truvada is running out either this or next year so there will be a generic. However, he did mention that as these things are done the company is coming out with a pill that is going to be safer for the body system to take (e.g. kidneys) and that obviously will not be generic. So the company will still make the zillion dollars of profit off a copyrighted drug. I apologize if this is info that everyone has known forever but I thought I would post it just in case the info has not made its way here. Have a wonderful weekend.


    Very useful information!!!

    I’m no doctor, but I’d recommend continuing daily doses of that medication, unless you are a 100% condom user.

  18. I love how chatty people are just slightly better than serial killers. And they say romance is dead!


    My list wasn’t rated in any type of order or preference.

    And I agree with you, romance is dead.


    There’s nothing romantic about scrolling through an app, looking at pics of guys like you’re looking at a dollar menu at McDonalds.


    There’s nothing like finding an immediate attraction to someone in-person. The way they walk, their body language, the way they smell, the meta-physical energy.


    Apps and websites don’t provide that, which is why there are so many dating and hook up fails from sites and apps.

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