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Posts posted by GregM

  1. ¡WEPA! So I will be in San Juan for nye! Sooo excited! But I have no idea how to bring in the new year and the adventures that'll follow while I'm in San Juan since I've never been. Something informal and chill would be great, maybe something or some place the locals would enjoy. Please stay on topic and I have no desire to hear about Maria. She's done, gone and past. Ok? Ok.




  2. I quit in the middle of my chemotherapy. I had no choice. I was too week to walk outside since I didnt smoke inside. That was Aug 2016. I still get urges but knowing the effects of chemo I want to do what I can to lessen the chances of another 6 plus cycles. I gained weight partially to quiting smoking. So as a result I got off my ass got a trainer and am slimming down quite nicely. It's a matter of wanting it bad enough at the end of the day. You either want to really quit or you dont. I did. Finally. My savings is happier, my health is happier and I dont stink.




  3. Adding to the above that annoy me too.


    Grocery stores (not sure if it's Illinois, or local suburb/county) that hire cashiers under 21 year, who are unable to ring up adult beverages. You have to wait while they get on the phone to page someone to come over to just move the bottle across the scanner. Now, I look for the older cashiers and go in their line, unless I see a cashier who is a hottie.


    And, related to the above, (again not sure if it's Illinois, or local suburb/county), but annoyed when all of a sudden, each and every person, regardless of age, is asked for ID when buying an adult beverage. Then I have to shuffle through all the cards in my wallet to find the driver's license. I'm over 60, and while waiting for my groceries to be bagged, the women behind me, who appeared to be over 70, was asked for an ID. One day I said I didn't have it. They still sold it to me. The worst was when Target wanted to scan my drivers license. I said I no longer wanted to buy the bottle of wine. Haven't shopped at a Target for years.


    Checkers who are 18 can now sale adult bevies in IL. Yes that was a very stupid and bothersome rule. As for the adult bevie and ID yes that is a pain the ass but you can thank the states liquor board and sue happy cunts. Because of one or the other or both businesses that sale adult beverages have to be vigilant about ID's. One wrong move could cost someone their job and BOTH the worker and business will get a fine and it cost the business their liquor license. I know it's a pain in the ass but you can thank your lawmakers. Heres a story for you. In Seattle I was a checker. A guy who had one too many tried to buy beer from me. I denied him. Security followed him out. When security came back I was told it was a good thing I denied him because he came close to getting hit. Had I sold him the beer and he cracked it open theres a good chance I and my employer would had been fined and my employer would had lost their license to sale alcohol for a while. I would say a good 20% of our sales were beer and wine.




  4. I have this credit card company that keeps bugging me every quarter to ‘sign up to activate a bonus cash back’ at specific merchants or categories (eg restaurants). Of course they remind me 5 times via text and email. It just annoys the hell out of me! I already pay the annual fee, just service my account already!! o_O


    Do you have similar annoying things that pushes your buttons? Please share/vent (even if it is a ‘first world problem’, I will totally judge you!!)


    Here, I’ll get you started:

    1. Public transportation delays (it’s a train, it runs on a rail...how complicated can that be?)

    2. Misbehaving kids at a restaurant (where is that duct tape?)

    3. Bicycles on the sidewalk (it is called a sideWALK!)

    4. Road works with most of the crew standing around doing nothing (don’t even get me started!)

    5. Those ‘extra charges’ you don’t know about but seems to show up everywhere (airlines, cable bill - you know it!). :D


    Imma address #1. I live in Chicago and take the L daily just about. Idk what it is this summer but it seems like theres been a lot of fires on different lines and unfortunately people feel the needs to play on the tracks. Somethings are beyond the operators control and they must sit till whatever is in the way is clear. Yes it is annoying especially if one is trying to get home or some where important but that's the joy of public transport.




  5. What do you do if your phone is lost or stolen, or not working?


    My phone is locked and to get into the Samsung Pay you need to know my pin. The phone is only a year old so I'm not expecting any issues with it. I still carry the plastic but I'm tired of the extra stuff in my pockets.




  6. Men carry purses here too, they're just not called purses-daypacks, briefcases, totes, etc. Designers and mens wear manufacturers keep trying to interest American men in purses, but they're just not biting. The marketing/advertising hasn't hit the mark yet. Some time, somebody will come up with the right formula and the trend will spread like wildfire.


    I carry a backpack with me just about every where. I refuse to pay more into an obsolete bloated mismanaged city pension fund paying 7 cents per plastic bag.




  7. I carry my wallet in my front pocket. I keep it there so wandering hands in crowded places dont get sticky. But honestly I'm thinking of ditching the wallet. The only thing I use out of it is my bus card. My debit and credit cards are on my Samsung pay and that's how I pay for everything, tap the phone on the pos and I'm out. I look forward to when plastic cards are totally obsolete.




  8. I'm happy to report all the doom and gloom of Tj was well not true. Everyone I came across were very nice and friendly. I was never addressed in English so I'm assuming I blended in although I'm one of the light skinned Mexis. So for all those that are soooooo afraid of what American fake news media tells ya or what happened 30 yrs ago, stay state side. More tacos and what not for me!




  9. I remember seeing her just a few years ago at the Chicago Theater. Her voice wasn't all there but being in the same room with such a legend was an honor. She earned her respect and I'm so glad I was able to see her perform before she passed. She's gone physically but her music is timeless and will be forever remembered and enjoyed. R.I.P to the Queen of soul.




  10. I have not yet set up an hour meeting. The shortest meeting I schedule is 3 hours and usually it’s a 4 hour meetings so we can get to know each other and not feel rushed. Am I strange for doing so?


    Nope. If that's what you like that's what you like. Personally I prefer the multi hour appt for those very reasons. The pump n dump appts are fine but the multi hour ones are the best so that things can happen organically and not be rushed.




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