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Posts posted by oldNbusted

  1. you said I made an ad hominem, and I provided citations, I’m not sure what else I could do


    I explained the science as basically as I could, I did “appeal to expert” but doubt that you’re gonna read an endocrinology text or journal article to try to dunk on me


    Would you ever admit you were wrong or that you just don’t know much about this topic? I would say it is unlikely, you’re entitled to your feelings but THIS IS SCIENCE! ?


    I looked quite closely, but didn't find any links to sources in your posts, #104 or #105. #104 has links but I don't see a link to the story you are citing.


    I marked this post as insulting since you 1) mischaracterized my posts; 2) proceeded to a conclusion about me based on an uninformed assumption you made about me.


    Additionally, I think you know, a single citation is just a starting point. Putting "science" in all caps is really not helping.

  2. I’m not wrong here lol


    An endocrinology professor in undergrad, an expert in his field, shed light on the lay public’s understanding of hormones in food. The body treats the molecules in food just like it does other things, as something that is broken down and re-used from its constitutive parts. It isn’t like it just gets absorbed... the molecules are large and our digestive systems are robust.


    additionally, the notion that phytoestrogens act with the same affinity for receptors as estrogen compounds made by humans, is not correct, and therefore a simple mg to mg comparison is very simplistic


    Argument by assertion is also a logical fallacy.

  3. citation, from the Washington Post:


    “In a recent report for Tri-State Livestock News, Stangle crunches some serious numbers. He compares the estrogen levels found in the Impossible Whopper to those in the original Whopper, based on their protein sources (beef for the original, and soy for the plant-based one). The Impossible Whopper, Stangle concludes, has 44 milligrams of estrogen compared to just 2.5 nanograms in the beef Whopper.

    “Now let me refresh your metric system,” Stangle writes. “There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an impossible whopper [sic] has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper [sic]. Just six glasses of soy milk per day has enough estrogen to grow boobs on a male.

    It’s worth noting that Tri-State Livestock News is, according to its About Us page, a trade publication for the livestock industry, and the “growth and success of Tri-State Livestock News is due to the long-term support from the publication’s stockmen and agribusiness customer base.” As The Post’s Laura Reiley noted in a story this year, “Many of the country’s 800,000 cattle ranchers have declared war on newcomers Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat,” two of the leading companies responsible for plant-based meats. Impossible Foods supplies the patties for the Impossible Whopper.

    It’s also worth noting that conservative news outlets, such as National File and MichaelSavage.com,”



    My dictionary defines ad hominem as: (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. Nothing in this text suggests the facts stated are wrong.

  4. On what grounds do you deem it appropriate, if any, for an escort to justifiably increase his rate? Would you pay or would you expect to be “grandfathered” in?


    With heightened experience in any job, one would either expect a raise or price his services accordingly. Factor in increased popularity, an aesthetic overhaul, or years in the business. Do you feel an escort is entitled to increase his rates?


    How many of you have spent more on your faves due to increased demand? How many of you have severed ties?


    We are in the longest economic expansion in modern history. Rates for everything are going up. If someone says rates can't go up now, they are basically saying rates can never go up, a stance that doesn't withstand any scrutiny, in my opinion, of course.

  5. I'm not sure the board gets it if they think that the CEO taking the high jump puts them in the clear,


    This was from Tuesday morning's breakfast show on Radio National.



    The stock market was demanding a sacrifice. The cynic in me says this is not about the original issue but about 'mishandling' the aftermath.

  6. United has dropped the Max from schedules until June.


    The Boeing Starliner test flight to the space station did not succeed.


    They could really use some good news and they are not getting it.

  7. Texted him on Saturday for his rate which he gave swiftly (300) Texted him again the same day to set the exact day and time for an appointment because he told me booking in advance was best. No text back and have not heard from him since.


    He pulled something similar the last time his ad was up and I tried to arrange a meeting.




    So it wasn't just me.... :cool:

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