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Posts posted by GregM

  1. No I dont like buying clothes online. Sizes and cuts differ from brand to brand. As much as I HATE shopping I would rather get what I need straight away rather than waiting for an item to be delivered, find out it doesnt fit, send it back and wait for the right size to arrive. I will buy everything else online though. I get monthly shipments of seafood from Alaska and ethically raised meats that are both wonderful.




  2. All this is correct. There’s absolutely no connection between the foundation of the Republican Party and the Federalist. The Democratic Party has its roots in the Democratic-Republican party that was led by Thomas Jefferson.


    Currently both political parties are in their death throes. The parties are modeled after 20th century coalitions which are breaking down. Deservedly so. Party leaders are flailing in their efforts to adapt to early 21st century dynamics. The Democratic Party is morphing to a democratic socialist party along European lines. The Republican Party is morphing into a populist party.


    The Democratic Party is in just as bad a shape as the Republicans. Both led by clueless Elitists hell bent on holding on to power and the money that flows from it. Only a fool places trust in either of these parties. Personally I want to see both these political parties destroyed.


    :eek: Did you borrow my tin foil hat?




  3. That is weird that it is higher in late summer and fall. The article does not explain why. I tend to rim the same no matter what the season.


    I wonder if the time frame is due to people taking last minute warm weather holidays or getting g in as much sexy time before they hunker down for fall and winter? I think in general summer through fall is when clinics see the most sti cases due to people being more social cause of nice weather.




  4. Greg in reality history is ALWAYS written by the winners – that’s a fact. A corollary to that statement is that might ALWAYS makes right. The truth is that these two facts are more neutral than “good” or “bad” they are simply historical facts.


    Here are some examples. Consider how the history books would read if Adolph Hitler and Nazi German had won World War II or how the history books would read if Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy had won the U.S. Civil War. Additionally consider how the history books would read if Native Americans had won the Indian Wars in the U.S. or how the history books would read if Mexico had won the Mexican-American War. The outcomes of these conflicts are fact. What we need to do is be thankful for the outcome of the first two and not make excuses to rationalize the behavior of the losers. In the second two examples we need to make an attempt to address the problems created by those victories without attempting to rewrite the entire history of those conflicts.


    The final fact is that we should take everything we see, hear and read with a grain of salt. Most authors and commentators have a point of view (axe to grind) and we need to be aware of exactly what it is and how it affects the truth of their writings or comments.


    And often times the winners like to embellish or leave out important things that happened because it might make them look unfavorable. Again I take history with a grain of salt. Theres always two sides to a story.




  5. I'm on my way to work from the gym and on the bus I just past a restaurant with signage saying American fare. What is American fare? This country is such a jumbled up bunch of cultures from all over the world how can food be "American"? This really confuses me.




  6. I'm damn near a total carnivore. When the choice come between steak and pasta it's a no brainer for me - STEAK. I look forward to dying, some day, in the distant future, with a piece of blood rare steak in one hand and a very nice glass of red wine in the other.


    Will you marry me?




  7. I would suggest Chicago. Theres tons to do just about year round from fests, cultural stuff to food. We have an amazing lake and nice beaches . The weather isnt as bad as some say. I've been here for eight years and have yet to really dread winter. If you dress properly and pullup your big girl panties it isnt bad. Being prepared and dressing properly are key. Those that complain are often times the ones who failed to be prepared. Summers are the best! Lazy days by the lake, dippin your toes in the cool water, the beautiful sun rise.....I dont see myself leaving for another four years.




  8. I've been told that by my oncologist and my primary. I took their advice because 1. I respect their opinions 2. There was a bad mark on some labs (nothing contagious) But I have never had someone I've only known for 10 mins be as rude as this um gentleman. I'm sure you handled the situation with utmost class and sophistication.




  9. There are different regional varieties of Mexican food. The place I like here the owners are from Michoacan. They even import soft drinks in glass bottles! I've not seen that offered at the grocery store in a long while.





    I love when that happens!

    All major grocery store offer Coke and Pepsi in the bottles. You will find them in the Mexi section of the grocery store. I haven't checked but I'm certain you could probably order them off Amazon as well.




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