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  1. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Kevin Slater in Pit Bulls   
    I just dog sat for my friend who has a Pit Bull & a Maltese. I never met the 2 dogs and I didn't really have much exposure to Pit Bulls so I was a little apprehensive. She assured me that they were both good dogs. When she dropped them off at my house and I saw her, the Pit Bull, for the 1st time I was almost ready to renege on my commitment. She was very intimidating and built like a brick shithouse. She was a solid piece of muscle and for her size I couldn't believe how agile she was, She could be running towards you at full speed and stop & turn on a dime. She was one of the sweetest dogs I ever met. By the end of the week I was in love with both of them and wanted to keep them. The two of them were so funny together like an older sister and kid brother. It was the little guy that was the instigator though. He would get her to chase him around the coffee table in my living until she got bored and layed down then he would jump across her back stopping every once in a while to get a humpty hump in. He could do anything he wanted with her and she didn't seem to be bothered. They would sleep next to each other or sometimes I found him between her front legs with his body over one of her legs as if they were doggy spooning.

    Saying something like that is like someone saying all Mexicans are rapists or all Muslims are terrorists. You know like the current POTUS does. Not every Pit Bull, breed of dog, or breed of human being can be put into the same box solely because of their breed. I'm so glad I didn't let my apprehension or ignorance rob me of the wonderful experience I had
  2. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from rhicks408 in 411 on Caarloos in New York   
    Wow that really portrays this kid in a bad light when you quote only part of what he wrote. When I look at his profile I see "I also goes white party 24 hrs." In case you didn't know The White Party is a circuit party at which the standard clothing is all or almost all white. They are held several times a year in various cities in the U.S and around the world. The next to take place is the White Party Palm Springs from April 27th thru April 30th in Palm Springs, California. This is the 29th Annual White Party Palm Springs, a three-day festival of entertainment, which attracts over 30,000 people of the LGBTQ+ community, with music by renowned DJ’s and with a headline performance-by Grammy Award winner, Kylie Minogue. There is a charitable aspect as well since most are linked up with a local LGBTQ related charity.
    Yes it could be argued he mentions party earlier in his post also. Reading the entire post and how its written, I'm guessing English is not his 1st language. So maybe we could cut the kid some slack. Besides when did "party" become such a dirty, ugly word and it's mere mention and you are automatically branded a coke whore, crack head, tweaker, dope fiend, e-tard and oh yes lets include stoner. Why isn't someone who drinks alcohol automatically branded an alcoholic?
    Great you don't like drugs nor do you want to be involved with people who do. But when I looked at this posting the title was "411 on Carlos" not 411 on member X, member y, or member z. AND for all those who feel the need to state their like or dislike of the subject of an OP's 411, nobody gives a rat's booty whether you think he is hot or not. 411 is slang for information not validation or opinionm
  3. Like
    Rangar reacted to + jeezopete in Manzillian   
    Ask Oliver Hudson (actor, son of Bill Hudson & Goldie Hawn) to share his experience. Oh, wait...Ellen already asked him. The discussion starts at about the 5:16 mark.

  4. Like
    Rangar reacted to Rod Hagen in Beautiful Commercial   
    Sorry if someone posted this already, but what a beautiful ad. The nonchalance of the woman/partner of the man who blows his nose into the sink is wonderful.
  5. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from BabyBoomer in 411 for feedback on Lianhot   
    Yes it is the same guy. Pics are accurate. He is a nice guy. Don't know why he changed his name but I've noticed a lot do it it... good ones & fake ones. Language barrier a little challenging but muddled through
  6. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Ronin512 in 411 for feedback on Lianhot   
    Yes it is the same guy. Pics are accurate. He is a nice guy. Don't know why he changed his name but I've noticed a lot do it it... good ones & fake ones. Language barrier a little challenging but muddled through
  7. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + glutes in 411 on Fitness aka XLBigAlex24   
    He has a review from CoutureDesigner a known fake reviewer
  8. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + g56whiz in Ever Hear Of A Human & Canine Restaurant?   
    I'd rather dine with dogs than small children or infants.

  9. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + Avalon in Ever Hear Of A Human & Canine Restaurant?   
    I'd rather dine with dogs than small children or infants.

  10. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + tassojunior in Ever Hear Of A Human & Canine Restaurant?   
    I'd rather dine with dogs than small children or infants.

  11. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Your Music   
    OMG I forgot the Hoodoo Gurus. My friend is gonna kill me.

  12. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Your Music   
    I Love The Cure my all time fav is Just Like Heaven

    I would also add in no particular order

    Joy Division/New Order


    Depeche Mode
  13. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + Reisr30 in Your Music   
    I Love The Cure my all time fav is Just Like Heaven

    I would also add in no particular order

    Joy Division/New Order


    Depeche Mode
  14. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Populist Fury in Your Music   
    I Love The Cure my all time fav is Just Like Heaven

    I would also add in no particular order

    Joy Division/New Order


    Depeche Mode
  15. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Brutus in OMG He can't be real! Can he?   
    He is real but not the person who is advertising. The pics are definitely Rodrigo if you check his instagram https://www.instagram.com/rodrigobrxx/?hl=es-la or his twitter account
    you will probably find them there. BTW he used to advertise on RM but I think he might have signed an exclusive contract with Meninosonline www.meninosonline.net or something because when he started showing in all there pop up ads is about the time I noticed his ad was gone. I also noticed his recent videos he stays hard better, gotta love modern medicine, if that's what it is.
  16. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in 10 Countries That Completely Hate Gay People   
    That's the American way and the reason we have the president we have. It's the motto of the Republican party. Now if we could just stop all those damn immigrants all you Redneck Republicans who voted for me would prosper beyond your wildest dreams. You will get a bigger slice of the welfare pie and won't have think about how YOU contributed to your lot in life.
  17. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Gadfly22 in What is it with these Brooklyn guys?   
    This is the second ad by this dude. 1st go round he was MixxyVincent (ad is now gone) when I Googled his pictures then I got a couple hits to Porn Actor Italo from HotBoysBr. Not wasting my time again pretty sure he's a fake but would be happy to be proven wrong.
    BTW if you log onto A4A with an iPhone you can do a screen grab by pressing touch key and on/off button simultaneously of any unlocked pictures and do a reverse search from your phone or email them to yourself to do reverse search on your computer. IDK if Android, et.al., has the same ability to do screen grab.
  18. Like
    Rangar reacted to sexymonk in Gamble Payed off! Lucasstrom is legit.   
    Oh yes. But we need to verify you first as you are novice here. Let the statement come from some well established member. Still the negative reviewers are not questionable at this point! It will be guilty until proven innocent!
  19. Like
    Rangar reacted to MikeBiDude in This Tattoo thing.   
    Tattoo police abound on the forum!

  20. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + kov78 in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
  21. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from Kenny in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
  22. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from liubit in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
  23. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from MikeBiDude in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
  24. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
  25. Like
    Rangar got a reaction from samhexum in This Tattoo thing.   
    God, grant me the serenity to accept that some people like and get tattoos,
    The courage to stop whining about those that do,
    And the wisdom to realize that it is none of my damn business anyway.
    Can I get an Amen….AMEN
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