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  1. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to jawjateck in Be careful of what you tell other members   
    Some randos get bent out of shape if your 411 reply isn't a porn-quality script with every detail of the encounter.
  2. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to jjkrkwood in Plastic surgery - would you consider it?   
    Most definitely, proper makeup is an ART, and can work wonders. Its all about being "understated" and natural to bring out your Beauty. When you do it RIGHT, you will command any room you walk into ! BUT when the time comes for a little nip & tuck, you should be open to it....God is a miracle worker, but a good doctor comes in Second....
  3. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Rudynate in Plastic surgery - would you consider it?   
    I would do it for a problem area like urs Rudy.
  4. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from + OliverSaks in Physical pleasure from bottoming   
    I thought u were a quaint victorian lady waiting for a gentleman caller during the holidays and now this?
  5. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from LADoug1 in Clients acting out...is it hate?   
    Lets stop taking the bait!! Ignore
  6. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Asking for Stats?   
    i'll say!
  7. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to Guy Fawkes in an overall suggestion : no more novels!   

  8. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in Clients acting out...is it hate?   
    Lets stop taking the bait!! Ignore
  9. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to Bearofdistinction in Has Anyone Confronted You About Being Gay?   
    Oh Yeah - On the Way in to Philly Gay Pride - Protesters Born=Again baggity Bigots -
    At Asbury Park NJ Pride -- Curse at and Spit on by old Black Church ladies - the weirdest part was that they had FABULOUS Hats!
    In the Parking lot of a Bar west of Ft Lauderdale -- Pickup trucks full of rednecks
    We eventually got tired of it and set up a trap for them and trapped them btwn 4 MEGA TRUCKS -- Then we surrounded them with bats and lug wrenches == beat up their trucks -- Pulled Some of the Pissboy outta the truck beds - spit and pissed on them - pants them in the parking lot - made fun of their lil winkys - covered them in bar garbage -- etc. Plus all the verbal abuse heap onto their big egos and lil dicks --
    Amazingly enough - they never bothered the bar again
    At a Candle light vigil for Matthew Sheppard --
    At a display of the AIDS Quilt -- When some Breeder from the crowd Rubes pulled out his dick to piss on a secti0n of the quilt --- He was Tackled in less than 5 seconds and dragged out across the asphalt while people cursed and screamed at him.
    We did not win them all --- I got chased by three Bikers down A1A (Ocean Drive) During Spring Break along with two Drag Queens -- When we were out promoting Shows/Spring Break Specials -- The Cops just laughed -- We made it into the Guest Side Gate at the Marlin Beach Hotel --- We quickly raised a counter attack and the bikers Disappeared!
  10. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to + Tarte Gogo in an overall suggestion : no more novels!   
    Related: copying and pasting 12 paragraphs from news stories: I don't see the point.
    I can read the papers on my own, why pasting it here without any commentary or added value of any kind?
  11. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to Smurof in an overall suggestion : no more novels!   
    I love this board, and have been posting going on 1 year. For those with lots and lots to say, make your key points and limit them to no more than a paragraph. Otherwise, your content is primarily ignored.
    Mostly political rants are guilty of this, but we're for the most part here to interact with others about things that don't require too much to reply about, and certainly not looking at something "War & Peace"-esque.
  12. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to Strafe13 in Asking for Stats?   
    It looks to me like you're being intentionally provocative, and that you were unnecessarily insensitive and dismissive of that poster's expression of why he gets uncomfortable when escorts ask him for stats. Then you caught an attitude when I pointed out that there was nothing wrong with that poster's post, and that he explained himself well enough. You've since changed the goal posts by claiming that I was saying something that I never said, or even intimated. Then, to top it off, you ignored my offer of my own personal example of how a really good escort managed my fears, which I presented in a good faith effort to move the discussion forward by moving past mere criticism to show a constructive example. You instead responded by saying that I, a client, "could try" to suggest how escorts should best deal with their clients' fears and anxieties. That was completely disingenuous, and you already know that.
    You've consistently demonstrated that on this thread at least, you're primarily interested in making passive-aggressive, insulting comments towards your fellow forum members, rather than engaging with us in good faith. That's unfortunate, and I wish that you hadn't reacted so negatively to my defending of that poster. What you characterized as "lecturey," was actually my diplomatic effort to refrain from criticizing your posts more directly, by using harsher language, because I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. It's a shame that you took it that way. Have a good night, sir.
  13. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to + HornyRetiree in Asking for Stats?   
    I offer the info up front and offer a picture too - Not interested in wasting time and $$$$ on someone who doesn't appreciate the opportunity to be with me!!!!
  14. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to + VeryHappyCustomer in Asking for Stats?   
    It goes both ways:

    Men who advertise their limits are jerks. I'm not attracted to jerks. I don't want to fuck them.
    I share my stats before meeting, to warn off men who won't want to fuck me.

  15. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to + StLouisOct in Asking for Stats?   
    I usually describe myself up front to ensure the guy will be interested in an older client. In one case, the escort was a slim and versatile, and wanted to make sure I wasn’t a 300 pound guy with a 10 incher who wanted to pound the hell out of him (I’m not). I thought his concerns and questions were valid and reasonable.
  16. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from KennF in Clients acting out...is it hate?   
    I have learned in business that if a client is a dick prior to signing the papers he will be a dick to deal with after.
  17. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Clients acting out...is it hate?   
    Lets stop taking the bait!! Ignore
  18. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to MikeyGMin in Needing some advice about my hire tomorrow   
    Honestly it doesn't sound like you've done your homework at all. There have been a boatload of threads on this topic where people have provided very valuable links where you can get the actual science. Do a search on "HIV transmission" or something like that.
    I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't tell whether you are just uninformed or phobic. Neither bode well for a very successful session with a guy who has gone out of his way to be honest and upfront with you.
  19. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Mydavid in Physical pleasure from bottoming   
    Better bring a flashlight and victorian dictionary.
  20. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Mydavid in Physical pleasure from bottoming   
    I thought u were a quaint victorian lady waiting for a gentleman caller during the holidays and now this?
  21. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from Mydavid in Physical pleasure from bottoming   
    Bull in the china shop. ugh
  22. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Physical pleasure from bottoming   
    It was the cum stains on his petticoat that gave it away, wasn't it?
  23. Like
    Deadlift1 got a reaction from JBrian72 in Clients acting out...is it hate?   
    I have learned in business that if a client is a dick prior to signing the papers he will be a dick to deal with after.
  24. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to LivingnLA in Are You Homophobic?   
    It feels private. Like when I'm with my wife. I apologize, but I'd rather not "SPILL."
    It's unusual for me. Poly has always been intellectually and philosophically interesting but theoretical. I haven't had time to go over everything and settle my thoughts and feelings, but I suspect this man, who's well over a decade younger and happily engaged to a wonderful woman, means more to me than "just" a fbuddy. It's the strangest and most intimate mentor/mentee relationship I've ever had and I need to navigate all of this carefully.
  25. Like
    Deadlift1 reacted to LivingnLA in Are You Homophobic?   
    This is such a wonderful thread. Thank you again for creating it @Lance_Navarro and to everyone for contributing so openly and generously.
    I imagine it's clear from my post history that I have a "thing" for "straight guys." I've spent years working on my internalized homophobia, racism, and sexism. I've been able to "turn down the volume" on many irrational fears and thoughts developed over my lifetime. I've learned many interesting things about myself and where I come from and I hope that has made me a better father, husband, and man.
    One of the most challenging issues that I struggle with to this day, is the foundational sexism that underpins homophobia and how that is informed by racism. It's undoubtedly self-absorbed to think so, but I feel as though my emotions are uniquely challenging because I love my wife and the life I've built with her and I also enjoy sex with men. In some ways, I've never felt so free or had such amazing sex as when I'm on my back watching a well built man look down at me as he fucks me. The way it feels to have my legs held open. To want him deeper. The desire to pull him down to kiss him is a very new feeling for me. To realize that my role can be so very different in that situation and what it does to my self-concept and my point of view.
    I'm rambling some-what, because this profound experience happened this week with a straight guy I've known for many years. I know all of the variables leading up to this experience but I haven't fully processed everything. So you're getting this some-what stream-of-consciousness. I am sorry if it's incoherent. Discoveries frequently are chaotic, accidental, or even tangential. I look forward to processing this recent experience and trying to understand what it means to and for me.
    All of this, though, I hope will largely be a relic in a generation or two. At least for those privileged enough to have good educations and Internet access. I see it in my kids. My oldest son has a fluidity to his intimacy, physicality, and sexuality that's incredibly challenging for me to understand but as his father, I'm incredibly proud of him. And his siblings are even more complex in some ways. On these topics, I for one, look forward to a brighter future built by the next generation. I hope they consign much of this old baggage to the dustbin of history, where it belongs.
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