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Everything posted by myophile

  1. I’ve got a date with him this weekend. NOMNomnomnom ...
  2. I’ve got a date with him this weekend. NOMNomnomnom ...
  3. Buddylisted! Hope he comes to NYC, I’d be happy to give him a test-drive.
  4. [reaches for more popcorn] It’s like watching tennis!
  5. A novel business model, that ‘s for sure!
  6. Now apparently going by the name BIIGMuscle. I visited his RM profile 3 identities (=2 hours) ago; when I signed into RM again a few minutes back I noticed that BIIGMuscle (same photos as FittMuscle, etc.) was at the top of my Who Saw Me list, but when I clicked on his profile, I found he’d blocked me! I’m inclined to count my blessings.
  7. Hmm. Haven’t approached, but based on his pix, I think he might add a few other words, like “I’m fake!” or “Fooled you!” or “Caveat emptor!”
  8. That’s good to know—I’m mighty tempted, and he’s in NYC for a few days ...?
  9. I’ve been really intrigued by https://rentmen.eu/KyleStrong, but neither of us can host, so it hasn’t happened yet.
  10. I haven’t hired him, but I follow him on IG, and although his physique is absofuckinglutely amazing, I find his online persona a little hard to take.
  11. I’ve got a session scheduled with him this week.
  12. Fuuuuuuuck. How do I get to be the meat in a BrandonCody/Rockmelon sandwich!?!?
  13. I’m in SF for a lomg weekend, would love to meet up with a seriously big guy for muscle worship and hopefully a bit more. But I’m not seeing a lot of bodybuilder types on RM for the Bay Area. Any recommendations, maybe for guys who may not advertise on RM?
  14. Before we flood his inbox: does he escort?
  15. All true, and I think it’s quite likely that some combination of a) second thoughts about escorting and b) lack of time on what was apparently a film shoot contributed to the non-response, and honestly, I don’t blame him for any of that—just for the case of blue balls he left me with that weekend! I don’t know what he was filming, but if it was anything like the scene he did recently with Austin Wolf, then I forgive him with all my heart, and a few other organs.
  16. Contacted him via RM email about a session here in NYC, got a cordial reply back, emailed again to set a date and details, then ... nothing. ?
  17. He’s in NYC this week, and I just texted to ask about booking a session with him. Such a hottie—I’ve been following his IG for a while, but had no idea he escorted until I stumbled across his RM ad this morning. RRRRrrrowwwrrr. Glad to see that folks here have had positive experiences with him!
  18. Simply one of the best. The only fault I have to find with him is that he’s not based in NYC.
  19. Thanks for that background! I figured he might have more offers than he could accommodate ...
  20. He was my first hire—sweet guy, hot AF, but the sub/dom thing doesn’t do it for me.
  21. By the time I saw his ad there was no contact phone number. I just emailed him again via RM, we’ll see if he responds. He’s always struck me as a sweet guy, as well as incredibly hot; but his ad DOES say he’s experimenting with escorting, so who knows ...
  22. Hi all, I’ve been following Alex Mecum’s IG for a while, and before Christmas was intrigued to find out that he was escorting. I got in touch through RM, and had an easy and pleasant exchange with him about his availability in NYC after January 2, and his rates, but when I tried to set up a session for this weekend ... [crickets chirping]. Anybody been with him? Is he worth a follow up? https://rentmen.eu/alex_mecum
  23. Whoa. No experience with him, but I get to Paris occasionally, and as of now he’s at the top of my To Do list!
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