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    thedanNYC reacted to + azdr0710 in Best Coffee   
    well, I lasted 1:31 with this social media star wannabe......before 1:31, he mentioned something about having to have some work done by 10am, but he woke up at 11:30am, but he apparently started making this video at 11:54am without yet working on that work and having time to also look at some TikTok in the meantime....or something......
    sorry, never got to his search for good coffee.....
    Dutch Bros is all oh-so-hip and trendy now....rock music in outdoor speakers next to the drive-thru.....really cool order-takers......must-have bumper stickers.....some go there just to say they went there......yup, being a cynical little bastard now!!!.....last time I was there, I used the walk-up window so I wouldn't have to sit in the long line and pollute......the perky little teen-aged airhead who took my order promptly forgot it, or something......milling about outside the window five minutes later, a manager asked if I'd already ordered.....a full refund ensued and the latte was adequate......
    I try to patronize the local indies.....
    many years ago, some article mentioned "Jamaican Blue Mountain" as the most expensive coffee ever.....went and got a quarter-pound (!) of it at a local gourmet place as a Xmas gift to Mom and Dad (some ulterior motives in there since I was visiting and I'd get to try it, too!)......it was noticeably different, very earthy, very good........not good enough to use regularly, though...... 
  2. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to + MysticMenace in Are universities the only ones who charge a fee to make a donation?   
    With the JoeMendoza fund, you do not need to pay any service charge to make a donation.
  3. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to maninsoma in rejection is best when it's blunt   
    That's what I'm not clear about as well.  Even if the guy is advertising as an escort, some escorts are selective about how their clients look.  I purposefully rule out guys who put things in their ads about preferring certain looks or giving a discount to "young and fit" because I am older and not athletically built.  If I'm paying to be with someone I don't want to choose someone who is already sending messages that I'm a lower form of life.  However, I certainly understand that if some guy can make a living by providing services only to other "hot" men and posting videos to Fans sites then they might prefer to do that. 
    As to the title of this thread, I think rejection is best when it's direct.  It doesn't have to be brutally honest (e.g., you're too old or fat or whatever for me), but a direct response of "sorry, not a match" is better than leaving a question unanswered or suggesting one is open to possibilities when that clearly isn't the case.
  4. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to jjkrkwood in Swimming and speedos   
    I am 70 and sunbathe in a THONG !    Livin la Vida Loca.......🤣
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    thedanNYC reacted to CuriousByNature in Swimming and speedos   
    I will opt for drowning, thank you very much!
  6. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Sydneysider in Most overrated/underrated tourist attraction   
    Paris has never been and will never be overrated. Anyone who thinks differently should just stop traveling and spend their money on something else.
  7. Applause
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Bargara Leatherboy in Most overrated/underrated tourist attraction   
    Paris has never been and will never be overrated. Anyone who thinks differently should just stop traveling and spend their money on something else.
  8. Haha
    thedanNYC got a reaction from samK in Spas in NYC   
    I believe there's one of these belts near the door, and you just grab the masseur you like from it:

  9. Haha
    thedanNYC got a reaction from starman05 in Duke in LA   
    Methinks it's to keep the people from drunk dialing masseurs at 3 a.m. ("U up...for a $300 massage?")
  10. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to jjkrkwood in 411 GingerMuscleBoy in NYC   
    Escorting is a business, and therefore I usually skip over guys that put so little effort into promoting themselves....  If they dont have the time or interest, NEITHER do I.....
  11. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to + José Soplanucas in Buenos Aires, Argentina, June/July 2021   
    Many Argentines feel like everything good in their lives is owed to Peronism. From the times of Evita & Perón, when a day is sunny nd beautiful, it is a Peronist day. Well, this has been a Peronist weekend. Spring like temperatures and the announcements of downgrading restrictions in the city got Porteños in the street. I joined them, and yesterday met with a friend nearby my base. 
    I walked from my Airbnb to Plaza Italia. In my way, I enjoyed once again my neighborhood.

    This single block is representative of many others. In a few meters you can appreciate examples of buildings built along more than 100 years. And next to these typical landscape, you have a nuclear bomb that ruins everything.

    I am sure the view from these towers is amazing, but they completely fucked up the skyline and the nearby family houses' privacy. I wonder how much money those developers paid in bribes to get approved a construction permit breaking the standards for the area.
    In my way to Plaza Italia, I walked through another development from after my departure. They recycled the areas under and around train bridges. The one near my place is an open outlet shopping mall of local and International first brands. People were standing up in long lines waiting to enter the stores, as there is a limit set per squared meter.
    As most shopping malls, this one is forgettable, but I thought you may be curious about American burgers prices. This is a Wendy's display. 319= U$S 3.28/2.05; 359 = U$S 3.69/2.31.  If you compare these junk food prices to what you have to pay for a prime steak (remember? I am paying 420), these are very expensive.
    However, in Argentina, fast food crap like Wendy's, McD, and BK, are the choice for the middle class. Just another example of Argentinean middle class' "tilinguería" (a localism for "snobbism" carrying all the cultural nuances that its standard universal synonym lacks of), famous all over the subcontinent. 
    I met my friend at the Ecopark. I absolutely loved walking those trails I had walked so many times as a child, when the Zoo was up and running. The buildings are from Buenos Aires' golden age, when Argentina was still dreaming of becoming an International power. They are just beautiful, with many statues, fountains, and just all kind od constructions with high artistic value. The designers of some landscapes show great sophistication, the apparent intention is to show nature taking over the old buildings, as in a post apocalyptic narrative. Additionally, all the vegetation is local species.

    Most of the buildings that used to contain wild animals in captivity are now empty. Others have been refurnished. I still remember from 3 decades ago how this used to be a series of small cages with exotic tropical birds:

    Most animals have been sent to reserves, but a few still remain as they are too old, or sick to be translated. I saw an old poor elephant alone and away from the open to public areas. Other animals will probably become permanent habitants of a quite open space, in the middle of Buenos Aires.

    After te Ecopark, we walked towards Recoleta. This is all the fancier are of Palermo. We walked through the zone we mentioned before, Palermo Chico, where many local Plutocrats and diplomatics live.

    Right there, we have the embassy of a favorite American country.

    I ended the day exhausted after walking about 7 km, and went back home with the intention to write this report. But Grindr came in the middle of my task, and instead I ended inviting a local who made a party with my dick. I need to close Grindr or I will never hire again. To celebrate a good fuck, I ordered authentic Argentina empanadas.

    Another item checked out of my To Eat List.
    Today Sunday it was family time. First, I had to stop by the pharmacy to get more anti acids and more lube. Then, my mami was waiting for me with mbaipu. 

    Originally the dish is from Paraguay, but we do the version popular in Corrientes. Another check out of my To Eat List. 
    After spending some hours with family I took advantage of being back to Recoleta, and ran up to the artisans fair to buy a water pipe.

    And now I am here trying to make a decision. Grindr? A contract? Resting? 

  12. Applause
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Jax in Los Angeles 2021 Spots   
    You won't be surprised that the only study I could find simply read: DUH. It wasn't peer reviewed though.
  13. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to preppystudent in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    I've never taken the position that people should be ridiculed for taking whatever precautions the personally would prefer - as long as those people aren't advocating policies that dictate the precautions everyone else should take.  Certainly there is *some* Covid risk involved for fully vaccinated people, but that risk is exceedingly low, so one person's personal decision to be extremely careful is all well and good as long as they aren't taking the position that everyone should follow their example.  ETA: If it wasn't clear, I'm not saying you fall into the "everyone else must do as I say" category - if others were following your lead, I wouldn't have any issue with that whatsoever.
  14. Haha
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Cari in Massage in Palm Springs   
    Ditto. Palms Springs + summer =

  15. Haha
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Luv2play in Massage in Palm Springs   
    Ditto. Palms Springs + summer =

  16. Haha
    thedanNYC got a reaction from Redwine56 in Spas in NYC   
    I believe there's one of these belts near the door, and you just grab the masseur you like from it:

  17. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from + tassojunior in PRAGUE   
    In general, border closures are not preventing intra-EU travel or, in Switzerland's case, intra-Schengen Area travel. Czech Republic is in the Schengen Area, so that's why Czechs can enter Switzerland. It's not because of entry permission that is specific to Czechs.
  18. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Gender reveal party fire death, charge them with manslaughter!   
    Wasted their time and money on a silly party, and the only reveal they ended up having is that mama likes to strike her kids in public. Tsk. Tsk.

  19. Like
    thedanNYC reacted to preppystudent in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    Well since you feel the need to be condescending, and clearly don't understand the many logical fallacies of your post, I'll try to spell it out for you.  When I said the chance of contracting covid AND having significant illness, I emphasized the "AND" by capitalizing it precisely for people like you.  If you wish to avoid all risk of contracting Covid, please, by all means, don't ever leave your house, but if you want to enjoy your life and eliminate the risk of experiencing significant illness resulting from a Covid infection, then get vaccinated and live your life.  Up to you.  I
    And as you note, there were 38,000 car crash deaths last year - would you be so kind as to inform me how many fully VACCINATED people have died from Covid in the US this year?  Is there even 1 documented case of that?  That is the accurate comparison - not comparing car crash deaths to total Covid deaths by all people, whether vaccinated or not.  Of course they are different - that's the point of a comparison.  You don't "compare" two things that are identical.  My point is that while we do practice risk reduction and common sense when it comes to driving cars (see, eg, seat belts, speed limits, etc.), we don't try to eliminate all risk or even adopt measures that would still allow us to drive cars and would result in fewer deaths (eg, 30 mph speed limits everywhere), because that wouldn't be practical.  So I'd suggest you practice some common sense before lecturing me on the topic...  I'm not going to tell you not to wear a mask, but please don't pretend your decision to keep wearing one is rooted in reality.
    And I'll have you know I was a finance major and graduated from one of the top 3 law schools in the country. So I'd be happy to do a side-by-side comparison of our education...
  20. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from big dale in Los Angeles saunas   
    Just to clarify, I agree that mask wearing, social distancing, and cleanliness are effective and important. I've said that in this forum repeatedly.
    But, to be effective, it is important that masks remain dry. That's not possible in a steam room and unlikely in a hot sauna. So having people wear masks in steam rooms and saunas (and having extra staff enforce that requirement) will very likely not do much more than create the illusion of safety. In other words, we're talking about a marketing tactic no doubt intended to help make people feel more comfortable with the idea of booking services now.
    If BW actually cared about safety, they would keep those amenities closed or limit their use to vaccinated people.
  21. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from IntuitiveTactile in Los Angeles saunas   
    As if wearing a mask inside a steam room will protect anyone from the virus. That's just silly.
  22. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from handiacefailure in Good News for Europe Travel   
    That, plus I'm sure a low percentage of Karens complaining about wearing masks because breathing in CO2 that gets trapped in there would kill them.
  23. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from + aeikaryoko in 2020/2021 Hall of famE   
    I'd suggest listing the masseurs' cities to make the lists more useful.
  24. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from SamMiller213 in 2020/2021 Hall of famE   
    I'd suggest listing the masseurs' cities to make the lists more useful.
  25. Like
    thedanNYC got a reaction from MauiZen in 2020/2021 Hall of famE   
    I'd suggest listing the masseurs' cities to make the lists more useful.
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