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Everything posted by myophile

  1. He’s a hot fucker. *Sigh*—So many men, visiting NYC for so little time, and such a strain on my limited rent-boy budget ...
  2. I’ve been with Ben three times now, and he’d be a regular hire if we lived in the same city. EXCELLENT provider in every way (starting with his smoking-hot muscled body, oversized cock, and friendly jock demeanor), but I particularly value his communications skills. He hasn’t always gotten back to me immediately, and I’ve had to follow up once or twice—but he’s a busy guy, with a personal life and a bunch of side-hustles, and in general I’d rate him up there among the most responsive and reliable guys I deal with. Here’s the thing. I don’t know exactly what the OP wrote Ben, but I do know that providers generally don’t like long involved communications—anything as long and involved as this post, for instance!—especially if they don’t boil down to: “Hi Ben—I’m into __, and I’d like to hire you for __ hours on ___ date. Are you available? And what’s your rate? Thanks, big guy!” Anything more lengthy or less direct sent to a busy professional is going to get a (private) sigh of exasperation from said professional, and may delay or jeopardize the point of the exercise, which is to get you laid.
  3. “Eats Dicks and Leaves.”
  4. Holy fuck. Just ... holy fuck!
  5. You’re welcome: https://www.myvidster.com/video/187183713/Thomas_Terry
  6. Definitely going to set up a meeting with this guy when he’s in NYC in a few weeks.
  7. This guy changes his name once or twice a week, every name containing a doubled letter; whenever he reads a post on this forum commenting on that habit, he changes his name again. He’ll also block you at the drop of a hat, for no apparent reason. There have been several threads about him, none of which, unfortunately, I can find to cite here—but real or fake, the consensus is that he’s completely nuts.
  8. myophile


    I grew up in Miami, but the “regional accent” was pure Noo Yawk / Joisey. A lot of my friends—and the jocks I lusted after—were first or second generation Guido.
  9. Hoooooly Mother of ...
  10. myophile


    Apollo’s accent is a not-inconsiderable part of the sexy package — he talks like all of his LI FDNY/NYPD buddies, and his other excellences aside, it turns me on just to hear him.
  11. Hey guys—I’m traveling to the UK this week and looking to meet up with this massive IFBB pro bodybuilder: https://www.thebestflex.com/profile/HULK89 Has anybody been with him? My own muscle-worship wants are pretty simple, but I’d be glad to hear what other guys have to say about his limits, attitude, etc.
  12. I’ll report back on this session with Darius. In texting back and forth it’s clear that he is limited in (to me) not-unexpected ways. But he implied that some of those boundaries might be elastic, and his fee is actually pretty reasonable (by NYC standards anyway) so I ‘m gonna dive right in and see what happens.
  13. Thanks! My wants are pretty simple, but I’ve texted him with specifics, and we’ll see how he responds.
  14. https://rentmen.eu/DariusFitness I’ll be in London next week, and I’m thinking about hiring Darius. He’s been mentioned in passing on several threads, but I can’t find mention of any actual encounter. The common (undocumented) assumption is that he’s limited, demanding, and somewhat stuck-up. I follow his IG and he doesn't SEEM like a douchebag; and my text interaction with him so far has been cordial. Bottom (you’ll pardon the expression) line: can anybody brief me on what he’s actually like, as a hire? Thanks, boys!
  15. They are two of my all-time favorites—treat yourself!
  16. Just saw Ben today, and had an absolutely amazing time. He’s huge and ripped right now—working on the “summer body”—and as always I found him engaged and enthusiastic. He’ll be back in NYC later in the summer, and next time I’ll be tempted to see exactly how far he’s willing to go ...
  17. He’s been on my radar for a while. I’d hoped to see him on an upcoming trip to London, but unfortunately he leaves the day I arrive. ☹️
  18. He’s also a real sweetheart — you’ll have fun!
  19. Jeeeeeezus his dick is as amazing as the rest of him!
  20. He’ll be in London when I am. If he’s real, then Woof! But I note that he’s not into kissing or oral. I’ll definitely pursue, but if his skill-set really doesn’t include those activities, then I’ll pass.
  21. LOL With the possible exception of Zeb Atlas, I can’t think of ANY escort that could tempt me to shell out $500. No. The rate he quoted me was substantially less than that, and I negotiated him down a bit from his quote. He’s pretty delectable. One thing: 6’4” he’s not. I’m 6’ and he is just a bit taller, so maybe 6’2”. Otherwise, he’s just as advertised, and I’d hire him again.
  22. I had a session with him this morning and can confirm that he’s: A. Real B. Brazilian C. Hot af
  23. Well yes, there’s that! My trainer reminds me of straight jock friends of mine from high school. We banter a lot—he kids me about my boyfriends, I kid him about his girlfriends—it’s a hoot.
  24. Oh, absolutely. Flirting and arousal in the gym makes for a good porn scenario, but not necessarily a good workout. Frankly, if I or my trainer is CAPABLE of being horny in the middle of a hardcore workout, then one of us isn’t doing their job.
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