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Posts posted by Smurof

  1. Says: his name is Jake from Brooklyn, was just out in L.A. and heading to Vegas in a couple weeks, $350/hr for stand and pose, doesn't bottom, other things are an upcharge. He used the Eric’s Gym chat room ID of Pro_MBBer_Escort.

    Gave his email as iamjakesizemore@gmail.com but I did not note his number for texting.

    Did not reply in chat when I asked if he was on RentMen or Daddy's. Google didn't help. Anybody recognize?


    http://i63.tinypic.com/120pgdv.jpg http://i65.tinypic.com/ncjdc5.jpg

    When it's already $350 and up-charging is involved, I'll just admire the pics for free, thanks!

  2. My mother is an impossible person to be around (which is where I suppose I get that from). A sticking point other people have with her and never want her in their home again is her demanding the tv gets put on a channel she wants to watch, and won't let it go until people relent, as they grumble she will never be invited back.


    What is the protocol? I say if you're a guest, whatever the home you're at has on (even if it's violent R-rated war films at full volume) is their business. It's their home. Eating at my mother's home for me is never an option, as she is a horrible cook and unsanitary to boot, using unwashed bare hands to scoop ice into glasses! :eek:

  3. are you going to have trouble/difficulty topping him now?......


    if not, proceed as before.....you knew he was G4P before, right?......


    this really isn't that weird......are you just a little "punched in the stomach"-feeling about it now or is it going to affect the whole session?


    hell, my go-to guy has admitted he has about five kids with five different women

    I had a co-worker who had 5 kids with 5 different men, and gave them all the last names of the 1 night stand dads! I don't get that at all. At least she knew their last names. :rolleyes:

  4. What you could have done, although hindsight is 20 / 20, is schedule and appointment and then at the end tell him since you pre-paid, we're good now. What could he do? It's not like he can get mad, as you've already given the donation ahead of time.


    I learned the hard way in the employment world to never, ever loan money. I was fired for reporting a co-worker to my boss for not paying a $100 loan back, even after she hit a $2,000 casino jackpot 2 months after I gave her the money. Turns out the reason she wasn't reprimanded at all was because she was sleeping with my boss! :eek: :(

  5. In Las Vegas, once. I had a crush on the instructor, and prefer my private yoga one on ones at a higher donation rate (no sex, just my nudity and yoga). I did get partnered with a hot muscular young black man at the one session I attended, but for him, being paired with me was clearly a nightmare, as he threw his clothes on and sped off immediately when it was finished! Hairy ass, short in height and cock size, sweaty mess, bad balance : at least now I'm only 3 of the 4. Those elevator shoes work wonders :p

  6. The school I went to was in a ritzy spoiled kid area, not anywhere close in proximity to where I lived or where I ended up. The worst part of ghetto school was public bus transportation didn't exist due to budget cuts, so I walked 5 and a half miles to and from school every day. The plus I guess is that when people think you're poor, they don't waste time mugging you!

  7. Yes, and Halloween led to my early education downfall. I was illegally going to a great school in a district I didn't live in, many miles from where the home I lived in was. A kid I went to school with came to my home to trick-or-treat, which I couldn't blame since my upper middle class neighborhood kicked ass with good candy. His mom asked if that was my house, and I spilled the beans. Turns out everything came crashing down at once, as my mother was operating a scam business, so in a very short time we went from flying high to living in a ghetto slum pretty much overnight. :eek: :oops: :(

  8. Thanks all for the advice. I DID invite my friends to see a touring cover band, but nobody was interested. I'm presuming I suggested doing something too soon after they already went out together, considering we only go out about 5 times a year or so, and rarely close together in time. My closest friend in the bunch (the other bisexual) did ask me if I would ever consider gender re-assignment surgery, and she was serious! I am super feminine with my gestures, voice tone, and barf-inducing gossip, but I love having a penis and balls and have no intention of ever changing sexes. I simply need to change circles of friends.

  9. I find it strange they'd invite someone they themselves described as a "man-hater" out with a man.


    Years ago one of our book club members invited a new person, which we've always welcomed. This new person dominated the conversation, lectured people, continually brought up her qualifications as a former teacher. After the meeting, the friend who'd invited her moaned that "She did that in the last book club we were both in, I'm so sorry". I didn't understand why she'd invited her in the first place.

    The answer to your example is simple : Over time, she hoped her friend had become a better person, only to be sorely mistaken. It's almost certain the same mistake won't happen a 3rd time. SHE won't be welcome to book discussion groups anymore!

  10. My and a few girl friends of mine enjoy very occasionally socializing and going out in the evening. We go to bars with live music, trivia pub nights, community bingo fundraisers, etc. Two of us are bisexual, and two of us are lesbian. We've been doing this for a couple of years.


    The last time we went out, one of the girls brought along a new friend, who seemed nice but also wasn't comfortable with my gender from the vibe I was getting. Turns out she actually hates all men, according to her lesbian friend who I was least sociable with out of the three. I saw that the four of them without me went for a fun night out to see a play I would have gone to had I been invited.


    Does it make since the group has moved on from me solely because I'm a man? The self-conscious over-thinking takes over (did my shirt smell, is my laugh embarrassing, was my height disadvantage too much to bear since all three were tall by comparison?).

  11. Spanking an ass real hard and jumping on top of guys in a big pile doesn't seem like "straight" behavior, yet in sports people don't bat an eye when this happens. Truth be told, when I was younger I enjoyed doing well in sports because I WANTED my muscle ass to be touched (but thankfully I wasn't ever on a championship team, as I would get hurt in a pile-up).

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